tetiba terasa nk buat bnda ni dlm blog coz new year is tomorrow..
in 2009
5 Best things happen in my life
- able to submit a thesis n graduated
- driving! haha.. its been a nitemare b4.. at last!
- break up.. huhu.. i'm single n free..
- i still hv my family with me
- i lose my weight due to swimming n not eating at nite during january to june..
5 Worst things happen in my life
- break up.. huu..
- i feel lonely on 1st n 2nd month of 1st sem s postgrad student.. the worst! i even cried..
- i gain my weight starting from june until now.. damn!
- feel like a loser
- semasa masih bgelar student final year, aku mkn megi utk dua hari bturut2 n mlmnyer lak x mkn lgsg.. sedih kn..
5 Best Movie i ever watch
- avatar
- phobia 2
- ice age 3
- bohsia
- papadom
5 Worst Movie i ever watch
- momok the movie
- blood : the last vampire (the worst!!!)
- my spy.. plg mbazir aku rse n annoying coz guys sitting beside me keep on bugging me..
( len xde kot.. )
5 Best TV prog i ever watch
- supernatural season 4
- kekasih ku seru..
- csi miami n vegas.. ny x best..
- american next top model
- nur kasih
The single most challenging thing that happened?
During fyp for BSc..
What was an unexpected joy this past year?
Urm.. unexpected? my life have been programmed n expected.. shud i say, nothing? urm.. dpt coklat in an unexpected things.. haha..
What was an unexpected obstacle?
urm.. sumthg.. that i cant share.. let it b with me..
What were the best books you read this year?
read so many of them.. cant choose.. i juz enjoy reading..
With whom were your most valuable relationships?
with all my besties.. not beast k.. hehe..
What was your biggest personal change from January to December of this past year?
lose n gain weight.. sigh*
In what way(s) did you grow emotionally?
when i break up? i learn that i'm immature in relationship.. make me think twice right now to luv sum1..
In what way(s) did you grow spiritually?
i dunno.. by remembering God n my parents in all things i did..
In what way(s) did you grow physically?
by eating a lot! haha
In what way(s) did you grow in your relationships with others?
urm.. b more talkative? dunno..
What was the most enjoyable area of managing your home?
hall? hehe..
What was your most challenging area of home management?
kitchen n bathroom.. there juz sum ppl who cant clean their own mess.. ntah hape2..
What was your single biggest time waster in your life this past year?
sleep n doing nothing! haha
What was the best way you used your time this past year?
go for swimming in the evening..
What was the biggest thing you learned this past year?
learn how to swim, how to drive on the road..
p/s: Xde la byk pon bnda blaku dlm idup aku spnjg 2009.. huhu.. ok la 2.. i wanna lead a normal life.. hehe
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
arini kwn aku ckp 1 bnda..
"sshla klo memilih sgt..
in the end, bl dh tpaksa, kt men cekup je apa yg ada dpn mata.. x jugak dpt yg terbaik..
moral of the story, jgn memilih sgt.. bl dh dpt seorg yg baik, hold him/her tightly..
"sshla klo memilih sgt..
in the end, bl dh tpaksa, kt men cekup je apa yg ada dpn mata.. x jugak dpt yg terbaik..
moral of the story, jgn memilih sgt.. bl dh dpt seorg yg baik, hold him/her tightly..
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
i really need to slim down a bit.. my weight is totally freak me out! 'thats' the limit i alwiz remind meself.. n now, its almost there.. its on the alarming lvl.. the light is now red! i have to control it..
my new year resolution is i wanna lead a healthier life..
mentally n physically healthy.. n not to forget, a healthier heart.. hee.. my wound is mended altho the scar is there, but hell, i dont gv a damn.. i know how i feel n i'm totally ok now..
my new year resolution is i wanna lead a healthier life..
mentally n physically healthy.. n not to forget, a healthier heart.. hee.. my wound is mended altho the scar is there, but hell, i dont gv a damn.. i know how i feel n i'm totally ok now..
