tetiba terasa nk buat bnda ni dlm blog coz new year is tomorrow..
in 2009
5 Best things happen in my life
- able to submit a thesis n graduated
- driving! haha.. its been a nitemare b4.. at last!
- break up.. huhu.. i'm single n free..
- i still hv my family with me
- i lose my weight due to swimming n not eating at nite during january to june..
5 Worst things happen in my life
- break up.. huu..
- i feel lonely on 1st n 2nd month of 1st sem s postgrad student.. the worst! i even cried..
- i gain my weight starting from june until now.. damn!
- feel like a loser
- semasa masih bgelar student final year, aku mkn megi utk dua hari bturut2 n mlmnyer lak x mkn lgsg.. sedih kn..
5 Best Movie i ever watch
- avatar
- phobia 2
- ice age 3
- bohsia
- papadom
5 Worst Movie i ever watch
- momok the movie
- blood : the last vampire (the worst!!!)
- my spy.. plg mbazir aku rse n annoying coz guys sitting beside me keep on bugging me..
( len xde kot.. )
5 Best TV prog i ever watch
- supernatural season 4
- kekasih ku seru..
- csi miami n vegas.. ny x best..
- american next top model
- nur kasih
The single most challenging thing that happened?
During fyp for BSc..
What was an unexpected joy this past year?
Urm.. unexpected? my life have been programmed n expected.. shud i say, nothing? urm.. dpt coklat in an unexpected things.. haha..
What was an unexpected obstacle?
urm.. sumthg.. that i cant share.. let it b with me..
What were the best books you read this year?
read so many of them.. cant choose.. i juz enjoy reading..
With whom were your most valuable relationships?
with all my besties.. not beast k.. hehe..
What was your biggest personal change from January to December of this past year?
lose n gain weight.. sigh*
In what way(s) did you grow emotionally?
when i break up? i learn that i'm immature in relationship.. make me think twice right now to luv sum1..
In what way(s) did you grow spiritually?
i dunno.. by remembering God n my parents in all things i did..
In what way(s) did you grow physically?
by eating a lot! haha
In what way(s) did you grow in your relationships with others?
urm.. b more talkative? dunno..
What was the most enjoyable area of managing your home?
hall? hehe..
What was your most challenging area of home management?
kitchen n bathroom.. there juz sum ppl who cant clean their own mess.. ntah hape2..
What was your single biggest time waster in your life this past year?
sleep n doing nothing! haha
What was the best way you used your time this past year?
go for swimming in the evening..
What was the biggest thing you learned this past year?
learn how to swim, how to drive on the road..
p/s: Xde la byk pon bnda blaku dlm idup aku spnjg 2009.. huhu.. ok la 2.. i wanna lead a normal life.. hehe
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
arini kwn aku ckp 1 bnda..
"sshla klo memilih sgt..
in the end, bl dh tpaksa, kt men cekup je apa yg ada dpn mata.. x jugak dpt yg terbaik..
moral of the story, jgn memilih sgt.. bl dh dpt seorg yg baik, hold him/her tightly..
"sshla klo memilih sgt..
in the end, bl dh tpaksa, kt men cekup je apa yg ada dpn mata.. x jugak dpt yg terbaik..
moral of the story, jgn memilih sgt.. bl dh dpt seorg yg baik, hold him/her tightly..
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
i really need to slim down a bit.. my weight is totally freak me out! 'thats' the limit i alwiz remind meself.. n now, its almost there.. its on the alarming lvl.. the light is now red! i have to control it..
my new year resolution is i wanna lead a healthier life..
mentally n physically healthy.. n not to forget, a healthier heart.. hee.. my wound is mended altho the scar is there, but hell, i dont gv a damn.. i know how i feel n i'm totally ok now..
my new year resolution is i wanna lead a healthier life..
mentally n physically healthy.. n not to forget, a healthier heart.. hee.. my wound is mended altho the scar is there, but hell, i dont gv a damn.. i know how i feel n i'm totally ok now..
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
i used to dreams about water.. usually its a big wave.. n usually, i juz look at it or running from it..
i hv dreamt about me, standing from a really high cliff but then the wave almost as high as the cliff too..
n its sumtimes terifying coz there's 1 time, i ran from a tsunami that came from the shore n from the land.. weird.. but that's what i dream.. i dont know if there is significant meaning about this..
n now, i used to dream that i'm swimming.. i dont know if this is the consequnce i got from learning how to swim.. its like i'm trying to learn how to swim properly in my dream..
n sum1 is alwiz there look out after me, which make me not scared to face the water..
i dont know.. i look at the meaning about swimming.. n its not a really good.. its like i'l have some trouble awaiting for me..
but i dont know.. i really dont..
a fren of mine usually dream about fire.. which is totally diff from me..
is theres sum kind of element things?
Pix credit to: Ben @ flickr
i hv dreamt about me, standing from a really high cliff but then the wave almost as high as the cliff too..
n its sumtimes terifying coz there's 1 time, i ran from a tsunami that came from the shore n from the land.. weird.. but that's what i dream.. i dont know if there is significant meaning about this..
n now, i used to dream that i'm swimming.. i dont know if this is the consequnce i got from learning how to swim.. its like i'm trying to learn how to swim properly in my dream..
n sum1 is alwiz there look out after me, which make me not scared to face the water..
i dont know.. i look at the meaning about swimming.. n its not a really good.. its like i'l have some trouble awaiting for me..
but i dont know.. i really dont..
a fren of mine usually dream about fire.. which is totally diff from me..
is theres sum kind of element things?

Friday, December 11, 2009
A boyish feeling i used to have..
ok.. tau x selama ni aku membesar dengan perasaan, best nyer kalo jd llk..
1st sb aku rse mcm llk ni powerful.. aku sgt kagum r ngn llk.. sume pon diorg mampu buat.. abg n ayh aku is my man idol.. haha..
2nd sb aku rse diorg ni happening gle.. xyah pon malu2 meow klo nk wat apa2.. bbnding ngn ppuan yg slalu kne jg tgkah laku nyer..
3rd sb aku ada abg.. n wpon dlu kecik2 aku slalu je maen game rambo ke, game keta ke,. bina kubu dlm umah ke, tgk cite ganeh ke mcm cite judge dread (x silap aku g tgk wyg ngn ayh n abg aku kat pggung cathay.. time 2, 2 je la pggung yg feymes kt mlk ni.. gsc pon xde lg.. ganeh x?).. but stil aku terbatas on certain things.. cth nyer, abg aku leh kuar ngn cousin aku merayau2.. but not me.. kne dok umh.. xleh join diorg men tgh pns.. diorg leh g jusco utk beli tape ultraman, tapi aku xleh.. busan btul..
