urm.. aku bce twilight.. serius shit i don know why ppl luv this book..
hehe.. mula la ni nk mberi komen2.. lolx..
ekceli aku bru bce 3/4 buku tu.. arini insyaAllah abeh kot..
1st of all.. aku bce ats dua sbb.. 1st sb mne2 pegi, org ckp psl die.. its a trend.. juz like harry potter yg glamer buku n muvi.. so.. aku sje nk test buku die dlu.. sb slalu nyer buku akn lbh best dr muvi..
2nd sb hafiz prnh ckp bl die bce buku tu, he said, myb mcm tu la pmikiran aku (s a girl thadap llk yg die suke).. err.. ok.. so.. i wonder abt that.. tp d sbb kn bz.. n buku tu lak asik abeh stok jek kt kdai buku popular kt bntulu, so, i wait until i kt mlk.. voila.. buku dh de dpn mata.. aku bce r..
bl aku bce.. bpe byk kali aku nk tlelap.. busan bah.. ok2.. aku bce buku sblum tdo.. myb i'm too tired sb siang2 byk bnda aku wt.. tp.. dlu aku bce harry potter ke da vinci code ke, xde lak gtu.. smpai nk tsepuk buku tu kt muka aku.. mcm bce nota kuliah jek.. haha.. busan2..
ade word yg repetitive n redundance dlm cite ni.. duh.. xbest2.. especially dialogs..
ade word yg die gune kn yg bl aku nmpk, i said in my heart 'mcmane la bdk kecik or bdk yg x phm sgt BI bce?'.. the word is too complicated.. ekceli boleh klo die nk gune bombastic word but, olahan sentence slps tu harus la baik so that readers understand what the author tried to convey..
half of the book, plot x bkembang dgn baik.. borink.. its all abt home with charlie.. how bella was totally a babe around many guys kt tmpt bru (mcm x perlu pon watak2 tu sbnrnya..).. actually byk jek bnda leh crita tp die waste time cite psl unimportant things..
since when she knows that edward is truely a vampire?? i mean b4 edward bgtau die sndri.. none.. its juz an assumption kn? assumption yg d buat lps being told by one of the guy yg die jumpa yg crita psl myth village tu.. (again.. llk.. kt village tu byk llk ke.. xphm btul aku..).. plus, aku rse bella x ptt menerima je myth tu.. ptt die ade conflict ngn dr die sndri.. nk2 lg llk yg encem, mnarik phatian die d katakn is a vampire?? buat la observation, find the truth.. the story will b more exciting.. hey.. u r a town girl.. ptt nyer crita psl myth2 ni msuk tlinga kiri, kuar tlinga kanan je.. aiyoyo..
aku lak over.. haha.. apa2 pon lps bce half, bru la ade pkembangan plot.. sb edward dh bwk die jumpa family die.. bru smgt ckit aku nk bce.. klo x, watak bella tu is too shallow for me.. edward kn slalu ckp yg die xleh nk bce minda bella.. duh.. x complicated pon watak bella.. huhu..
biau r aku jd author die.. meh aku draft out what shud be happening dkt 1st half of the book.. :p
bella dtg ke village tu..
she made new frens (which most of it was girl.. guy fren shud b 1 or 2.. not more, cukup dh tu.. n they shudnt have feelings towards her.. yg ade feeling, sorg je, dh cukup utk m'jeleskn edward)
she met with edward.. a guy yg slalu pndg die dgn pndgn yg mnakotkn.. (coz edward kt bella taste good kn.. of coz la he feel like eating her..)
she tried her best to fit in.. including with edward.. but edward always turn he down.. n she thinks more abt edward than anybody else.. thats what make her interested in edward more..
she will do observation but not so obsess coz she gotta do sumthg else.. juz a bit of observation.. on way he talks (of coz she will notice abt his smile).. way he interact with ppl (she will notice abt his coldness n what make he behave like that).. n the place that she always notice he's there.. i know.. dlm buku, die slalu kt klas or kt kafe kn.. but klo aku, aku x wt la kt tmpt2 tu.. coz x de kekuatan r jumpa kt tmpt2 tu.. cliche sgt utk bdk sekolah yg biasa.. the prob is, mreka adalah luar biasa, so, kne la tmpt2 yg luar biasa.. cth nye, tepi utan ke.. or any other place yg ckup utk bella wonder npe die ke ctu..
n then, evrytime kt umah, bella akn memikir kn a bit about edward b4 nk tdo.. that will mengukuhkn npe she was alwiz sleep talking.. mcm aku r.. adik aku ckp aku slalu gak merapu dlm tdo.. saying name.. huhu.. ok.. but not words like 'i luv u' coz its too early utk bella fall in luv with edward..
n then sum1 told her abt the myth.. this sum1 shud be the elder of the village (x kire la jiran ke.. makcik yg mcm witch2 ckit ke..) or her closest fren.. not sum kind of guy yg ttb showed up juz like in the book.. (too many character will make the story look messy.. unless evry character is strongly potrayed..) this will make bella want to find out more abt edward..
then 1 day, d sbb kn myth n observation yg die wt, die nk find out the truth.. n then, kantoi.. alaleng.. haha.. n then, edward will explain to her.. show her things that she doesnt even know that it existed during this chpter of kebenaran.. n he will say abt his feelings towards bella too.. n bella shud know abt his seriousness.. there's no need for edward utk keep on saying abt the seriousness or that he doesnt get mad with bella on any occasion juz like in the book.. huhu. oo.. lupa la plak.. bella shud at least show that she's shocked bl edward show his true form.. at that time, edward shud hold her hands and convince her that she will b alrite.. dont be scare..
n then, klo nk start mushy2, bru la boley sb dh start bcinta kn.. b4 that, he has to show his sweetness 1st la.. cth nye bl dh anto bella blk umah, he was hanging upside down at a tree sblh blk bella ke (utk tgk bella tdo).. ha.. seram ckit.. haha.. ha.. klo nk interprame kn pokok tu, kne la cite ckit psl pokok tu mse pmulaan cite.. bru nmpk kpentingan pokok tu..
the end..
itu shj olahan sy utk 1st half buku tu.. oleh kerana buku tu dh start bkembang, sy m'respect crita seterusnya.. huhu.. adik aku kata buku 1 n 3 x best.. 2 n 4 yg best.. or is it 1 n 4, 2 n 3? haha.. ntah r.. tp yg 2nd book adek aku kt best.. nti nk bce r klo ade mse.. hehe..
ok la.. itu shj.. punya la pnjg komen.. isk2..