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
i used to dreams about water.. usually its a big wave.. n usually, i juz look at it or running from it..
i hv dreamt about me, standing from a really high cliff but then the wave almost as high as the cliff too..
n its sumtimes terifying coz there's 1 time, i ran from a tsunami that came from the shore n from the land.. weird.. but that's what i dream.. i dont know if there is significant meaning about this..
n now, i used to dream that i'm swimming.. i dont know if this is the consequnce i got from learning how to swim.. its like i'm trying to learn how to swim properly in my dream..
n sum1 is alwiz there look out after me, which make me not scared to face the water..
i dont know.. i look at the meaning about swimming.. n its not a really good.. its like i'l have some trouble awaiting for me..
but i dont know.. i really dont..
a fren of mine usually dream about fire.. which is totally diff from me..
is theres sum kind of element things?
Pix credit to: Ben @ flickr
i hv dreamt about me, standing from a really high cliff but then the wave almost as high as the cliff too..
n its sumtimes terifying coz there's 1 time, i ran from a tsunami that came from the shore n from the land.. weird.. but that's what i dream.. i dont know if there is significant meaning about this..
n now, i used to dream that i'm swimming.. i dont know if this is the consequnce i got from learning how to swim.. its like i'm trying to learn how to swim properly in my dream..
n sum1 is alwiz there look out after me, which make me not scared to face the water..
i dont know.. i look at the meaning about swimming.. n its not a really good.. its like i'l have some trouble awaiting for me..
but i dont know.. i really dont..
a fren of mine usually dream about fire.. which is totally diff from me..
is theres sum kind of element things?
Friday, December 11, 2009
A boyish feeling i used to have..
ok.. tau x selama ni aku membesar dengan perasaan, best nyer kalo jd llk..
1st sb aku rse mcm llk ni powerful.. aku sgt kagum r ngn llk.. sume pon diorg mampu buat.. abg n ayh aku is my man idol.. haha..
2nd sb aku rse diorg ni happening gle.. xyah pon malu2 meow klo nk wat apa2.. bbnding ngn ppuan yg slalu kne jg tgkah laku nyer..
3rd sb aku ada abg.. n wpon dlu kecik2 aku slalu je maen game rambo ke, game keta ke,. bina kubu dlm umah ke, tgk cite ganeh ke mcm cite judge dread (x silap aku g tgk wyg ngn ayh n abg aku kat pggung cathay.. time 2, 2 je la pggung yg feymes kt mlk ni.. gsc pon xde lg.. ganeh x?).. but stil aku terbatas on certain things.. cth nyer, abg aku leh kuar ngn cousin aku merayau2.. but not me.. kne dok umh.. xleh join diorg men tgh pns.. diorg leh g jusco utk beli tape ultraman, tapi aku xleh.. busan btul..
4th sb aku sndri rse, busannya jd ppuan.. coz we hv to grow up with this kind of physical.. u know what i mean? i think its burdensome tau.. lps tu bru la i learn that this is what they call the 'assets'.. whateva..
5th sb ppuan kne dress up well.. argh!! nympah aku bl idup d kelilingi ppuan yg aku rse sumenye fake sb u know, appearance can lead to wrong judgement.. x smestinya org tu well dress, diorg well mannered.. btul x? haha.. mls gle aku.. but thank God, my mom n dad prefer we wear sumthg that is comfortable, menutup aurat n not so flashy.. coz u know.. fancy dresses not only attracted boys (which can lead to mslh so-sial) but also attract people who u shudnt attract (phm2 ler.. perampok ke.. pencopet ke.. ada phm? ye r.. die tgk ko pkai cantek je, mesti igt ko ank org kaya kn.. isk2..)
6th sb aku rse ppuan adalah seorg yg serabut.. huahaha.. bl aku besar.. indeed! mmg serabut.. sorry guys.. cant run away.. haha..
Ok, frankly.. this feelings still have.. but not so strong lar.. i luv being a girl rite now!
1... wpon skrg ni aku stil tgk cite ganeh, tp aku dh start lyn luv story gak.. universal la tu kn.. ok r..
2... bsyukur dgn fizikal n perasaan seorg ppuan.. best apa jd ppuan.. llk xleh express feeling sgt.. haha..
3... wearing sumthg girlish kdg2 (but most of the time, i prefer simple clothing).. it does attract man.. haha..
4... ingin mcari seorg llk yg boleh dikagumi n can b rely on like abg n ayh aku.. amin.. moga btemu..