4th sb aku sndri rse, busannya jd ppuan.. coz we hv to grow up with this kind of physical.. u know what i mean? i think its burdensome tau.. lps tu bru la i learn that this is what they call the 'assets'.. whateva..
5th sb ppuan kne dress up well.. argh!! nympah aku bl idup d kelilingi ppuan yg aku rse sumenye fake sb u know, appearance can lead to wrong judgement.. x smestinya org tu well dress, diorg well mannered.. btul x? haha.. mls gle aku.. but thank God, my mom n dad prefer we wear sumthg that is comfortable, menutup aurat n not so flashy.. coz u know.. fancy dresses not only attracted boys (which can lead to mslh so-sial) but also attract people who u shudnt attract (phm2 ler.. perampok ke.. pencopet ke.. ada phm? ye r.. die tgk ko pkai cantek je, mesti igt ko ank org kaya kn.. isk2..)
6th sb aku rse ppuan adalah seorg yg serabut.. huahaha.. bl aku besar.. indeed! mmg serabut.. sorry guys.. cant run away.. haha..
Ok, frankly.. this feelings still have.. but not so strong lar.. i luv being a girl rite now!
1... wpon skrg ni aku stil tgk cite ganeh, tp aku dh start lyn luv story gak.. universal la tu kn.. ok r..
2... bsyukur dgn fizikal n perasaan seorg ppuan.. best apa jd ppuan.. llk xleh express feeling sgt.. haha..
3... wearing sumthg girlish kdg2 (but most of the time, i prefer simple clothing).. it does attract man.. haha..
4... ingin mcari seorg llk yg boleh dikagumi n can b rely on like abg n ayh aku.. amin.. moga btemu..
5... aku terima fitrah seorg ppuan ialah mpunyai sifat malu.. pcaya x aku seorg yg pemalu? haha.. mesti korg gelak bl bce.. this is me.. but.. bl aku semakin pndai bergaul dengan org, sifat malu tu harus aku buangkn.. malu biarlah bertempat.. cume kdg2 i can b very quiet at a time.. nak2 lg bl rmai org.. haha.. sopan apa klo senyap.. kn2? hehe..
Ada 1 je bnda yg aku kne redha sb jd ppuan.. kitorg stil makhluk Tuhan yang lemah.. wpon aku x suke, but i have to admit, itulah kenyataan.. kitorg jd lemah when it comes about dealing with man.. err.. fhm x?
i'm not talking about love lah.. haha.. but what i want to stress up is that, girls attract guys (bad guy i mean).. if u have a whole bunch of girls in ur car, u still look vulnerable.. size n quantity of girls doesnt matter to men.. bad guy stil can take advantage of ur weaknesses.. see what i mean?
Cthnye.. aku rse aku akan ok bl bwk kreta mlm2 or g mne2 bl mlm.. but what my dad sees, n my bro sees, n my God-sis's husband (i call him abg nora.. he like a real brother to me.. baik sgt.. igt lg mse aku kecik, die blom kawen lg ngn akk aku, die bwk kfc n kitorg lepak luar umah n mkn kfc smbil ngumpat2 psl org sblh.. haha..) sees is that, i'm a girl.. they r worried.. well.. good men worried about girls because of bad men (not batman k!), mmg ptt pon kan.. sb they all good! hee..
prnh 2 abg nora ascord aku blk dari umah die sb dh lewat mlm, walhal aku rse aku akn ok.. sb aku rse area tu ok lg.. x mcm kl kot.. kul 2pagi.. memang logik r kalo die risau.. haha..
arini, my mom tegur aku bl aku ckp nk kuar tgk wyg lps kul 10 (sb adik aku abeh keje kul 10mlm).. mak aku ckp, ayh aku nk tegur aku sb aku dh start blk lewat.. sblum d tegur oleh ayh, baik d tegur oleh mak.. wuwu.. selama ni aku igt diorg ok je.. lgpon diorg tau aku ke mne n aku slalu kuar ngn ppuan je.. shud b no prob.. tp rupa2nya, diorg risau.. shudnt blame them.. aku tau aku x ptt begitu.. siap ckp lg 'kalo ada abg, xpe gak'.. wuaaa~~ bestnyer jd llk.. pasni xleh blk lbh lewat dr kul 9.. hukhuk.. baiklah.. saya redha..
ok la.. ekceli perenggan ats ni je yg aku nk ckp.. punyalah pnjg mukadimah die.. haha..
1st sb aku rse mcm llk ni powerful.. aku sgt kagum r ngn llk.. sume pon diorg mampu buat.. abg n ayh aku is my man idol.. haha..
2nd sb aku rse diorg ni happening gle.. xyah pon malu2 meow klo nk wat apa2.. bbnding ngn ppuan yg slalu kne jg tgkah laku nyer..
3rd sb aku ada abg.. n wpon dlu kecik2 aku slalu je maen game rambo ke, game keta ke,. bina kubu dlm umah ke, tgk cite ganeh ke mcm cite judge dread (x silap aku g tgk wyg ngn ayh n abg aku kat pggung cathay.. time 2, 2 je la pggung yg feymes kt mlk ni.. gsc pon xde lg.. ganeh x?).. but stil aku terbatas on certain things.. cth nyer, abg aku leh kuar ngn cousin aku merayau2.. but not me.. kne dok umh.. xleh join diorg men tgh pns.. diorg leh g jusco utk beli tape ultraman, tapi aku xleh.. busan btul..
4th sb aku sndri rse, busannya jd ppuan.. coz we hv to grow up with this kind of physical.. u know what i mean? i think its burdensome tau.. lps tu bru la i learn that this is what they call the 'assets'.. whateva..
5th sb ppuan kne dress up well.. argh!! nympah aku bl idup d kelilingi ppuan yg aku rse sumenye fake sb u know, appearance can lead to wrong judgement.. x smestinya org tu well dress, diorg well mannered.. btul x? haha.. mls gle aku.. but thank God, my mom n dad prefer we wear sumthg that is comfortable, menutup aurat n not so flashy.. coz u know.. fancy dresses not only attracted boys (which can lead to mslh so-sial) but also attract people who u shudnt attract (phm2 ler.. perampok ke.. pencopet ke.. ada phm? ye r.. die tgk ko pkai cantek je, mesti igt ko ank org kaya kn.. isk2..)
6th sb aku rse ppuan adalah seorg yg serabut.. huahaha.. bl aku besar.. indeed! mmg serabut.. sorry guys.. cant run away.. haha..