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
two movie, shopping complexes and bulgogi
arini aku g lepak2 kt carrefour ngn mahkota parade..
stlh hampir dua mggu dok umah, 2 la 1st time aku kuar g jln2 kt shopping complex.. hoho..
aku amat excited ketika melangkah naik ats escalator carrefour yg slalu aku nmpk dr jln raya shj.. hoho.. jakun2.. lme btul x nmpk manusia yg rmai.. kt bntulu xde r rmai bgitu.. huhu..
pastu aku marathon dua cite arini... apa ada hal.. adik aku blnja.. haha..
mula2 tgk film bohsia.. leh thn r.. aku bg rate 4 bntang utk pelakon2 die.. kcuali diana danielle yg mcm x seswai lak mbawa watak tsebut.. coz diana danielle is too 'mat salih' la utk watak seorg gadis yg mcari rezeki yg halal dgn usaha die sndri (aka.. die bkn dr ank org senang.. her appearance juz dont fit her role ok.. plus.. die mmg kaku daa.. huhu.. ) utk jln cerita, ok la.. xde part yg boring.. so i guess this film worth mdapat pujian..
myb ade org x suke kot dgn cite ni.. for sum1 yg x open minded, myb akn rse mjengkelkn la film ni.. but this is the reality of life.. n aku sdh r tgk ank bangsa aku jd bgitu.. most of it psl kesempitan idup.. life is too cruel to those teenagers..
aku suke lakonan Shaheizy Sam (Acai-mat rempit yg agak 3 suku prangai nyer) n watak Amy (aku ksian r ngn amy ni.. die jd bohsia sb idup die.. leh thn r lakonan Salina Saibi ni).. watak hero aku x bpe nk suke sb aku mmg x minat mamat ni.. pastu watak nabila, err.. agk bising r minah ni.. agk x bkenan lak aku.. but i like her 'Lah!' mmg mjadi r die bwk watak bohsia..
Nite at the muzeum-2
pastu aku tgk cite nite at the muzium-2.. hmm.. a bit boring kot.. aku enjoy lg tgk bohsia.. waa.. kagum x??? 1st time aku suke cite melayu over cite mat salih.. huhu.. wpon mse tgk cite bohsia tu 4 org je dlm wyg tu, but i enjoy it.. hehe.. urm..
ok2.. nite at the muzium-2.. jln crita die, agk messy kot pd aku.. nk cite sume ke? xyah la.. korg bce je la apa yg aku x pueh ati ni ek.. klo the biggest muzium in the world huru hara, dgn glass btaburan d ats lntai, bkn ke alarm kselamatn akn bbunyi.. n bkn ke klo the tablet yg mhidupkn patung2 tu sume xde bdekatan ngn mreka, mreka akn jd patung blk? but the girl yg bwk watak Amylia Earhart yg pndu kapal terbang tu, stedy jek bwk kapal terbang pas anto mreka pulang ke New York.. ptt die jd patung la kn, x smpt smpai dh thempas dh kpl terbang tu.. huhu.. tipoo2.. they forget small things like that which i think, they shudnt..
altho this film is for funny genre.. but i still think they shud emphasize on that kind of thing.. n how the world leader shud behave.. no matter he's a dictator or democratic.. then, i'll enjoy more.. ni x.. nmpk la propaganda mreka mpersenda kn world leader yg len.. yg d agung2 kn adalah Abraham Lincoln n Theodore Roosevelt.. well mybe they were good us presidents.. but they shud also make other historic figure ade character yg kukuh.. bru la ade umphh.. apa raa.. spoil tol..
xpe2.. aku dpt gak tgk rexy mgoyang2 kn ekor die yg tggl tulang tu.. hehe.. comei~
Jln2 n mamam
pas tgk wyg, perut trase lapo.. apa lg.. aku n adik aku g ke Zhingdo utk mkn Bulgogi Chicken Bibim Bap.. best siot.. hoho..
oo.. b4 that.. aku ikut adik aku singgah kt tmpt kije die.. kwn die ckp aku nmpk muda dr adik aku.. mreka igt adik aku bwk adik.. haha.. trimas utk pminat2 skalian.. sy sungguh tharu! sy tau sy nmpk muda.. haha.. geli jek.. well.. myb sb adik aku bgaya.. tp aku slekeh.. spt biasa.. bl tgk wyg d musim2 bdk sekolah (which x rmai org n aku sje2 je nk buang mse) aku pkai t shirt biasa + SELIPAR! haha.. adik aku, ngn heel die, ayoyo, ssh la mau lintas jln. aku blari dh.. die ttinggal kt blkg.. haha.. miahn2..
ok.. itu shj.. pnjang btul.. lorat jek nk cite sume.. hakhak.. ok la.. till then.. salam..
stlh hampir dua mggu dok umah, 2 la 1st time aku kuar g jln2 kt shopping complex.. hoho..
aku amat excited ketika melangkah naik ats escalator carrefour yg slalu aku nmpk dr jln raya shj.. hoho.. jakun2.. lme btul x nmpk manusia yg rmai.. kt bntulu xde r rmai bgitu.. huhu..
pastu aku marathon dua cite arini... apa ada hal.. adik aku blnja.. haha..
mula2 tgk film bohsia.. leh thn r.. aku bg rate 4 bntang utk pelakon2 die.. kcuali diana danielle yg mcm x seswai lak mbawa watak tsebut.. coz diana danielle is too 'mat salih' la utk watak seorg gadis yg mcari rezeki yg halal dgn usaha die sndri (aka.. die bkn dr ank org senang.. her appearance juz dont fit her role ok.. plus.. die mmg kaku daa.. huhu.. ) utk jln cerita, ok la.. xde part yg boring.. so i guess this film worth mdapat pujian..
myb ade org x suke kot dgn cite ni.. for sum1 yg x open minded, myb akn rse mjengkelkn la film ni.. but this is the reality of life.. n aku sdh r tgk ank bangsa aku jd bgitu.. most of it psl kesempitan idup.. life is too cruel to those teenagers..
aku suke lakonan Shaheizy Sam (Acai-mat rempit yg agak 3 suku prangai nyer) n watak Amy (aku ksian r ngn amy ni.. die jd bohsia sb idup die.. leh thn r lakonan Salina Saibi ni).. watak hero aku x bpe nk suke sb aku mmg x minat mamat ni.. pastu watak nabila, err.. agk bising r minah ni.. agk x bkenan lak aku.. but i like her 'Lah!' mmg mjadi r die bwk watak bohsia..
Nite at the muzeum-2
pastu aku tgk cite nite at the muzium-2.. hmm.. a bit boring kot.. aku enjoy lg tgk bohsia.. waa.. kagum x??? 1st time aku suke cite melayu over cite mat salih.. huhu.. wpon mse tgk cite bohsia tu 4 org je dlm wyg tu, but i enjoy it.. hehe.. urm..
ok2.. nite at the muzium-2.. jln crita die, agk messy kot pd aku.. nk cite sume ke? xyah la.. korg bce je la apa yg aku x pueh ati ni ek.. klo the biggest muzium in the world huru hara, dgn glass btaburan d ats lntai, bkn ke alarm kselamatn akn bbunyi.. n bkn ke klo the tablet yg mhidupkn patung2 tu sume xde bdekatan ngn mreka, mreka akn jd patung blk? but the girl yg bwk watak Amylia Earhart yg pndu kapal terbang tu, stedy jek bwk kapal terbang pas anto mreka pulang ke New York.. ptt die jd patung la kn, x smpt smpai dh thempas dh kpl terbang tu.. huhu.. tipoo2.. they forget small things like that which i think, they shudnt..
altho this film is for funny genre.. but i still think they shud emphasize on that kind of thing.. n how the world leader shud behave.. no matter he's a dictator or democratic.. then, i'll enjoy more.. ni x.. nmpk la propaganda mreka mpersenda kn world leader yg len.. yg d agung2 kn adalah Abraham Lincoln n Theodore Roosevelt.. well mybe they were good us presidents.. but they shud also make other historic figure ade character yg kukuh.. bru la ade umphh.. apa raa.. spoil tol..