5... aku terima fitrah seorg ppuan ialah mpunyai sifat malu.. pcaya x aku seorg yg pemalu? haha.. mesti korg gelak bl bce.. this is me.. but.. bl aku semakin pndai bergaul dengan org, sifat malu tu harus aku buangkn.. malu biarlah bertempat.. cume kdg2 i can b very quiet at a time.. nak2 lg bl rmai org.. haha.. sopan apa klo senyap.. kn2? hehe..
Ada 1 je bnda yg aku kne redha sb jd ppuan.. kitorg stil makhluk Tuhan yang lemah.. wpon aku x suke, but i have to admit, itulah kenyataan.. kitorg jd lemah when it comes about dealing with man.. err.. fhm x?
i'm not talking about love lah.. haha.. but what i want to stress up is that, girls attract guys (bad guy i mean).. if u have a whole bunch of girls in ur car, u still look vulnerable.. size n quantity of girls doesnt matter to men.. bad guy stil can take advantage of ur weaknesses.. see what i mean?
Cthnye.. aku rse aku akan ok bl bwk kreta mlm2 or g mne2 bl mlm.. but what my dad sees, n my bro sees, n my God-sis's husband (i call him abg nora.. he like a real brother to me.. baik sgt.. igt lg mse aku kecik, die blom kawen lg ngn akk aku, die bwk kfc n kitorg lepak luar umah n mkn kfc smbil ngumpat2 psl org sblh.. haha..) sees is that, i'm a girl.. they r worried.. well.. good men worried about girls because of bad men (not batman k!), mmg ptt pon kan.. sb they all good! hee..
prnh 2 abg nora ascord aku blk dari umah die sb dh lewat mlm, walhal aku rse aku akn ok.. sb aku rse area tu ok lg.. x mcm kl kot.. kul 2pagi.. memang logik r kalo die risau.. haha..
arini, my mom tegur aku bl aku ckp nk kuar tgk wyg lps kul 10 (sb adik aku abeh keje kul 10mlm).. mak aku ckp, ayh aku nk tegur aku sb aku dh start blk lewat.. sblum d tegur oleh ayh, baik d tegur oleh mak.. wuwu.. selama ni aku igt diorg ok je.. lgpon diorg tau aku ke mne n aku slalu kuar ngn ppuan je.. shud b no prob.. tp rupa2nya, diorg risau.. shudnt blame them.. aku tau aku x ptt begitu.. siap ckp lg 'kalo ada abg, xpe gak'.. wuaaa~~ bestnyer jd llk.. pasni xleh blk lbh lewat dr kul 9.. hukhuk.. baiklah.. saya redha..
ok la.. ekceli perenggan ats ni je yg aku nk ckp.. punyalah pnjg mukadimah die.. haha..
1st sb aku rse mcm llk ni powerful.. aku sgt kagum r ngn llk.. sume pon diorg mampu buat.. abg n ayh aku is my man idol.. haha..
2nd sb aku rse diorg ni happening gle.. xyah pon malu2 meow klo nk wat apa2.. bbnding ngn ppuan yg slalu kne jg tgkah laku nyer..
3rd sb aku ada abg.. n wpon dlu kecik2 aku slalu je maen game rambo ke, game keta ke,. bina kubu dlm umah ke, tgk cite ganeh ke mcm cite judge dread (x silap aku g tgk wyg ngn ayh n abg aku kat pggung cathay.. time 2, 2 je la pggung yg feymes kt mlk ni.. gsc pon xde lg.. ganeh x?).. but stil aku terbatas on certain things.. cth nyer, abg aku leh kuar ngn cousin aku merayau2.. but not me.. kne dok umh.. xleh join diorg men tgh pns.. diorg leh g jusco utk beli tape ultraman, tapi aku xleh.. busan btul..
4th sb aku sndri rse, busannya jd ppuan.. coz we hv to grow up with this kind of physical.. u know what i mean? i think its burdensome tau.. lps tu bru la i learn that this is what they call the 'assets'.. whateva..