Ok, frankly.. this feelings still have.. but not so strong lar.. i luv being a girl rite now!
1... wpon skrg ni aku stil tgk cite ganeh, tp aku dh start lyn luv story gak.. universal la tu kn.. ok r..
2... bsyukur dgn fizikal n perasaan seorg ppuan.. best apa jd ppuan.. llk xleh express feeling sgt.. haha..
3... wearing sumthg girlish kdg2 (but most of the time, i prefer simple clothing).. it does attract man.. haha..
4... ingin mcari seorg llk yg boleh dikagumi n can b rely on like abg n ayh aku.. amin.. moga btemu..
5... aku terima fitrah seorg ppuan ialah mpunyai sifat malu.. pcaya x aku seorg yg pemalu? haha.. mesti korg gelak bl bce.. this is me.. but.. bl aku semakin pndai bergaul dengan org, sifat malu tu harus aku buangkn.. malu biarlah bertempat.. cume kdg2 i can b very quiet at a time.. nak2 lg bl rmai org.. haha.. sopan apa klo senyap.. kn2? hehe..
Ada 1 je bnda yg aku kne redha sb jd ppuan.. kitorg stil makhluk Tuhan yang lemah.. wpon aku x suke, but i have to admit, itulah kenyataan.. kitorg jd lemah when it comes about dealing with man.. err.. fhm x?
i'm not talking about love lah.. haha.. but what i want to stress up is that, girls attract guys (bad guy i mean).. if u have a whole bunch of girls in ur car, u still look vulnerable.. size n quantity of girls doesnt matter to men.. bad guy stil can take advantage of ur weaknesses.. see what i mean?
Cthnye.. aku rse aku akan ok bl bwk kreta mlm2 or g mne2 bl mlm.. but what my dad sees, n my bro sees, n my God-sis's husband (i call him abg nora.. he like a real brother to me.. baik sgt.. igt lg mse aku kecik, die blom kawen lg ngn akk aku, die bwk kfc n kitorg lepak luar umah n mkn kfc smbil ngumpat2 psl org sblh.. haha..) sees is that, i'm a girl.. they r worried.. well.. good men worried about girls because of bad men (not batman k!), mmg ptt pon kan.. sb they all good! hee..
prnh 2 abg nora ascord aku blk dari umah die sb dh lewat mlm, walhal aku rse aku akn ok.. sb aku rse area tu ok lg.. x mcm kl kot.. kul 2pagi.. memang logik r kalo die risau.. haha..
arini, my mom tegur aku bl aku ckp nk kuar tgk wyg lps kul 10 (sb adik aku abeh keje kul 10mlm).. mak aku ckp, ayh aku nk tegur aku sb aku dh start blk lewat.. sblum d tegur oleh ayh, baik d tegur oleh mak.. wuwu.. selama ni aku igt diorg ok je.. lgpon diorg tau aku ke mne n aku slalu kuar ngn ppuan je.. shud b no prob.. tp rupa2nya, diorg risau.. shudnt blame them.. aku tau aku x ptt begitu.. siap ckp lg 'kalo ada abg, xpe gak'.. wuaaa~~ bestnyer jd llk.. pasni xleh blk lbh lewat dr kul 9.. hukhuk.. baiklah.. saya redha..
ok la.. ekceli perenggan ats ni je yg aku nk ckp.. punyalah pnjg mukadimah die.. haha..
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Nfon bru.. pinku2.. ^^

1st of all, the gps is not that good s HTC abg aku.. xde pompuan bcakap2 n its not even garmin technology.. its only google maps.. means, kne on9 la klo nk cari gps.. if i'm not mistaken la.. huh.. damn.. mne aku tau.. dgr je gps, tbayang2 HTC abg aku.. dh ckp dh, tolak je phone HTC tu kt aku, die xmo.. kne gak aku bli nfon bru.. huhu..
2nd, sb aku takut die very delicate.. damn.. coz aku seorg yg ganeh.. thank God aku x bli touch screen coz, wpon aku teringin sgt.. haha.. tp bl pk2, handbag aku 2, dh r slalu penuh ngn brg.. payung pon ada.. hebat ek handbag aku.. very practical.. ha.. sb 2 la x leh bli touch screen.. lg 1, over budget la.. xmo r bli nfon mahal2 sgt.. duit 2 leh gune utk bli bnda len..
3rd, die xde pon 2ndary camera.. punyalah merata aku cari.. damn..
4th, sb die walkman.. haha.. nk msukkn lgu, kne pk 2 3 kali.. cuak aku nk cucuk die kt mne2.. kang kne virus, payah lak.. damn.. 2 psl, aku lg suka gune yg basic sbnrnya.. xde pon riso virus2 ni..
5th, npe bl aku tgk camera kat nfon org len, wpon megapixel die lg kecik dr aku or same, nmpk cntik je.. bl aku bli, tgk sndri punya, xde la lawo pon gmbo.. nama pon camera nfon.. mne setanding camera btul.. btul x? damn.. silap judgement aku ni.. 2 r.. dok seronok tgk org nyer nfon cecanggih.. kengkonon best r tu.. walhal 2 sume fantasi je 2.. haha..
ckup r kutuk2 die.. apa2pon, aku bsyukur dgn function2 yg ada.. the function is more than my previous phone.. aku akn guna kn die habes2an.. sme mcm aku gune fon LG aku 2.. gune smpai tcabut2 keypad.. byk kenangan woo nfon 2.. lgpon, mmg dh mse die retired.. aku rse, die pon mgalakkn aku ada pganti, sb die x larat lg dh.. byg kn, on the day aku tau aku dpt grf, keypad die dh start luruh.. isk2.. die soh aku bli yg bru ler 2..
aku bli nfon bru bl aku ptimbangkn kata2 kwn aku, iaitu, ssh bl org nk ctc emergency.. cth nyer aritu.. mak aku x bg aku blk lewat mlm sbnrnya.. tp d sebabkn bat kong, i cannot b reach by my mom.. n she damn worried.. huhu.. sorry..
pasni leh r cari pakwe bru.. sb sy dh de nfon baru.. huahaha.. apa punya pedoman la.. x leh pkai tol..
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Ku percaya ada cinta
Jiwang nyer post aku yg sblum ni.. huhu.. but thats what i feel.. n this song, i like it very much.. i never really like dato's ct's song before.. kalo suka, suka gitu2 jela.. juz like other song.. but this song make me realize back juz what i hold since i learned the word love..