xpe2.. aku dpt gak tgk rexy mgoyang2 kn ekor die yg tggl tulang tu.. hehe.. comei~
Jln2 n mamam
pas tgk wyg, perut trase lapo.. apa lg.. aku n adik aku g ke Zhingdo utk mkn Bulgogi Chicken Bibim Bap.. best siot.. hoho..
oo.. b4 that.. aku ikut adik aku singgah kt tmpt kije die.. kwn die ckp aku nmpk muda dr adik aku.. mreka igt adik aku bwk adik.. haha.. trimas utk pminat2 skalian.. sy sungguh tharu! sy tau sy nmpk muda.. haha.. geli jek.. well.. myb sb adik aku bgaya.. tp aku slekeh.. spt biasa.. bl tgk wyg d musim2 bdk sekolah (which x rmai org n aku sje2 je nk buang mse) aku pkai t shirt biasa + SELIPAR! haha.. adik aku, ngn heel die, ayoyo, ssh la mau lintas jln. aku blari dh.. die ttinggal kt blkg.. haha.. miahn2..
ok.. itu shj.. pnjang btul.. lorat jek nk cite sume.. hakhak.. ok la.. till then.. salam..
Sunday, May 17, 2009
i'm home!!!!
this time, i wont b coming back to bintulu again.. hukhuk..
agak sdh gak mse mninggalkn upmkb.. wuwu..
tp, aku bjaya utk tidak menangis mcurah2.. malu gak.. org len stedy jek..
yg naik bas 9 org, tp yg mhantar, punya lah rmai.. haha..
brg kitorg sgt byk! brg aku sje dh 5..
beg bagasi - 22kg
beg pack - unknown.. but i think abt 6 kilos.. gle berat aku bwk kt blkg.. hukhuk..
beg laptop - 3 kilo kot..
printer - 5 kilo..
beg kertas (ada APHA dlm die) - 2 kilo..
kira r sndri bpe.. haha..
wpon extra lugage n we have to pay for it, tp i dont mind la coz we negotiated.. puas ati naik MAS sb the service is good! MH - malaysian hospitality kn..
thx to emi sb offer utk bwkkn APHA aku..
thx to fndi gak sb kasi aku tumpang printer..
thx to mira, suree, adah sb agkt kn beg2 yg berat.. isk2.. u roxx girl! superwoman btul korg..
the food is awesome!
but when we touched down at klia, err.. not so smooth landing la.. ops.. hakhak..
its great to see my mummy, ayh n k.ngah waiting 4 me!
otw blk, bli durian n manggis.. best btul!
kitorg lalu sungai tuang sb nk g pgkalan balak, mkn2.. hakhak.. rndu r kt tmpt tu..
ayh aku bilang aku sudah kurus! haha.. gemok blk la gamaknye klo dh dok umah ni.. haha..
btw, aku leh lupa ek kt blk aku dh ade toilet.. aku mmg suka g toilet kt dapur.. sb leh singgah mkn2.. haha..
ooh.. did i mention we met shiela majid at klia? we r in the same lift.. comei n kecik gle.. baik gak la.. sb die tolong jaga butang open kt lift tu sb nk bg org kuar msuk.. n keep on mention 'its ok, i jaga pntu lift'.. haha.. i was like 'pelik nyer this woman.. jaga pntu lift pon nk ckp byk2 kali..' (at that time i x prasan pon die shiela majid sb i blkg kn die.. haha.. rupa2 nya public figure..well.. die kne la show good attitude) yg mummy i lak dok wt mimik muka.. try to say that its shiela majid.. haha.. sori ye mummy.. xtau pulak u nk maen regu dlm lift tu.. bl dh kuar, bru la i toleh, n phm la apa yg mummy i try smpai kn.. hakhak..
skrg i mau g cr bntl busuk.. eh apsal aku ber'i-i' lak ni.. gedik tol.. haha.. aku mmg gedik pon.. aku suka wonder girls! :P
p/s: lega gle tesis dh settle utk d jilid kn.. n lucky me xde bnda yg perlu d btul kn.. format dh cntik dh.. haha..
p/s 2: pnjg gle post ni.. haha..
i'm home!!!!
this time, i wont b coming back to bintulu again.. hukhuk..
agak sdh gak mse mninggalkn upmkb.. wuwu..
tp, aku bjaya utk tidak menangis mcurah2.. malu gak.. org len stedy jek..
yg naik bas 9 org, tp yg mhantar, punya lah rmai.. haha..
brg kitorg sgt byk! brg aku sje dh 5..
beg bagasi - 22kg
beg pack - unknown.. but i think abt 6 kilos.. gle berat aku bwk kt blkg.. hukhuk..
beg laptop - 3 kilo kot..
printer - 5 kilo..
beg kertas (ada APHA dlm die) - 2 kilo..
kira r sndri bpe.. haha..
wpon extra lugage n we have to pay for it, tp i dont mind la coz we negotiated.. puas ati naik MAS sb the service is good! MH - malaysian hospitality kn..
thx to emi sb offer utk bwkkn APHA aku..
thx to fndi gak sb kasi aku tumpang printer..
thx to mira, suree, adah sb agkt kn beg2 yg berat.. isk2.. u roxx girl! superwoman btul korg..
the food is awesome!
but when we touched down at klia, err.. not so smooth landing la.. ops.. hakhak..
its great to see my mummy, ayh n k.ngah waiting 4 me!
otw blk, bli durian n manggis.. best btul!
kitorg lalu sungai tuang sb nk g pgkalan balak, mkn2.. hakhak.. rndu r kt tmpt tu..
ayh aku bilang aku sudah kurus! haha.. gemok blk la gamaknye klo dh dok umah ni.. haha..
btw, aku leh lupa ek kt blk aku dh ade toilet.. aku mmg suka g toilet kt dapur.. sb leh singgah mkn2.. haha..
ooh.. did i mention we met shiela majid at klia? we r in the same lift.. comei n kecik gle.. baik gak la.. sb die tolong jaga butang open kt lift tu sb nk bg org kuar msuk.. n keep on mention 'its ok, i jaga pntu lift'.. haha.. i was like 'pelik nyer this woman.. jaga pntu lift pon nk ckp byk2 kali..' (at that time i x prasan pon die shiela majid sb i blkg kn die.. haha.. rupa2 nya public figure..well.. die kne la show good attitude) yg mummy i lak dok wt mimik muka.. try to say that its shiela majid.. haha.. sori ye mummy.. xtau pulak u nk maen regu dlm lift tu.. bl dh kuar, bru la i toleh, n phm la apa yg mummy i try smpai kn.. hakhak..
skrg i mau g cr bntl busuk.. eh apsal aku ber'i-i' lak ni.. gedik tol.. haha.. aku mmg gedik pon.. aku suka wonder girls! :P
p/s: lega gle tesis dh settle utk d jilid kn.. n lucky me xde bnda yg perlu d btul kn.. format dh cntik dh.. haha..
p/s 2: pnjg gle post ni.. haha..