5th sb ppuan kne dress up well.. argh!! nympah aku bl idup d kelilingi ppuan yg aku rse sumenye fake sb u know, appearance can lead to wrong judgement.. x smestinya org tu well dress, diorg well mannered.. btul x? haha.. mls gle aku.. but thank God, my mom n dad prefer we wear sumthg that is comfortable, menutup aurat n not so flashy.. coz u know.. fancy dresses not only attracted boys (which can lead to mslh so-sial) but also attract people who u shudnt attract (phm2 ler.. perampok ke.. pencopet ke.. ada phm? ye r.. die tgk ko pkai cantek je, mesti igt ko ank org kaya kn.. isk2..)
6th sb aku rse ppuan adalah seorg yg serabut.. huahaha.. bl aku besar.. indeed! mmg serabut.. sorry guys.. cant run away.. haha..
Ok, frankly.. this feelings still have.. but not so strong lar.. i luv being a girl rite now!
1... wpon skrg ni aku stil tgk cite ganeh, tp aku dh start lyn luv story gak.. universal la tu kn.. ok r..
2... bsyukur dgn fizikal n perasaan seorg ppuan.. best apa jd ppuan.. llk xleh express feeling sgt.. haha..
3... wearing sumthg girlish kdg2 (but most of the time, i prefer simple clothing).. it does attract man.. haha..
4... ingin mcari seorg llk yg boleh dikagumi n can b rely on like abg n ayh aku.. amin.. moga btemu..
5... aku terima fitrah seorg ppuan ialah mpunyai sifat malu.. pcaya x aku seorg yg pemalu? haha.. mesti korg gelak bl bce.. this is me.. but.. bl aku semakin pndai bergaul dengan org, sifat malu tu harus aku buangkn.. malu biarlah bertempat.. cume kdg2 i can b very quiet at a time.. nak2 lg bl rmai org.. haha.. sopan apa klo senyap.. kn2? hehe..
Ada 1 je bnda yg aku kne redha sb jd ppuan.. kitorg stil makhluk Tuhan yang lemah.. wpon aku x suke, but i have to admit, itulah kenyataan.. kitorg jd lemah when it comes about dealing with man.. err.. fhm x?
i'm not talking about love lah.. haha.. but what i want to stress up is that, girls attract guys (bad guy i mean).. if u have a whole bunch of girls in ur car, u still look vulnerable.. size n quantity of girls doesnt matter to men.. bad guy stil can take advantage of ur weaknesses.. see what i mean?
Cthnye.. aku rse aku akan ok bl bwk kreta mlm2 or g mne2 bl mlm.. but what my dad sees, n my bro sees, n my God-sis's husband (i call him abg nora.. he like a real brother to me.. baik sgt.. igt lg mse aku kecik, die blom kawen lg ngn akk aku, die bwk kfc n kitorg lepak luar umah n mkn kfc smbil ngumpat2 psl org sblh.. haha..) sees is that, i'm a girl.. they r worried.. well.. good men worried about girls because of bad men (not batman k!), mmg ptt pon kan.. sb they all good! hee..
prnh 2 abg nora ascord aku blk dari umah die sb dh lewat mlm, walhal aku rse aku akn ok.. sb aku rse area tu ok lg.. x mcm kl kot.. kul 2pagi.. memang logik r kalo die risau.. haha..
arini, my mom tegur aku bl aku ckp nk kuar tgk wyg lps kul 10 (sb adik aku abeh keje kul 10mlm).. mak aku ckp, ayh aku nk tegur aku sb aku dh start blk lewat.. sblum d tegur oleh ayh, baik d tegur oleh mak.. wuwu.. selama ni aku igt diorg ok je.. lgpon diorg tau aku ke mne n aku slalu kuar ngn ppuan je.. shud b no prob.. tp rupa2nya, diorg risau.. shudnt blame them.. aku tau aku x ptt begitu.. siap ckp lg 'kalo ada abg, xpe gak'.. wuaaa~~ bestnyer jd llk.. pasni xleh blk lbh lewat dr kul 9.. hukhuk.. baiklah.. saya redha..
ok la.. ekceli perenggan ats ni je yg aku nk ckp.. punyalah pnjg mukadimah die.. haha..
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Nfon bru.. pinku2.. ^^

1st of all, the gps is not that good s HTC abg aku.. xde pompuan bcakap2 n its not even garmin technology.. its only google maps.. means, kne on9 la klo nk cari gps.. if i'm not mistaken la.. huh.. damn.. mne aku tau.. dgr je gps, tbayang2 HTC abg aku.. dh ckp dh, tolak je phone HTC tu kt aku, die xmo.. kne gak aku bli nfon bru.. huhu..
