Monday, January 24, 2011


ok.. arini lagi sekali aku didatangi mat itam yang provoked aku tempoh hari.. cuma hari ini dia kurang la provoked aku berbanding hari tu.. coz i have to stand up for myself kan..

aku cerita ngan mak and ayah aku tempoh hari on how they say our culture is very conservative, people sleep early accept for KL..

ayah aku suruh aku cakap gini,

1. what we practice in our culture mostly reflex our religion.. our religion itself guide us not to be so socialize.. you can see the bad impact of socializing.. you say back in your country, you are very free right? no wonder your country is very high with hiv..

2. you say that here in serdang, at 12am, people already asleep.. dont you need sleep? malaysian people is feeling safe and harmony.. see, we can sleep.. back in your country, your country is so poor.. so that is why, you work so hard until you dont need any sleep.. isnt it?

keh3.. pandai la ayah aku tolong jawab kan.. kalo la aku leh pinjam jap otak n mulut ayah aku time tu.. hahaha..

hari ni dia datang2 je, dia tanya,

mat itam: where is my gift?

me: what gift?

mat itam: the gift you promise to give me from melaka

me: i dont promise anything to you..

mat itam: haha.. you see, i'm very sad you do this to me..

me: i dont have time to buy you any gift.. i'm pack with family activity.. you can come to melaka and buy it yourself.. its better that way..

mat itam: no.. right now, i'm not feeling that i want to go to melaka.. err.. how far is it?

me: just 2 hours if you go by bus..

mat itam: i got friend from japan, i have take him to KL.. and now i want to bring to Melaka.. let say if i ask you to be my guide, can you?

me: haha.. sorry, no..

mat itam: always the same answers.. from any girls..

me: haha..

mat itam: what so funny?

me: let me be honest with you.. for me, a few good friend is better that thousands of friends.. and i only went out with good friends.. i only treat my good friends..

mat itam: and what criteria do i should have to be your good friend?

me: a girl? ahahaha..

mat itam: no.. no.. you see, i'm crying right now.. (and memang ada air kt pipi dia.. aku taktau mana datang air tu.. oh! aku rasa aku tau.. sebelum tu dia pegang cawan plastik aku yang dah terkondensasi.. what the heck!)

me: i'm just being honest.. seriously.. i dont go out..

mat itam: you see.. its very hard to get thru you..

me: :)

pastu dia say bubye, and dia blah.. duh.. baik jangan datang der.. aiyo..


hyunnie said...

huhu..terbaek beh~
i like.. =p

Unknown said...

dey pak itam!!! u are not allowed anymore!!~ hahaha

tahniah!!! hadoi... pe dia mau erk?? x phm!!! huhu hmmm... i kenal ke??

J said...

hahahahahaha....dier ingat kita neh sesenang anak kucing ka???

ape? same answer like other girls???

c'mon lah....kamu kan mat itam...adoi~~~

oops, aku tak bermaksud untuk racist tapi itu lah reality....kan awak yang comel??^^ hihi

sweet life said...

aku suker pak rahim...
spontan dan good answer..

Khairahimo said...

hyunnie: haha.. i shud praktis more to be sarcastic..
L.R: urm.. nti i tnjuk kt u.. dia M.Env. bkn MSc.. huhu
jijah: haha.. yeah.. i'm racist too.. towards them.. menakotkn ok..
sweet life: haha.. kn2.. well.. u know my dad..