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Time is ticking
sbtu ni dh nk pulang..
so, arini i dh wt final touch agr thesis gue dpt d jilidkn..
tp, xtau la kn.. print kt ict, abeh sume margin lari..
jd esok, pg2 buta aku n mira akn g ict.. wish us luck..
semoga Allah s.w.t mpermudahkn segala urusanku esok..
aku dh trase sayu dh ni.. especially rabbit n merlin yg akn d beri/djual dlm mse tdekat ni..
nk bwk blk smnjg, byk lak songeh procedurnye..
kne amik permit import export n health cert.. permit kne soh org dr smnjg fax kn.. permit export kne bli kt jbtn ptanian bhgian haiwan.. bl dh de permit diorg akn issue health cert gak.. leceh kn?
syg sgt dua2 ekor ni.. hukhuk..
so, arini i dh wt final touch agr thesis gue dpt d jilidkn..
tp, xtau la kn.. print kt ict, abeh sume margin lari..
jd esok, pg2 buta aku n mira akn g ict.. wish us luck..
semoga Allah s.w.t mpermudahkn segala urusanku esok..
aku dh trase sayu dh ni.. especially rabbit n merlin yg akn d beri/djual dlm mse tdekat ni..
nk bwk blk smnjg, byk lak songeh procedurnye..
kne amik permit import export n health cert.. permit kne soh org dr smnjg fax kn.. permit export kne bli kt jbtn ptanian bhgian haiwan.. bl dh de permit diorg akn issue health cert gak.. leceh kn?
syg sgt dua2 ekor ni.. hukhuk..
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
today is monday (late post)
isnin (11/05)
mcm2 gak jd pd tarikh ni..
besday kwn baik aku kt upmkb ni.. cha.. hepi besday cha.. sian die tpaksa mdengar sore sumbang kami.. hehe
kwn baik aku lg sorg dh present.. lega2.. hehe.. aku lak yg lega.. :P die blnja aku mkn nasi arini! ade smbl sotong feveret aku, ade aym kari (pds gle lauk2 ni) pahtu sayur togey.. best! oishii! arigato mirae-kun..
adik aku msuk matrik arini.. huhu.. pg2 aku dh call.. kul 10.. hehe.. pg la sgt.. eh pg la utk aku.. mak aku pon tkezut.. 'awal ko bgn?' hehe.. mesti die igt ank die buang tebiat.. :p
sian adik aku.. dh biasa spoon-feed.. pg2 nk kjut pon ssh.. mak aku pon riso.. tkut die xdpt nk adapt kt matrik.. xpe r.. biau die bdikari..
syahdu gak dgr cite dr mak aku.. dua mggu sblum nk chow, ari2 die dok meleseh2 dkt ngn mak aku.. huhu..
td aku call, senyap jek.. bl tnye, diam jek.. tau2 dh nangeh.. xde sedu sedan.. haha..
mak aku cite, sblum blah, ayh aku dok ngusik die, nti die kne naik ketapi klo nk blk.. smpai tampin nti abg aku leh amik.. t'makan gak usikan ayh aku tu.. kompem die riso.. dh r x nah nek ketapi.. haha.. aku dgr die nk naik ketapi, aku yg smgt! nk naik ketapi gak! jakun aku ni.. haha..
k r.. smpai cni sje coretan kali ini..
p/s: tringat mse 1st day dtg bintulu.. nangeh gak.. nsb bk ade bntl busuk! hehe..
mcm2 gak jd pd tarikh ni..
besday kwn baik aku kt upmkb ni.. cha.. hepi besday cha.. sian die tpaksa mdengar sore sumbang kami.. hehe
kwn baik aku lg sorg dh present.. lega2.. hehe.. aku lak yg lega.. :P die blnja aku mkn nasi arini! ade smbl sotong feveret aku, ade aym kari (pds gle lauk2 ni) pahtu sayur togey.. best! oishii! arigato mirae-kun..
adik aku msuk matrik arini.. huhu.. pg2 aku dh call.. kul 10.. hehe.. pg la sgt.. eh pg la utk aku.. mak aku pon tkezut.. 'awal ko bgn?' hehe.. mesti die igt ank die buang tebiat.. :p
sian adik aku.. dh biasa spoon-feed.. pg2 nk kjut pon ssh.. mak aku pon riso.. tkut die xdpt nk adapt kt matrik.. xpe r.. biau die bdikari..
syahdu gak dgr cite dr mak aku.. dua mggu sblum nk chow, ari2 die dok meleseh2 dkt ngn mak aku.. huhu..
td aku call, senyap jek.. bl tnye, diam jek.. tau2 dh nangeh.. xde sedu sedan.. haha..
mak aku cite, sblum blah, ayh aku dok ngusik die, nti die kne naik ketapi klo nk blk.. smpai tampin nti abg aku leh amik.. t'makan gak usikan ayh aku tu.. kompem die riso.. dh r x nah nek ketapi.. haha.. aku dgr die nk naik ketapi, aku yg smgt! nk naik ketapi gak! jakun aku ni.. haha..
k r.. smpai cni sje coretan kali ini..
p/s: tringat mse 1st day dtg bintulu.. nangeh gak.. nsb bk ade bntl busuk! hehe..
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Matrik? U?
pg2 lg nset aku dh bbunyi..
inbox 1/18..
aku pon bukak msj..
'along.. time daftar nk kne pkai kasut pnuh ke?'
huhu.. adik aku g KL dh arini.. esok bru g Perak utk dftr msuk matrik..
lately ni asik tringat matrik jek..
ni beberapa bnda yg ade kt matrik tp xde kt U
1) Baju
Matrik: sume org sgt smart n mcm innocent jek sb llk bkemeja & btali leher, girl lak kne pkai bju kurung.. oo.. sume kne pkai kasut tutup..
U: sume selekeh jek.. ari korporat pon lom tentu nk pkai bju kurung/kemeja.. isk2.. g kuliah pkai selipar..
2) Blok
Matrik: kul 8 blok kediaman dh kosong sb sume org g kuliah..
U: Ada org stil tdo lg wpon dh tghari sb xde kuliah pg..
3) Toilet
Matrik: kul 7, tpaksa Q dh.. toilet full!
U: Mandi la bl2.. toilet kosong jek..
4) Kasut
Matrik: mlm2 fellow dtg check kasut bsusun ke x.. haha..
U: Lantak kome la.. kasut kome.. kdg sepak jek.. spe soh ltk tgh2 alam..
5) TV
Matrik: ade limit tgk tv.. smpai kul 11.. tp slalu je over the limit especially bl tgk charmed.. kdg aku n rumet aku trun tgk tv kul 1pg.. kuikuikui..
U: unlimited edition.. smpai tcabut dh butang2 kt tv tu.. isk2..
6) Lecturer
Matrik: pggl cikgu
U: pggl title or status..
7) Jadual
Matrik: pack gle! 8-5.. break 1 or 2 jam je.. blk kuliah, terus flat.. x smpt nk blajo.. pahtu bl exam, haram jadah.. xtau nk jwb pe..
U: Masih boleh d terima akal n badan.. x pack sgt..
urm.. apa lg ek.. cant think.. haha.. nti klo ade tmbhn, leh r bg cdgn ye, wahai bdk2 matrik yg mbace entry aku ni.. till then, chow dlu r.. nk msk daa..
inbox 1/18..
aku pon bukak msj..
'along.. time daftar nk kne pkai kasut pnuh ke?'
huhu.. adik aku g KL dh arini.. esok bru g Perak utk dftr msuk matrik..
lately ni asik tringat matrik jek..
ni beberapa bnda yg ade kt matrik tp xde kt U
1) Baju
Matrik: sume org sgt smart n mcm innocent jek sb llk bkemeja & btali leher, girl lak kne pkai bju kurung.. oo.. sume kne pkai kasut tutup..