Ku Percaya Ada Cinta
Mereka meragui
Wujudnya cinta yang sejati
Tidak hati ini
Semenjak dari mula
Ku yakin ada cinta
Cintalah yang memungkinkan segala
Ku rela..
Biar betapapun perit tertusuk duri
Jalan berliku tiada bertepi
Ku percaya..
Tidak sia-sia aku diuji
Demi cinta..
Tersembunyi hikmahnya pasti
Pandang-pandang alam ini
Sambil pandang difikiri
Mana bumbung langit tinggi
Mana lantai bumi
Tiap satu yang terjadi
Tidak mungkin tersendiri
Cuba cari jawapannya andai meragui
Ku rela
Biar betapa pun perit tertusuk duri
Jalan berliku tiada bertepi
Ku percaya
Tidak sia-sia aku duji
Ada hikmahnya pasti
Sejak mula ku percaya ada cinta
Cinta itu memungkinkan segalanya
Cinta suci
Dan abadi….
Ku Percaya Ada Cinta
Mereka meragui
Wujudnya cinta yang sejati
Tidak hati ini
Semenjak dari mula
Ku yakin ada cinta
Cintalah yang memungkinkan segala
Ku rela..
Biar betapapun perit tertusuk duri
Jalan berliku tiada bertepi
Ku percaya..
Tidak sia-sia aku diuji
Demi cinta..
Tersembunyi hikmahnya pasti
Pandang-pandang alam ini
Sambil pandang difikiri
Mana bumbung langit tinggi
Mana lantai bumi
Tiap satu yang terjadi
Tidak mungkin tersendiri
Cuba cari jawapannya andai meragui
Ku rela
Biar betapa pun perit tertusuk duri
Jalan berliku tiada bertepi
Ku percaya
Tidak sia-sia aku duji
Ada hikmahnya pasti
Sejak mula ku percaya ada cinta
Cinta itu memungkinkan segalanya
Cinta suci
Dan abadi….
Love Letter: Masih mencari cinta
Tiap kali aku mnyebut namaMu, aku minta supaya di redha kn segala apa yang aku lakukan dan apa yang aku rasa..
Tiap kali terucap kata ampun beserta air mata kerana kadang2 perasaan sayang sesama manusia di rasakan lebih kuat berbanding cintaku pada Mu yang maha esa..
Tiap kali juga aku minta di kuatkan hati ku untuk meneruskan kehidupan tnpa dia d sisi kerana bukan dia sebab aku bernafas..
Tiap kali juga aku tertanya2, ini kah pancaroba dunia yang akan aku hadapi.. Takutnya aku yaAllah jika ini baru sedikit cubaan yang Kau berikan dalam kehidupan berpasangan..
Doa aku padaMu agar dia tidak d uji dengan perasaan sebegini kerana sakitnya tiap kali ia dtg ke minda.. All the flashes of things he did, aku redha.. mungkin dia tidak seperti yang aku harapkan.. Bukan salah dia pon yaAllah utk apa yang aku rasa..
Masih aku igt janji pada diriku, lelaki pertama yang membuatkn ati aku terusik akn menjadi lelaki terakhir yang ada dalam ati ku.. Kerana padaku, cinta itu sesuatu yang abadi..
Tapi pernah aku di tegur, itu semua fairytales.. dalam realiti, aku menangis kerana aku terpaksa menerima kenyataan..
YaAllah.. sentiasa hadir dalam hati, perasaan cinta kurniaan Mu amatlah aku agungkan kerana aku percaya perasaan itu adalah sesuatu yang suci.. Hatiku teguh mempercayai cinta..
Masih aku mohon padaMu ya Allah supaya di kekalkan kepercayaan itu.. Aku tidak mahu kehitaman hati mnusia memusnahkan kesucian cinta yang aku rasakan..
Aku, masih mencari cinta manusia..
Tiap kali aku mnyebut namaMu, aku minta supaya di redha kn segala apa yang aku lakukan dan apa yang aku rasa..
Tiap kali terucap kata ampun beserta air mata kerana kadang2 perasaan sayang sesama manusia di rasakan lebih kuat berbanding cintaku pada Mu yang maha esa..
Tiap kali juga aku minta di kuatkan hati ku untuk meneruskan kehidupan tnpa dia d sisi kerana bukan dia sebab aku bernafas..
Tiap kali juga aku tertanya2, ini kah pancaroba dunia yang akan aku hadapi.. Takutnya aku yaAllah jika ini baru sedikit cubaan yang Kau berikan dalam kehidupan berpasangan..
Doa aku padaMu agar dia tidak d uji dengan perasaan sebegini kerana sakitnya tiap kali ia dtg ke minda.. All the flashes of things he did, aku redha.. mungkin dia tidak seperti yang aku harapkan.. Bukan salah dia pon yaAllah utk apa yang aku rasa..
Masih aku igt janji pada diriku, lelaki pertama yang membuatkn ati aku terusik akn menjadi lelaki terakhir yang ada dalam ati ku.. Kerana padaku, cinta itu sesuatu yang abadi..
Tapi pernah aku di tegur, itu semua fairytales.. dalam realiti, aku menangis kerana aku terpaksa menerima kenyataan..
YaAllah.. sentiasa hadir dalam hati, perasaan cinta kurniaan Mu amatlah aku agungkan kerana aku percaya perasaan itu adalah sesuatu yang suci.. Hatiku teguh mempercayai cinta..
Masih aku mohon padaMu ya Allah supaya di kekalkan kepercayaan itu.. Aku tidak mahu kehitaman hati mnusia memusnahkan kesucian cinta yang aku rasakan..
Aku, masih mencari cinta manusia..
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Ia masih rezeki saya
'Duit ni nak bayo duit tol nanti' aku cakap dalam ati bl aku tengok duit rm50 sekeping dlm wallet.. 2 je la duit yg ada dlm wallet aku bl note RM10 dua keping yg terakhir telah aku bayar utk keperluan aku smlm..
Jadi, bl aku g melantak kt parkview td, aku bayo la dengan rm50 sekeping tu..
Saya: Berapa makcik?
Makcik: RM4.30
Aku pon bg RM50 td tu..
Lantas aku masukkn baki 2 dlm wallet dengan tnpa usul periksa.
Dah lepas kenyang, g menapak ke ATM.. kuarkn duit ats niat nk bg kt my mom.. selitkn dlm wallet, pastu aku berasa pelik.. 'Eh? apsal ada RM5 je ni? Ah sudah.. aku terlupa tengok baki r ni td.. adoiyaii..' Dlm otak dh pk mcm2.. mcmane nk yakinkan pakcik n makcik kt kaunter td kalau aku nk mntk blk duit.. Dok salahkn diri sendri pon ada gak sb careless.. 2 r.. selama ni mak aku slalu pesan, tengok duit baki.. degil! dh kne batang idung sndri..
