smlm, at 2.20 a.m, my family n i went to Kolam Air Panas Gadek.. its about 30-45minutes driving to go there.. actually my mom ade rashes about a month ago.. pnt dh die g doktor but its not getting any better.. myb its because of the hot wave.. so many disease occured worldwide.. so.. my mom decide to go to the hot-spring.. pnt gak aku n dak echa pjuk ayh aku g.. haha.. yela.. nk g lewat2 mlm.. nk g siang, mcm pelik la plak.. skrg ni kn freaking hot..
b4 that, back at home, i felt excited to go swimming pool coz i'v been longing to swim.. so, i've bring along my goggle.. but my sis who had go there before laugh at me and say its hot! ko xkn nk swim nyer lah.. she said.. tp aku x pcaya, so aku bwk gak.. huhu..
bila tiba kt sane, rmai gak manusia altho its late.. dr jalan aku dh nmpk kwsan tu steamy.. and from inside, it really is! we chose a small pool as it is the only one that not occupied by anyone..
when i put my legs in it, its so damn hot! ok2.. imagine u put more than 3/4 boiling water in a cup or any bekas, n u fill it with normal water until full.. this is the temperature of the hot-spring water in the small pool..
my mom pon x brani nk msuk.. so.. ktorg main2 kt gg air jek.. tp.. at the same time, ktorg rse sgt pelik, y other people at other bigger pool mcm steady jek.. siap rendam2 lg.. pastu ttb ade 1 kolam yg slightly bigger than ours kosong.. so, ktorg pon pindah.. well.. its not as hot as the small pool.. its still hot.. but, well, we hv taste a hotter pool.. so, ktorg pon berendam la.. ayh aku jek xmo rendam.. die x thn pns.. haha..
tapi ktorg x brendam lme pon.. kul 4.15 dh blk.. xthn.. mak aku dh mcm mual smacam.. na'ah.. bkn morning sickness ye.. haha.. its 1 of the healing effect of bathing in hot-spring..
so, dlm kul 5 ktorg smpai umah.. pheww.. ngntok gle.. pas subuh, trus tdoq..
this is the picture of the place.. i just google it coz i really forgot to bring along my camera.. well.. lg pon, klo aku amik gmbo, nmpk sgt ktorg jakun.. haha.. org len xde pon amik2 gmbo..
kolam empat segi kecik tu yg 1st2 ktorg msuk.. n then ktorg g yg kolam bulat tu.. pastu aku g test air dlm kolam yg lg besar kat ujung tu.. dlm pix ni x nmpk.. huhu.. utk spe2 yg nk g, jgn amik kolam empat segi kecik tu.. its hot!
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