U: sume selekeh jek.. ari korporat pon lom tentu nk pkai bju kurung/kemeja.. isk2.. g kuliah pkai selipar..
2) Blok
Matrik: kul 8 blok kediaman dh kosong sb sume org g kuliah..
U: Ada org stil tdo lg wpon dh tghari sb xde kuliah pg..
3) Toilet
Matrik: kul 7, tpaksa Q dh.. toilet full!
U: Mandi la bl2.. toilet kosong jek..
4) Kasut
Matrik: mlm2 fellow dtg check kasut bsusun ke x.. haha..
U: Lantak kome la.. kasut kome.. kdg sepak jek.. spe soh ltk tgh2 alam..
5) TV
Matrik: ade limit tgk tv.. smpai kul 11.. tp slalu je over the limit especially bl tgk charmed.. kdg aku n rumet aku trun tgk tv kul 1pg.. kuikuikui..
U: unlimited edition.. smpai tcabut dh butang2 kt tv tu.. isk2..
6) Lecturer
Matrik: pggl cikgu
U: pggl title or status..
7) Jadual
Matrik: pack gle! 8-5.. break 1 or 2 jam je.. blk kuliah, terus flat.. x smpt nk blajo.. pahtu bl exam, haram jadah.. xtau nk jwb pe..
U: Masih boleh d terima akal n badan.. x pack sgt..
urm.. apa lg ek.. cant think.. haha.. nti klo ade tmbhn, leh r bg cdgn ye, wahai bdk2 matrik yg mbace entry aku ni.. till then, chow dlu r.. nk msk daa..
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Ideologi ngarut 1: hati kecil rabbit
huhu.. cha dh blk dh..
b4 nk trun tu, aku cr la rabbit kt tmpt yg die biasa tdo, dlm almari aku, nk bwk die bubye cha.. tp die xde..
pnt pggl.. slalu die kuar klo pggl nama die.. pelik.. hmm.. xpe r.. tdo mati kot..
aku siap mntk merlin cr kn lg.. aku kjut die bgn.. tp stil x dpt jumpa rabbit.. celah2 meja, almari pon xde.. hmm.. pelik ni..
pastu megat call, ckp cha nk gerak dh.. jd, x dpt la bwk rabbit bubye cha..
n then, ni, ttb die ada! tgh tdo.. dlm almari yg aku cr td.. pelik..
ideologi ngarut aku adalah.. rabbit sje xmo kuar.. mesti die sdh sb tuan die blk arini.. die xmo bubye cha.. sme mcm wani xmo bubye cha.. huhu.. ye ke.. haiwan pon ade prasaan kn..
b4 nk trun tu, aku cr la rabbit kt tmpt yg die biasa tdo, dlm almari aku, nk bwk die bubye cha.. tp die xde..
pnt pggl.. slalu die kuar klo pggl nama die.. pelik.. hmm.. xpe r.. tdo mati kot..
aku siap mntk merlin cr kn lg.. aku kjut die bgn.. tp stil x dpt jumpa rabbit.. celah2 meja, almari pon xde.. hmm.. pelik ni..
pastu megat call, ckp cha nk gerak dh.. jd, x dpt la bwk rabbit bubye cha..
n then, ni, ttb die ada! tgh tdo.. dlm almari yg aku cr td.. pelik..
ideologi ngarut aku adalah.. rabbit sje xmo kuar.. mesti die sdh sb tuan die blk arini.. die xmo bubye cha.. sme mcm wani xmo bubye cha.. huhu.. ye ke.. haiwan pon ade prasaan kn..
Tagged 3: agak blur gak nk jwb ni..
I'm tagging:
-shido dido
-n u guys that had visited my blog..
Using only song titles from ONE ARTIST to answer these questions.
Try not to repeat a song title. It's a lot harder than you think.
+ + + +
Pick Your Artist:
Britney Spears (aku minat die taw! dlu r.. haha)
Are you male or female:
(girl la kn..)
Describe yourself:
(yeah! ade conflict jiwer.. haha)
How do you feel about yourself:
(haha.. sukasuki jek.. :p)
Describe where you currently live:
(huhu.. no komen)
If you could go anywhere, where would you go:
(isk2.. syurga dunia..)
Your favorite form of transportation:
(i cant find any form of transportation in any of her songs accept this)
Your best friend is:
(yeah.. without them, this is definitely not me.. there will b missing pieces)
Your favorite color is:
(urm.. not so actually)
What's the weather like:
(cni xde autumn.. but its hot)
Favorite time of day:
If your life was a TV show, what would it be called:
(definitely.. haha)
What is life to you:
(aiyo.. jiwang plak i.. hee.. blush2)
What is the best advice you have to give:
(hmm.. gune la ice-breaker klo nk memudahkn.. haha)
If you could change your name, what would it be:
(so lame!)
Your favorite food is:
(leh la.. suka pepsi dr coke :P)
Thought for the Day:
('u' r refering to many things.. evry day the same 'u' r in my mind.. again n again.. duh)
How I would like to die:
(xmo r.. aritu bru blajo cmne nk escape from quicksand)
My soul's present condition:
(xmo ckp pe)
My motto:
(yeah.. its really important to me)
-shido dido
-n u guys that had visited my blog..
Using only song titles from ONE ARTIST to answer these questions.
Try not to repeat a song title. It's a lot harder than you think.
+ + + +
Pick Your Artist:
Britney Spears (aku minat die taw! dlu r.. haha)
Are you male or female:
(girl la kn..)
Describe yourself:
(yeah! ade conflict jiwer.. haha)
How do you feel about yourself:
(haha.. sukasuki jek.. :p)
Describe where you currently live:
(huhu.. no komen)
If you could go anywhere, where would you go:
(isk2.. syurga dunia..)
Your favorite form of transportation:
(i cant find any form of transportation in any of her songs accept this)
Your best friend is:
(yeah.. without them, this is definitely not me.. there will b missing pieces)
Your favorite color is:
(urm.. not so actually)
What's the weather like:
(cni xde autumn.. but its hot)
Favorite time of day:
If your life was a TV show, what would it be called:
(definitely.. haha)
What is life to you:
(aiyo.. jiwang plak i.. hee.. blush2)
What is the best advice you have to give:
(hmm.. gune la ice-breaker klo nk memudahkn.. haha)
If you could change your name, what would it be:
(so lame!)
Your favorite food is:
(leh la.. suka pepsi dr coke :P)
Thought for the Day:
('u' r refering to many things.. evry day the same 'u' r in my mind.. again n again.. duh)
How I would like to die:
(xmo r.. aritu bru blajo cmne nk escape from quicksand)
My soul's present condition:
(xmo ckp pe)
My motto:
(yeah.. its really important to me)
can u see the different in my blog? haha.. yes.. the background is no more white!
coz i've got headache, staring at the white screen..
sorry to the creator of the template coz i've change it.. huhu.. hope u dont mind..
coz i've got headache, staring at the white screen..
sorry to the creator of the template coz i've change it.. huhu.. hope u dont mind..