Aku g gak ngadap pakcik tu, dengan harapan die percaya dengan aku.. Mula2 pakcik 2 ckp r ngn aku kt kaunter die xde pon RM50.. pastu, aku ni dh bbelah bahagi.. Aku jenis percaya je kt org.. x kn aku x nk percaya ckp pakcik tu kn.. tp ada gerak ati aku ckp, myb pakcik ni tkut aku menipu dia.. jadi aku pon mcm nk angkat kaki, blah je.. mls r nk defend2.. RM40 je pon.. halal r.. sedekah je la..
Tetiba pakcik 2 soh tggu kejap.. n aku rse he was thinking of nk bg je duit tu kat aku.. tp still was2.. ye la.. klo aku jd pakcik tu pon aku was2 gak.. Tp lepas 2 dia ckp, 'Takpe la.. awk amik la RM40 ni.. ni hak awk.. kalo btul awk bg RM50 td..'
pastu, aku lak rse bersalah..
'Eh xpe la pakcik.. Sy pon tkut bnda ni, slh sy ke..'
'Xpe.. awk amik la.. ni hak awk..'
Aku dengan rse bersalah.. memang slh aku pon.. careless! Aku pon smbut huluran duit tu..
'Pakcik.. kalau btul duit ni bkn duit sy, nti sy pulang dekat pakcik..'
Isk2.. Nasib aku baik kot.. duit tu masih rezeki aku.. Niat baik, insyaAllah, Tuhan akn tolong.. ini buktinya..
Jadi, bl aku g melantak kt parkview td, aku bayo la dengan rm50 sekeping tu..
Saya: Berapa makcik?
Makcik: RM4.30
Aku pon bg RM50 td tu..
Lantas aku masukkn baki 2 dlm wallet dengan tnpa usul periksa.
Dah lepas kenyang, g menapak ke ATM.. kuarkn duit ats niat nk bg kt my mom.. selitkn dlm wallet, pastu aku berasa pelik.. 'Eh? apsal ada RM5 je ni? Ah sudah.. aku terlupa tengok baki r ni td.. adoiyaii..' Dlm otak dh pk mcm2.. mcmane nk yakinkan pakcik n makcik kt kaunter td kalau aku nk mntk blk duit.. Dok salahkn diri sendri pon ada gak sb careless.. 2 r.. selama ni mak aku slalu pesan, tengok duit baki.. degil! dh kne batang idung sndri..
Aku g gak ngadap pakcik tu, dengan harapan die percaya dengan aku.. Mula2 pakcik 2 ckp r ngn aku kt kaunter die xde pon RM50.. pastu, aku ni dh bbelah bahagi.. Aku jenis percaya je kt org.. x kn aku x nk percaya ckp pakcik tu kn.. tp ada gerak ati aku ckp, myb pakcik ni tkut aku menipu dia.. jadi aku pon mcm nk angkat kaki, blah je.. mls r nk defend2.. RM40 je pon.. halal r.. sedekah je la..
Tetiba pakcik 2 soh tggu kejap.. n aku rse he was thinking of nk bg je duit tu kat aku.. tp still was2.. ye la.. klo aku jd pakcik tu pon aku was2 gak.. Tp lepas 2 dia ckp, 'Takpe la.. awk amik la RM40 ni.. ni hak awk.. kalo btul awk bg RM50 td..'
pastu, aku lak rse bersalah..
'Eh xpe la pakcik.. Sy pon tkut bnda ni, slh sy ke..'
'Xpe.. awk amik la.. ni hak awk..'
Aku dengan rse bersalah.. memang slh aku pon.. careless! Aku pon smbut huluran duit tu..
'Pakcik.. kalau btul duit ni bkn duit sy, nti sy pulang dekat pakcik..'
Isk2.. Nasib aku baik kot.. duit tu masih rezeki aku.. Niat baik, insyaAllah, Tuhan akn tolong.. ini buktinya..
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
A scene in my house..
owh.. saya lupa nk bgtau.. tau x mlm before g cameron tu kan, satu umah majuk ngn ayh. sb ayh sorg je xmau g cameron.
alkisahnya begini.
20 Nov 2009
pada pkul 10.30pm. Saya melangkah masuk umah selepas mjemput adik aku dari equatorial, saya lihat semua berada di ruang tamu kecuali mira (sb die kt matrik). jadi, saya pon duduk meleseh d sebelah kanan lutut mak saya.
Saya : Esok kt nak ke mana ni, mak? (dengan nada yang agk kuat, agar d dengari oleh ayh yg dok sblh mak)
Mak: Ntah. Dak abang nak g Cameron
Saya: Ayah, jom la.. (ari sebelum ari tersebut, mak ada ckp ayh mcm berat pd xmo g.. jd sy test, tgk btul ke x ayh xmo g)
Ayah: Korang g la. Ayah betul rasa x sehat badan. K.long drive la. Pegi2..
Saya: Kalo ayh x g mesti mak x g.. (dalam nada x smgt.. kecewa.. wuwu)
::Hanya bunyi cengkerik je kedengaran di luar.. tgh seronok bgurau senda kot::
Lepas tu, sorg demi sorg tinggalkan ruang tamu. Hanya tinggal saya yg sedang tolong mak menyiapkan teka silang kata n ayh yang sedang tengok tv.
Lepas tu, saya pulak angkat kaki bila teka silang kata berjaya d selesaikn setelah beriya cari dalam kamus.
Lepas tu, mak saya pulak angkat kaki meninggalkan ruang tamu n memasuki bilik saya n kami mula bergosip.
Saya: Satu umah majuk ngn ayah..
Mak: Biaukan.. Takpe la.. kita tengok macamana esok.. Tak pon, kalo ayh btul xmo g, k.long g la esok ngn abg.. sian k.ina lom pernah g cameron.. nanti smpai kat dak mira kat gopeng, amik la mira.. Tapi k.long jangan drive.. Mak x bg..
Saya: Baiklah..
21 Nov 2009
Pukul 8.00am, saya kuar blk, terus g dapur.. Nak wat breakfast kengkononnya. Tapi saya lihat akk ipar saya sedang dok wt sandwich..
Saya: Baru igt nk wt breakfast.. hehe
Saya g kat abg lak yg tengah kat luar, panaskan enjin kreta dia n kreta sy.. pagi2 dh jd mami jarum.. haha..