2nd, sb aku takut die very delicate.. damn.. coz aku seorg yg ganeh.. thank God aku x bli touch screen coz, wpon aku teringin sgt.. haha.. tp bl pk2, handbag aku 2, dh r slalu penuh ngn brg.. payung pon ada.. hebat ek handbag aku.. very practical.. ha.. sb 2 la x leh bli touch screen.. lg 1, over budget la.. xmo r bli nfon mahal2 sgt.. duit 2 leh gune utk bli bnda len..
3rd, die xde pon 2ndary camera.. punyalah merata aku cari.. damn..
4th, sb die walkman.. haha.. nk msukkn lgu, kne pk 2 3 kali.. cuak aku nk cucuk die kt mne2.. kang kne virus, payah lak.. damn.. 2 psl, aku lg suka gune yg basic sbnrnya.. xde pon riso virus2 ni..
5th, npe bl aku tgk camera kat nfon org len, wpon megapixel die lg kecik dr aku or same, nmpk cntik je.. bl aku bli, tgk sndri punya, xde la lawo pon gmbo.. nama pon camera nfon.. mne setanding camera btul.. btul x? damn.. silap judgement aku ni.. 2 r.. dok seronok tgk org nyer nfon cecanggih.. kengkonon best r tu.. walhal 2 sume fantasi je 2.. haha..
ckup r kutuk2 die.. apa2pon, aku bsyukur dgn function2 yg ada.. the function is more than my previous phone.. aku akn guna kn die habes2an.. sme mcm aku gune fon LG aku 2.. gune smpai tcabut2 keypad.. byk kenangan woo nfon 2.. lgpon, mmg dh mse die retired.. aku rse, die pon mgalakkn aku ada pganti, sb die x larat lg dh.. byg kn, on the day aku tau aku dpt grf, keypad die dh start luruh.. isk2.. die soh aku bli yg bru ler 2..
aku bli nfon bru bl aku ptimbangkn kata2 kwn aku, iaitu, ssh bl org nk ctc emergency.. cth nyer aritu.. mak aku x bg aku blk lewat mlm sbnrnya.. tp d sebabkn bat kong, i cannot b reach by my mom.. n she damn worried.. huhu.. sorry..
pasni leh r cari pakwe bru.. sb sy dh de nfon baru.. huahaha.. apa punya pedoman la.. x leh pkai tol..
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Ku percaya ada cinta
Jiwang nyer post aku yg sblum ni.. huhu.. but thats what i feel.. n this song, i like it very much.. i never really like dato's ct's song before.. kalo suka, suka gitu2 jela.. juz like other song.. but this song make me realize back juz what i hold since i learned the word love..
Ku Percaya Ada Cinta
Mereka meragui
Wujudnya cinta yang sejati
Tidak hati ini
Semenjak dari mula
Ku yakin ada cinta
Cintalah yang memungkinkan segala
Ku rela..
Biar betapapun perit tertusuk duri
Jalan berliku tiada bertepi
Ku percaya..
Tidak sia-sia aku diuji
Demi cinta..
Tersembunyi hikmahnya pasti
Pandang-pandang alam ini
Sambil pandang difikiri
Mana bumbung langit tinggi
Mana lantai bumi
Tiap satu yang terjadi
Tidak mungkin tersendiri
Cuba cari jawapannya andai meragui
Ku rela
Biar betapa pun perit tertusuk duri
Jalan berliku tiada bertepi
Ku percaya
Tidak sia-sia aku duji
Ada hikmahnya pasti
Sejak mula ku percaya ada cinta
Cinta itu memungkinkan segalanya
Cinta suci
Dan abadi….
Ku Percaya Ada Cinta
Mereka meragui
Wujudnya cinta yang sejati
Tidak hati ini
Semenjak dari mula
Ku yakin ada cinta
Cintalah yang memungkinkan segala
Ku rela..
Biar betapapun perit tertusuk duri
Jalan berliku tiada bertepi
Ku percaya..
Tidak sia-sia aku diuji
Demi cinta..