Cerita syahdu
ha.. punya la lme, bru aku tringat aku nk tulih apa.. lemah igtn btol.. isk2..
lately ni aku tpaksa msk sb kafe kt kolej dh tutup kn..
so, arini aku msk simple je.. telur msk kicap..
alkisahnya, kwn aku tlh mbuang kuah telur msk kicap tsebut dgn alasan telur dh abeh d mkn.. siput btul kwn aku tu.. haha.. mntk maap klo ko tbace.. jgn trase ati tau..
jd.. pd mlm ari, dgn pnuh keinsafan, aku mjamah nasi kosong ngn kicap jek! d temani oleh mira.. wuwu.. sdh siot..
bl pk2 blk, org dlm bersamamu lg ksian.. smpai kne mkn siput babi..
sesungguhnya bsyukurla dgn apa yg ade (isk2.. tp dok komplen2 x sdp..)
waaaaaaaaaaaa!! x sbr nyer nk blk!
lately ni aku tpaksa msk sb kafe kt kolej dh tutup kn..
so, arini aku msk simple je.. telur msk kicap..
alkisahnya, kwn aku tlh mbuang kuah telur msk kicap tsebut dgn alasan telur dh abeh d mkn.. siput btul kwn aku tu.. haha.. mntk maap klo ko tbace.. jgn trase ati tau..
jd.. pd mlm ari, dgn pnuh keinsafan, aku mjamah nasi kosong ngn kicap jek! d temani oleh mira.. wuwu.. sdh siot..
bl pk2 blk, org dlm bersamamu lg ksian.. smpai kne mkn siput babi..
sesungguhnya bsyukurla dgn apa yg ade (isk2.. tp dok komplen2 x sdp..)
waaaaaaaaaaaa!! x sbr nyer nk blk!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
the truth is here
Your view on yourself:
Other people find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you because you are a good listener. They'll probably still love you if you learn to be yourself with them.The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.The seriousness of your love:
You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.How do you view success:
Success in your career is not the most important thing in life. You are content with what you have and think that being with someone you love is more than spending all of your precious time just working.What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you.Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.Sh*t.. it give me goosebumps.. almost 100% correct.. i can really see meself in this result.. haha
u can do this test here
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Tagged 2: Sje buang mse
1. Do you like blue cheese?
-huhu.. i'm not fond of eating cheese..
2. When was the most recent time you needed help?
- urm.. when i need sum1 to buy me food b4 i died coz of hunger..
3. Do you own a weapon?
- lethal weapon? nope.. cite die pon xde.. haha..
4. What flavour of Kool Aid was your favorite?
- err.. ntoh.. xnah try lak..
5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments?
- kind of..
6. Do you know & love laksa?
- yes i do know laksa.. i luv to eat it if it is tasty.. haha..
7. Favorite Christmas movie?
- the grinch.. hakhak..
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
- plain water..
9. Can you do push ups?
- ups? down leh la.. huahua..
10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry?
- my earings.. lost 1 piece olredi.. so sad, man.. waaa~~
11 If you had to sacrifice either your television or your music system, which would go?
- music system.. coz i can stil hv TV to listen n watch.. haha..
12. Right- or left-handed?
- right..
13. What's your favorite shoe?
- shoes that is comfortable enuff to walk with..
14. Middle name?
- binti..
15. Name 3 thoughts at this moment
- nk pos brg esok
- nk tag spe lps nih
- nk g tgk restoran n pet aku kt facebook..
16. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink?
- plain water
- mango+nata de coco
- pepsi
17. Current worry?
- bl nk anto thesis n leh ke settle by 16th ni klo asik mlepak jek.. isk3..
18. Current hate?
- i hate that i cant shooh him away from my thought..
19. Favorite ice-cream?
- vanilla+chocs
20. How did you bring in the New Year?
- ntoh.. sme jek.. haha..
21. Where would you love to fly next?
- g korea.. europe..
22. Where will you fly next??
- home sweet home.. x sbrnye!
23. Do you own slippers?
- luv it!
24. What color shirt are you wearing right now?
- black..
25. Preferred bedsheets?
- dunno.. usually the 1 yg simple yet nice.. x kesah la nmpk elegen ke.. smart ke.. jnji cun!
26. Do you floss daily?
- i brush my teeth..
27. Favorite color?
- pink.. green.. purple.. black..
28. Would you be a pirate?
- nope.. its a bad luck to other pirate coz i'm a woman.. haha.. nti klo karam ke, aku pon karam skali.. xmo2..
29. What songs do you sing in the shower?
- depend on last song i played before i left my room..
30. Favorite girl's name?
- hana
31. Favorite boy's name?
- hakimi
32. What's in your pocket right now?
- nothing..
33. Last thing that made you laugh?
- rabbit.. sb die wt bungee jump without safety rope.. huahua.. hebat2..
34. Best recent meal?
- kfc.. haha..
35. Worst injury/illness you had as a child?
- err.. bisul + chicken pox la kot..
36. Do you love where you live?
- not now.. i need to go back home..
37. Funniest TV show?
- dunno.. earls? haha..
38. Who is your most talkative friend?
- cha.. x larat kdg2.. haha..
39. How many dogs do you have?
- zero..
40. Do you believe in miracles?
- i believe in Allah swt's miracles..
41. What book(s) are on your bedside table?
- nothing! haha.. klo kt umah, comics n magazines..
42. What is your favorite candy?
- hitto..
43. Favorite sports team?
- bsbi all-girl futsal team.. haha..
44. Favorite bands?
- oryxtes.. my own rock legend band.. haha..
who you wanna to tag?
- wani, emi, megat, shido dido, spe2 lg yg bce.. hehe..
-huhu.. i'm not fond of eating cheese..
2. When was the most recent time you needed help?
- urm.. when i need sum1 to buy me food b4 i died coz of hunger..
3. Do you own a weapon?
- lethal weapon? nope.. cite die pon xde.. haha..
4. What flavour of Kool Aid was your favorite?
- err.. ntoh.. xnah try lak..
5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments?
- kind of..
6. Do you know & love laksa?
- yes i do know laksa.. i luv to eat it if it is tasty.. haha..
7. Favorite Christmas movie?
- the grinch.. hakhak..
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
- plain water..
9. Can you do push ups?
- ups? down leh la.. huahua..
10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry?
- my earings.. lost 1 piece olredi.. so sad, man.. waaa~~
11 If you had to sacrifice either your television or your music system, which would go?
- music system.. coz i can stil hv TV to listen n watch.. haha..
12. Right- or left-handed?
- right..
13. What's your favorite shoe?
- shoes that is comfortable enuff to walk with..
14. Middle name?
- binti..
15. Name 3 thoughts at this moment
- nk pos brg esok
- nk tag spe lps nih
- nk g tgk restoran n pet aku kt facebook..
16. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink?
- plain water
- mango+nata de coco
- pepsi
17. Current worry?
- bl nk anto thesis n leh ke settle by 16th ni klo asik mlepak jek.. isk3..
18. Current hate?
- i hate that i cant shooh him away from my thought..
19. Favorite ice-cream?
- vanilla+chocs
20. How did you bring in the New Year?
- ntoh.. sme jek.. haha..
21. Where would you love to fly next?
- g korea.. europe..
22. Where will you fly next??
- home sweet home.. x sbrnye!
23. Do you own slippers?
- luv it!
24. What color shirt are you wearing right now?
- black..