Saya: Bang.. Jadi g ke? Ayah?
Abg: Takpe.. awl lg ni..
Saya: Urm.. smlm mak ckp, kalo ayh xmo g, mak soh kt je g.. sian k.ina sb k.ina lom g..
Abg: Xpe.. relax dlu.. sat2 g kt tgk mcmane.. (steady gle abg aku ni.. hmm..xpe.. tgk je r cmne)
Saya g blk kat k.ina.. n tolong2 dia.. makan sandwich yg dia wat.. haha..
Mak: dah kul 8.30 dah.. ayh ko tdo je lg.. x g la kot.. wahaha..
Lepas tu, dak echa lak kuar dari bilik..
Echa: pujuk ayh jom..
Saya: Ala.. ko g la.. tak reti..
Echa: Xpe.. ko dok je kat luar.. teman je..
Saya: Yela2..
Kitorg g blk ayh.. dak echa msuk.. aku lak melencong g luar.. bagi aym mkn.. dari luar aku tdengar sore ayh..
Ayah: Ha dah.. jalan2..
Pastu diorg dah kuar dari blk.. Echa kelihatan gumbira teramat.
Yosh! Thx to echa..n to all the merajuk things last nite.. mesti ayh dpt rse sume org pon majuk ngn dia.. hehe
alkisahnya begini.
20 Nov 2009
pada pkul 10.30pm. Saya melangkah masuk umah selepas mjemput adik aku dari equatorial, saya lihat semua berada di ruang tamu kecuali mira (sb die kt matrik). jadi, saya pon duduk meleseh d sebelah kanan lutut mak saya.
Saya : Esok kt nak ke mana ni, mak? (dengan nada yang agk kuat, agar d dengari oleh ayh yg dok sblh mak)
Mak: Ntah. Dak abang nak g Cameron
Saya: Ayah, jom la.. (ari sebelum ari tersebut, mak ada ckp ayh mcm berat pd xmo g.. jd sy test, tgk btul ke x ayh xmo g)
Ayah: Korang g la. Ayah betul rasa x sehat badan. K.long drive la. Pegi2..
Saya: Kalo ayh x g mesti mak x g.. (dalam nada x smgt.. kecewa.. wuwu)
::Hanya bunyi cengkerik je kedengaran di luar.. tgh seronok bgurau senda kot::
Lepas tu, sorg demi sorg tinggalkan ruang tamu. Hanya tinggal saya yg sedang tolong mak menyiapkan teka silang kata n ayh yang sedang tengok tv.
Lepas tu, saya pulak angkat kaki bila teka silang kata berjaya d selesaikn setelah beriya cari dalam kamus.
Lepas tu, mak saya pulak angkat kaki meninggalkan ruang tamu n memasuki bilik saya n kami mula bergosip.
Saya: Satu umah majuk ngn ayah..
Mak: Biaukan.. Takpe la.. kita tengok macamana esok.. Tak pon, kalo ayh btul xmo g, k.long g la esok ngn abg.. sian k.ina lom pernah g cameron.. nanti smpai kat dak mira kat gopeng, amik la mira.. Tapi k.long jangan drive.. Mak x bg..
Saya: Baiklah..
21 Nov 2009
Pukul 8.00am, saya kuar blk, terus g dapur.. Nak wat breakfast kengkononnya. Tapi saya lihat akk ipar saya sedang dok wt sandwich..
Saya: Baru igt nk wt breakfast.. hehe
Saya g kat abg lak yg tengah kat luar, panaskan enjin kreta dia n kreta sy.. pagi2 dh jd mami jarum.. haha..
Saya: Bang.. Jadi g ke? Ayah?
Abg: Takpe.. awl lg ni..
Saya: Urm.. smlm mak ckp, kalo ayh xmo g, mak soh kt je g.. sian k.ina sb k.ina lom g..
Abg: Xpe.. relax dlu.. sat2 g kt tgk mcmane.. (steady gle abg aku ni.. hmm..xpe.. tgk je r cmne)
Saya g blk kat k.ina.. n tolong2 dia.. makan sandwich yg dia wat.. haha..
Mak: dah kul 8.30 dah.. ayh ko tdo je lg.. x g la kot.. wahaha..
Lepas tu, dak echa lak kuar dari bilik..
Echa: pujuk ayh jom..
Saya: Ala.. ko g la.. tak reti..
Echa: Xpe.. ko dok je kat luar.. teman je..
Saya: Yela2..
Kitorg g blk ayh.. dak echa msuk.. aku lak melencong g luar.. bagi aym mkn.. dari luar aku tdengar sore ayh..
Ayah: Ha dah.. jalan2..
Pastu diorg dah kuar dari blk.. Echa kelihatan gumbira teramat.
Yosh! Thx to echa..n to all the merajuk things last nite.. mesti ayh dpt rse sume org pon majuk ngn dia.. hehe
Monday, November 23, 2009
CH 21-22Nov2009
21-22 nov 2009 aritu aku g Cameron Highland.. dlu aku igt lagi aku mmg tobat xmo lg naik cameron highland d sebabkn jalan dia yg teramat lah bengkang bengkok.. but this time, naik dari pulai.. so, the road is so not winding mcm kat tapah.. n luckily, aku x mabuk!
perjalanan dari umah start kul 10.. ayh aku soh aku drive bl msuk high way.. so, i expect my dad akn benti kat tepi lps tol ayer keroh tu, n hand over the car to me.. tp ayh aku kata, xpe r.. nti dekat r&r.. okey..
kitorg benti kt restoran jejantas sg.buloh at about 1pm.. lps dari ni, i take over.. damn.. bdebar gle.. aku plg x t nk kuar dr r&r, nk msuk ke highway blk.. i x pndai tgk side miror! waarghh~
aku drive smpai ke gopeng.. hi way, dari 3 lane, jd 2 lane.. bl nk potong, aku xpndai n takot.. kreta sgt byk.. sume org pon nk bcuti kot.. aku drive cecah 130km/h.. but, my mom bising2 tiap2 kali meter lepas 100km/h..
smpai gopeng, amik adik aku dr matrik.. hmm.. aku ajo adik aku fly.. haha.. ye r.. cari fellow btugas, sorg pon xdak kt opis.. isk3..
pastu kami pon btolak dlm kul 4 lbh dari matrik.. kul 6 lbh, kami smpai brinchang.. cari apartmen utk tdo.. kreta abg aku lak ttb temperature naik.. isk2.. nsb dh smpai.. jd kitorg stay aparment je smbil nonton astro.. huhu..