Tersembunyi hikmahnya pasti
Pandang-pandang alam ini
Sambil pandang difikiri
Mana bumbung langit tinggi
Mana lantai bumi
Tiap satu yang terjadi
Tidak mungkin tersendiri
Cuba cari jawapannya andai meragui
Ku rela
Biar betapa pun perit tertusuk duri
Jalan berliku tiada bertepi
Ku percaya
Tidak sia-sia aku duji
Ada hikmahnya pasti
Sejak mula ku percaya ada cinta
Cinta itu memungkinkan segalanya
Cinta suci
Dan abadi….
Love Letter: Masih mencari cinta
Tiap kali aku mnyebut namaMu, aku minta supaya di redha kn segala apa yang aku lakukan dan apa yang aku rasa..
Tiap kali terucap kata ampun beserta air mata kerana kadang2 perasaan sayang sesama manusia di rasakan lebih kuat berbanding cintaku pada Mu yang maha esa..
Tiap kali juga aku minta di kuatkan hati ku untuk meneruskan kehidupan tnpa dia d sisi kerana bukan dia sebab aku bernafas..
Tiap kali juga aku tertanya2, ini kah pancaroba dunia yang akan aku hadapi.. Takutnya aku yaAllah jika ini baru sedikit cubaan yang Kau berikan dalam kehidupan berpasangan..
Doa aku padaMu agar dia tidak d uji dengan perasaan sebegini kerana sakitnya tiap kali ia dtg ke minda.. All the flashes of things he did, aku redha.. mungkin dia tidak seperti yang aku harapkan.. Bukan salah dia pon yaAllah utk apa yang aku rasa..
Masih aku igt janji pada diriku, lelaki pertama yang membuatkn ati aku terusik akn menjadi lelaki terakhir yang ada dalam ati ku.. Kerana padaku, cinta itu sesuatu yang abadi..
Tapi pernah aku di tegur, itu semua fairytales.. dalam realiti, aku menangis kerana aku terpaksa menerima kenyataan..
YaAllah.. sentiasa hadir dalam hati, perasaan cinta kurniaan Mu amatlah aku agungkan kerana aku percaya perasaan itu adalah sesuatu yang suci.. Hatiku teguh mempercayai cinta..
Masih aku mohon padaMu ya Allah supaya di kekalkan kepercayaan itu.. Aku tidak mahu kehitaman hati mnusia memusnahkan kesucian cinta yang aku rasakan..
Aku, masih mencari cinta manusia..
Tiap kali aku mnyebut namaMu, aku minta supaya di redha kn segala apa yang aku lakukan dan apa yang aku rasa..
Tiap kali terucap kata ampun beserta air mata kerana kadang2 perasaan sayang sesama manusia di rasakan lebih kuat berbanding cintaku pada Mu yang maha esa..
Tiap kali juga aku minta di kuatkan hati ku untuk meneruskan kehidupan tnpa dia d sisi kerana bukan dia sebab aku bernafas..
Tiap kali juga aku tertanya2, ini kah pancaroba dunia yang akan aku hadapi.. Takutnya aku yaAllah jika ini baru sedikit cubaan yang Kau berikan dalam kehidupan berpasangan..
Doa aku padaMu agar dia tidak d uji dengan perasaan sebegini kerana sakitnya tiap kali ia dtg ke minda.. All the flashes of things he did, aku redha.. mungkin dia tidak seperti yang aku harapkan.. Bukan salah dia pon yaAllah utk apa yang aku rasa..
Masih aku igt janji pada diriku, lelaki pertama yang membuatkn ati aku terusik akn menjadi lelaki terakhir yang ada dalam ati ku.. Kerana padaku, cinta itu sesuatu yang abadi..
Tapi pernah aku di tegur, itu semua fairytales.. dalam realiti, aku menangis kerana aku terpaksa menerima kenyataan..
YaAllah.. sentiasa hadir dalam hati, perasaan cinta kurniaan Mu amatlah aku agungkan kerana aku percaya perasaan itu adalah sesuatu yang suci.. Hatiku teguh mempercayai cinta..
Masih aku mohon padaMu ya Allah supaya di kekalkan kepercayaan itu.. Aku tidak mahu kehitaman hati mnusia memusnahkan kesucian cinta yang aku rasakan..
Aku, masih mencari cinta manusia..
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