25. Preferred bedsheets?
- dunno.. usually the 1 yg simple yet nice.. x kesah la nmpk elegen ke.. smart ke.. jnji cun!
26. Do you floss daily?
- i brush my teeth..
27. Favorite color?
- pink.. green.. purple.. black..
28. Would you be a pirate?
- nope.. its a bad luck to other pirate coz i'm a woman.. haha.. nti klo karam ke, aku pon karam skali.. xmo2..
29. What songs do you sing in the shower?
- depend on last song i played before i left my room..
30. Favorite girl's name?
- hana
31. Favorite boy's name?
- hakimi
32. What's in your pocket right now?
- nothing..
33. Last thing that made you laugh?
- rabbit.. sb die wt bungee jump without safety rope.. huahua.. hebat2..
34. Best recent meal?
- kfc.. haha..
35. Worst injury/illness you had as a child?
- err.. bisul + chicken pox la kot..
36. Do you love where you live?
- not now.. i need to go back home..
37. Funniest TV show?
- dunno.. earls? haha..
38. Who is your most talkative friend?
- cha.. x larat kdg2.. haha..
39. How many dogs do you have?
- zero..
40. Do you believe in miracles?
- i believe in Allah swt's miracles..
41. What book(s) are on your bedside table?
- nothing! haha.. klo kt umah, comics n magazines..
42. What is your favorite candy?
- hitto..
43. Favorite sports team?
- bsbi all-girl futsal team.. haha..
44. Favorite bands?
- oryxtes.. my own rock legend band.. haha..
who you wanna to tag?
- wani, emi, megat, shido dido, spe2 lg yg bce.. hehe..
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Tagged 1: 5ive
Senaraikan 5 hadiah yg anda impikan:
1. nk lptop bru!
2. nk vw new beetle kaler ijo!
3. nk nset bru.. hactic ke.. haha
4. nk vaucar mbeli belah percuma seumur idop..
5. nk seorg pakwe yg bole d bt suami.. haha
Alasan terhadap pilihan tersebut:
1. sb laptop sy dh uzuria sgt dh.. wuwu
2. sb ia nyer comei ^^
3. sb leh touchy2 mcm hyunnie nyer.. hehe
4. ppuan kn suka shopping.. apa ra..
5. aiyo.. nti mak sy bising2 sy xmo kawen.. jd sy mntk la.. ltk die dlm kotak, jgn lupa letak reben ye..
p/s: xnah lak impikn adiah.. sb.. xde nyer org nk bg.. g cr sndri la oi..
5 impressions terhadap org diminati:
1. urm.. ade ciri2 seorg ayh.. cewah.. leh jd suami mithali.. ahax
2. x mnunjukkn minat thadap wanita secara melampau aka x gatal..
3. pndai & rajin! sb sy kurg bijak & mls.. haha
4. behave... with gud manners
5. caring and funny.. coz i need sum1 to cheer me up..
5 perkara HEBAT yg pernah dilakukan:
1. prasan hebat d usia 4 thn.. akibatnya, parut d tgn kne iron..
2. aku tau berenang! start from zero u know!
3. prnh mkn ulat mulong aka ulat sagu.. brani cuba?? hoho
4. mse kecik2, pecah kn brg kaca yg mak aku syg dlm almari.. hoho..
5. mhabiskn kdt intenet uspot dlm mse 3-4 ari.. haha.. kagum x??
5 ciptaan yg paling disukai:
(Ciptaan Tuhan atau manusia)
1. bntl & katil
2. laut & langit
3. my families
4. laptop & internet
5. hujan & matahari
p/s: mntk maap ye tlebih2 lak.. haha
5 perkara dibenci:
1. bl bntl busuk sy d caci dan d hina.. waa.. sian die..
2. bl org len x phm sy.. ssh sgt ke nk phm sy? sy ckp bhs sanskrit ke?
3. bl org yg bkn family or kekasih ati sy syg sy dgn sgt melampau.. (sy tlh d kecam sb kenyataan sy ini.. sukati sy la.. sb sy yg merasa sesak napas.. hukhuk..)
4. bl sy mkn ikn, sy tsengkang tulang.. wuwu..
5. bl sy d tuduh mbuat sesuatu yg bkn niat d ati sy.. hukhuk..
5 org nk kena tag:
-shido dido
1. nk lptop bru!
2. nk vw new beetle kaler ijo!
3. nk nset bru.. hactic ke.. haha
4. nk vaucar mbeli belah percuma seumur idop..
5. nk seorg pakwe yg bole d bt suami.. haha
Alasan terhadap pilihan tersebut:
1. sb laptop sy dh uzuria sgt dh.. wuwu
2. sb ia nyer comei ^^
3. sb leh touchy2 mcm hyunnie nyer.. hehe
4. ppuan kn suka shopping.. apa ra..
5. aiyo.. nti mak sy bising2 sy xmo kawen.. jd sy mntk la.. ltk die dlm kotak, jgn lupa letak reben ye..
p/s: xnah lak impikn adiah.. sb.. xde nyer org nk bg.. g cr sndri la oi..
5 impressions terhadap org diminati:
1. urm.. ade ciri2 seorg ayh.. cewah.. leh jd suami mithali.. ahax
2. x mnunjukkn minat thadap wanita secara melampau aka x gatal..
3. pndai & rajin! sb sy kurg bijak & mls.. haha
4. behave... with gud manners
5. caring and funny.. coz i need sum1 to cheer me up..
5 perkara HEBAT yg pernah dilakukan:
1. prasan hebat d usia 4 thn.. akibatnya, parut d tgn kne iron..
2. aku tau berenang! start from zero u know!
3. prnh mkn ulat mulong aka ulat sagu.. brani cuba?? hoho
4. mse kecik2, pecah kn brg kaca yg mak aku syg dlm almari.. hoho..
5. mhabiskn kdt intenet uspot dlm mse 3-4 ari.. haha.. kagum x??
5 ciptaan yg paling disukai:
(Ciptaan Tuhan atau manusia)
1. bntl & katil
2. laut & langit
3. my families
4. laptop & internet
5. hujan & matahari
p/s: mntk maap ye tlebih2 lak.. haha
5 perkara dibenci:
1. bl bntl busuk sy d caci dan d hina.. waa.. sian die..
2. bl org len x phm sy.. ssh sgt ke nk phm sy? sy ckp bhs sanskrit ke?
3. bl org yg bkn family or kekasih ati sy syg sy dgn sgt melampau.. (sy tlh d kecam sb kenyataan sy ini.. sukati sy la.. sb sy yg merasa sesak napas.. hukhuk..)
4. bl sy mkn ikn, sy tsengkang tulang.. wuwu..
5. bl sy d tuduh mbuat sesuatu yg bkn niat d ati sy.. hukhuk..