esok, bru g mbeli belah.. waa.. brg agk murah gak la kt psar tani.. serius ckp! aku bli kaktus utk letak kt opis.. comel.. hehe..
pas benti d beberapa perhentian, kami pulang.. x g ldg teh pon. ye r.. kreta abg aku dh gtu.. x leh nk gerak ke mne r.. asl dpt trun smpai ipoh pon ok dh.. n alhamdulillah, kreta die smpai ke melaka tnpa prob apa2.. hee..
pcutian yg best.. kitorg x amik gmbo byk pon.. disebabkn ujan yg sentiasa turun.. huhu..
perjalanan dari umah start kul 10.. ayh aku soh aku drive bl msuk high way.. so, i expect my dad akn benti kat tepi lps tol ayer keroh tu, n hand over the car to me.. tp ayh aku kata, xpe r.. nti dekat r&r.. okey..
kitorg benti kt restoran jejantas sg.buloh at about 1pm.. lps dari ni, i take over.. damn.. bdebar gle.. aku plg x t nk kuar dr r&r, nk msuk ke highway blk.. i x pndai tgk side miror! waarghh~
aku drive smpai ke gopeng.. hi way, dari 3 lane, jd 2 lane.. bl nk potong, aku xpndai n takot.. kreta sgt byk.. sume org pon nk bcuti kot.. aku drive cecah 130km/h.. but, my mom bising2 tiap2 kali meter lepas 100km/h..
smpai gopeng, amik adik aku dr matrik.. hmm.. aku ajo adik aku fly.. haha.. ye r.. cari fellow btugas, sorg pon xdak kt opis.. isk3..
pastu kami pon btolak dlm kul 4 lbh dari matrik.. kul 6 lbh, kami smpai brinchang.. cari apartmen utk tdo.. kreta abg aku lak ttb temperature naik.. isk2.. nsb dh smpai.. jd kitorg stay aparment je smbil nonton astro.. huhu..
esok, bru g mbeli belah.. waa.. brg agk murah gak la kt psar tani.. serius ckp! aku bli kaktus utk letak kt opis.. comel.. hehe..
pas benti d beberapa perhentian, kami pulang.. x g ldg teh pon. ye r.. kreta abg aku dh gtu.. x leh nk gerak ke mne r.. asl dpt trun smpai ipoh pon ok dh.. n alhamdulillah, kreta die smpai ke melaka tnpa prob apa2.. hee..
pcutian yg best.. kitorg x amik gmbo byk pon.. disebabkn ujan yg sentiasa turun.. huhu..
Friday, November 13, 2009
Semi Final Juara Lagu Kedua (direct telecast)
Malam ni not in the mood of judging la.. my review pon might b not so best la.. huhu.. mcm xbest je sume.. x smgt aku.. huhu..
Estranged - Aurora - I like chorus dia.. xtau la msuk ke x.. mcm best je..tp.. ntah..
Nubhan - Seandainya Aku - Err.. xprnh tau lgu ni.. kasihannya aku.. haha.. mek kata leh msuk.. tp aku, ntah la.. sb so-so je.. not so outstanding la..
Jinbara - tahu tak tahu joget - alamak.. jinbara bwk lgu joget la.. ni pon aku xtau kewujudannya.. haha.. arghhh.. juz not my type of music.. 'kelainan'.. sure does.. but.. no!
Alyah ft riz - ku pinjam 1 bintang - sedap sore alya.. i like.. tp tenggelam lak sore riz.. msuk kot.. tp nsb2 je kot..
Aizat - Fikirlah - urm.. kurang mnyengat.. x msuk kot.. huhu..
6th Sense - Khatimah cinta - i like music opening dia.. best lgu ni.. tp sore die plak mcm t'sumbang ckit.. hee.. sukati aku je komen.. ye r.. kne jerit2..
Stacy - Pkai buang - waa.. kenapapa2 kau berubah.. tarapapa2 ku berubah (jwb ku.. ngahaha).. aku sokong dia msuk!
Black - Aku rndu syg kamu - ok.. aku tau sore die power.. he's good at screaming.. juz like vocalist MUH.. ok msuk la!
Grey Sky Morning - cinta gile - err.. lgu pe ni?? grup apa ni?? oleh kerana tlalu asik tgk nama grup, hmpir t'miss tjuk dia.. xmo r t'miss lg mcm 1st review dlu.. isk2.. x msuk kot.. haha.. nmpk mata je tjegil2.. isk2.. hmm.. gnti MUH rupanye.. ptt r x best..
Adam - Benar2 - hmm.. xtau r msuk ke x lgu ni.. x kot.. simple r.. haha.. byk songeh lak aku ni..
Akim - Bengang - aku suka lgu ni.. msuk! wahahaha.. sedap2.. rmai gle peminat die! bgos2..
Hattan - xtau tjuk pe.. mls nk review.. xde hasil pon..
ok syyhhhh!! announcement of TOP 5!
2)Stacy! kn aku dh ckp.. tgk! hehe
3)Nubhan.. alamak.. msuk ke..
4)Akim! yay2.. nubhan, jgn jeles! hehe
5)Black! dh agak dh..
hmm.. aku puas ati kali ni.. hehe..
Estranged - Aurora - I like chorus dia.. xtau la msuk ke x.. mcm best je..tp.. ntah..
Nubhan - Seandainya Aku - Err.. xprnh tau lgu ni.. kasihannya aku.. haha.. mek kata leh msuk.. tp aku, ntah la.. sb so-so je.. not so outstanding la..
Jinbara - tahu tak tahu joget - alamak.. jinbara bwk lgu joget la.. ni pon aku xtau kewujudannya.. haha.. arghhh.. juz not my type of music.. 'kelainan'.. sure does.. but.. no!
Alyah ft riz - ku pinjam 1 bintang - sedap sore alya.. i like.. tp tenggelam lak sore riz.. msuk kot.. tp nsb2 je kot..
Aizat - Fikirlah - urm.. kurang mnyengat.. x msuk kot.. huhu..
6th Sense - Khatimah cinta - i like music opening dia.. best lgu ni.. tp sore die plak mcm t'sumbang ckit.. hee.. sukati aku je komen.. ye r.. kne jerit2..
Stacy - Pkai buang - waa.. kenapapa2 kau berubah.. tarapapa2 ku berubah (jwb ku.. ngahaha).. aku sokong dia msuk!
Black - Aku rndu syg kamu - ok.. aku tau sore die power.. he's good at screaming.. juz like vocalist MUH.. ok msuk la!