5 org nk kena tag:
-shido dido
Luerd Kattiya
spe prnh tgk cite Thai tjuk Princess kt tv2 kul 2 pd tahun 2006? ke 2005 ek? lbh kurg la.. sy d matrik ketika itu, matrik johor sesi 2005/2006 (siap nk bgtau.. ahax).. hehe.. pelakon utama, hero, ialah pelakon Soda & Ice Tea kt tv3 yg encem gle tuh! puas mgodek.. tp ckit je dpt info.. bl taip Jesadaporn Pholdee (aka Tik) kt google, yg kuar adalah website kaler putih tulis FORBIDDEN ACCESS DENIED.. sume nyer gara2 nama jesadaPORN tuh.. duh.. bengong.. ni klo jesadaporn tu tau, mesti die sdh.. bkn slh ibu mngandung die dpt nama tuh.. huhu.. jd, aku pon buang 'R' die.. nsb bk dpt tajuk cite tu dlm bhs Thai..
ok2.. bbalik pd cite tu td.. aku suka gle cite ni.. huhu.. trase nk tgk lg.. dh la sweet gle pcintaan mreka.. mcm suci jek.. dlm cite ni nama die anothai.. princess tu lak die pggl dara.. die xtau pon dara tu princess smpai la mse die g majlis ptabalan princess tu s a princess..
pastu, ade la blaku pgolakn dlm kerajaan.. anothai ni berusaha la mbantu dara naik takhta sb mmg die yg plg berhak (klo x silap aku la).. yg len sume gle kuasa.. pastu, bl dh nk d naikkn jd queen, anothai perlu mengorbankn dr die, utk mbuktikn yg queen yg bakal d nobatkn ni suci, baik (gitu la lbh kurg), x bcinta ngn org bawahan.. jd, in the end, anothai tlh d tembak mati secara terhormat (military nyer style.. sb die askar).. general tu pon sedih sb terpksa korbankn anothai.. hukhuk.. aku pon sdh.. wuaaa~ sggup msuk klas lmbt 5 minit (walhal lectrr kuliah biology sgt menakutkn..hoho)
-the end-
ok2.. bbalik pd cite tu td.. aku suka gle cite ni.. huhu.. trase nk tgk lg.. dh la sweet gle pcintaan mreka.. mcm suci jek.. dlm cite ni nama die anothai.. princess tu lak die pggl dara.. die xtau pon dara tu princess smpai la mse die g majlis ptabalan princess tu s a princess..
pastu, ade la blaku pgolakn dlm kerajaan.. anothai ni berusaha la mbantu dara naik takhta sb mmg die yg plg berhak (klo x silap aku la).. yg len sume gle kuasa.. pastu, bl dh nk d naikkn jd queen, anothai perlu mengorbankn dr die, utk mbuktikn yg queen yg bakal d nobatkn ni suci, baik (gitu la lbh kurg), x bcinta ngn org bawahan.. jd, in the end, anothai tlh d tembak mati secara terhormat (military nyer style.. sb die askar).. general tu pon sedih sb terpksa korbankn anothai.. hukhuk.. aku pon sdh.. wuaaa~ sggup msuk klas lmbt 5 minit (walhal lectrr kuliah biology sgt menakutkn..hoho)
-the end-
Berita Jam 1515
sari berita penting..
satu operasi penapisan dan pbuangan nota tlh d lakukn smlm pada jam 6 ptg hingga 3 pg keesokkan ari nye.. ini adalah berikutan kerajaan d blk H208 tidak lagi mampu menampung pbelanjaan mengepos brg2 selama 4 thn menginap d bintulu.. walaupon pbelanjaan tsebut telah dberikn subsidi oleh syarikat gergasi Pa&Ma, namun begitu, tindakan tersebut adalah wajar untuk mengelakkan sebarang masalah.. brikut adalah nombor talian prabayar yg boleh rakyat hubungi sekiranya ingin mengajukn persoalan2 yang terbangkit di dalam jiwa..
sekian berita utama..

adoiyai~ pnt la ngemas.. tp brg dh tggl ckit ^^
satu operasi penapisan dan pbuangan nota tlh d lakukn smlm pada jam 6 ptg hingga 3 pg keesokkan ari nye.. ini adalah berikutan kerajaan d blk H208 tidak lagi mampu menampung pbelanjaan mengepos brg2 selama 4 thn menginap d bintulu.. walaupon pbelanjaan tsebut telah dberikn subsidi oleh syarikat gergasi Pa&Ma, namun begitu, tindakan tersebut adalah wajar untuk mengelakkan sebarang masalah.. brikut adalah nombor talian prabayar yg boleh rakyat hubungi sekiranya ingin mengajukn persoalan2 yang terbangkit di dalam jiwa..
sekian berita utama..
adoiyai~ pnt la ngemas.. tp brg dh tggl ckit ^^
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Se7en things that make me happy today
best gilak arini.. hehe.. nk tau sb apa?
1) sy dpt mkn nasi pd siang ari.. esok nk pesan lg leh x? hakhak..
2) sy lepak d tgga utk mkn dgn kwn sy.. kemudian dua org lg kwn join skali smbil mbebel2 bdk llk kt blok mne ntah, karOK x sedap.. haha..
3) sy dpt mkn mknn ringan dgn ahli kump sukaneka sy, grup 6 (sambil d temani nyamuk2 dan asap rokok.. hmm..yg ni sy kurang gemar sb memudaratkn kesihatan sy.. huhu)
4) sy tidak mbuang mse mnonton AIM yg d katakn bosan.. hoho.. gud2..
5) sy menonton cerita smpena ari ibu yg sgt best d tv3! bl ibu memakai celana.. sumthg like that la tjuk die.. hehe.. best gilak! nk jd ibu yg begitu.. tp.. i'll work on my understanding towards my children more la.. i hope..
6) sy d jemput utk menikmati stimbot+cekodok+air teh yg b'aroma strawberry oleh k.chah.. dan sy tlh mkn smpai kenyang..
7) sy tlh borak2 kosong dgn para jemputan yg len smpai la kul 2.15a.m.. hoho.. antara topik pbincangan yg hangat d bicarakn adalah soal pkahwinan.. pernikahan.. pembawakn budak (mengandung).. dan bcerita psl beberapa org polan (tak d kira mengumpat kerna tiada sebarang cacian d kne kn.. hanya lah kenyataan yg d ketahui umum)
sekian, berita tammat
1) sy dpt mkn nasi pd siang ari.. esok nk pesan lg leh x? hakhak..
2) sy lepak d tgga utk mkn dgn kwn sy.. kemudian dua org lg kwn join skali smbil mbebel2 bdk llk kt blok mne ntah, karOK x sedap.. haha..
3) sy dpt mkn mknn ringan dgn ahli kump sukaneka sy, grup 6 (sambil d temani nyamuk2 dan asap rokok.. hmm..yg ni sy kurang gemar sb memudaratkn kesihatan sy.. huhu)
4) sy tidak mbuang mse mnonton AIM yg d katakn bosan.. hoho.. gud2..
5) sy menonton cerita smpena ari ibu yg sgt best d tv3! bl ibu memakai celana.. sumthg like that la tjuk die.. hehe.. best gilak! nk jd ibu yg begitu.. tp.. i'll work on my understanding towards my children more la.. i hope..
6) sy d jemput utk menikmati stimbot+cekodok+air teh yg b'aroma strawberry oleh k.chah.. dan sy tlh mkn smpai kenyang..
7) sy tlh borak2 kosong dgn para jemputan yg len smpai la kul 2.15a.m.. hoho.. antara topik pbincangan yg hangat d bicarakn adalah soal pkahwinan.. pernikahan.. pembawakn budak (mengandung).. dan bcerita psl beberapa org polan (tak d kira mengumpat kerna tiada sebarang cacian d kne kn.. hanya lah kenyataan yg d ketahui umum)
sekian, berita tammat
Friday, May 1, 2009
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