Grey Sky Morning - cinta gile - err.. lgu pe ni?? grup apa ni?? oleh kerana tlalu asik tgk nama grup, hmpir t'miss tjuk dia.. xmo r t'miss lg mcm 1st review dlu.. isk2.. x msuk kot.. haha.. nmpk mata je tjegil2.. isk2.. hmm.. gnti MUH rupanye.. ptt r x best..
Adam - Benar2 - hmm.. xtau r msuk ke x lgu ni.. x kot.. simple r.. haha.. byk songeh lak aku ni..
Akim - Bengang - aku suka lgu ni.. msuk! wahahaha.. sedap2.. rmai gle peminat die! bgos2..
Hattan - xtau tjuk pe.. mls nk review.. xde hasil pon..
ok syyhhhh!! announcement of TOP 5!
2)Stacy! kn aku dh ckp.. tgk! hehe
3)Nubhan.. alamak.. msuk ke..
4)Akim! yay2.. nubhan, jgn jeles! hehe
5)Black! dh agak dh..
hmm.. aku puas ati kali ni.. hehe..
Monday, November 9, 2009
Believe me, that's it
Amr Diab - Sadany khalas
Sadaani khalas,
Men bein el nas,
Habeitak wekhtartak leya.
Tool mana wayak,
Odami malak.
Khaleitni ma ghamaatsh einaya.
Allah... ya salam.
Fe eneik ahla kalam.
Arrab menni shwaya shwaya.
Add mateqdar arab tani.
El donia enta maletha alaya.
We kaeini makhlooq ala shani.
Ya araa el nas,
Fe eneik ehsas.
Be yakhodni maa bansa el donia.
Domini be edeik,
Law ghali aleik.
Madayash yareit wala sania.
Allah... ya salam.
Fe eneik ahla kalam.
Arrab menni shwaya shwaya.
Add mateqdar arab tani.
El donia enta maletha alaya.
We kaeini makhlooq ala shani.
Ni translation dia.. sweet nyer lgu ni.. ^^
Believe me, that's it
From amongst all people,
I have loved you and have chosen you for myself.
As long as I am with you,
There is an angel in front me
You have made me never shut my eyes
Oh god.. wow!
In your eyes, I found the most beautiful words
Come closer little by little.
As much as you can, come closer.
You have filled my world.
And it's like you were created just for me.
Oh most kind person,
There is affection in your eyes.
When I see them, I forget the world.
Embrace me with your arms,
If I am precious to you.
Don't waste time, not even a second.
Oh god.. wow!
In your eyes, I found the most beautiful words
Come closer little by little.
As much as you can, come closer.
You have filled my world.
And it's like you were created just for me.
Sadaani khalas,
Men bein el nas,
Habeitak wekhtartak leya.
Tool mana wayak,
Odami malak.
Khaleitni ma ghamaatsh einaya.
Allah... ya salam.
Fe eneik ahla kalam.
Arrab menni shwaya shwaya.
Add mateqdar arab tani.
El donia enta maletha alaya.
We kaeini makhlooq ala shani.
Ya araa el nas,
Fe eneik ehsas.
Be yakhodni maa bansa el donia.
Domini be edeik,
Law ghali aleik.
Madayash yareit wala sania.
Allah... ya salam.
Fe eneik ahla kalam.
Arrab menni shwaya shwaya.
Add mateqdar arab tani.
El donia enta maletha alaya.
We kaeini makhlooq ala shani.
Ni translation dia.. sweet nyer lgu ni.. ^^
Believe me, that's it
From amongst all people,
I have loved you and have chosen you for myself.
As long as I am with you,
There is an angel in front me
You have made me never shut my eyes
Oh god.. wow!
In your eyes, I found the most beautiful words
Come closer little by little.
As much as you can, come closer.
You have filled my world.
And it's like you were created just for me.
Oh most kind person,
There is affection in your eyes.
When I see them, I forget the world.
Embrace me with your arms,
If I am precious to you.
Don't waste time, not even a second.
Oh god.. wow!
In your eyes, I found the most beautiful words
Come closer little by little.
As much as you can, come closer.
You have filled my world.
And it's like you were created just for me.
- Read
Sadakny Khalas Lyrics
Friday, November 6, 2009
Semi Final Juara Lagu Pertama (direct telecast)
aku ni, boleh d kira xslalu dgr radio r.. september je aku bru start dgr hotfm sb msuk opis, fara dgr hotfm, jd aku layan je.. b4 tu, aku xdgr lgsg.. mne yg agk2 ada jd OST ke, msuk tv, iklan2 kt tv ke, or sape2 mntk tlg donlod ke, aku tau r..
lgu pesawat - x igt tjuk - x knl n x suka.. x msuk.. ngah3.. sukati aku je..
lgu aizat - kau dan aku - ada potensi utk msuk final.. sb aku suka lgu ni.. huahaha..
lgu endon (xigt nama) - x igt tjuk (lg dasat dr pesawat.. haha) - sore llk aku suka gak r sb rock.. tp.. mcm x msuk je.. haha..
lgu reshmonu - what is this?? xbest lgsg.. cpt r abes.. xmsuk2.. next!
lgu alya - xmgkin kerna syg - msuk final.. sore power! i like~
lgu hujan - aku skandal - suka hujan.. msuk kot..
noraniza idris ft cat farish - enjut-enjut - msuk kot.. xkn la x msuk.. ok. kompem msuk. haha..
mila- gila - wow.. glittering! apsal sengau lak sore die.. ntah.. x msuk kot.. hakhak..
yuna - dan sebenarnya - leh la kot.. aku xde r suka pon yuna.. tp aku mmg suka this kind of music.. so, leh la.. msuk r final.. aku x kutuk dh..
one nation mc!!! - raja gelek - aku suka group ni dr gangtarz lg.. urm.. msuk kot.. i like! power gak performance.. haha.. bias aku ni.. sukati r! blog aku.. haha
jac - bertamu di kalbu - lgu ni sore power ni.. kompem msuk!
special appearance- yasin- nur kasih
hmm.. 5 kumpulan yg mpunyai markah ttinggi buat masa ini..
-1 nation mc
npe jac x dpt markah tggi pon?
lgu pesawat - x igt tjuk - x knl n x suka.. x msuk.. ngah3.. sukati aku je..
lgu aizat - kau dan aku - ada potensi utk msuk final.. sb aku suka lgu ni.. huahaha..
lgu endon (xigt nama) - x igt tjuk (lg dasat dr pesawat.. haha) - sore llk aku suka gak r sb rock.. tp.. mcm x msuk je.. haha..
lgu reshmonu - what is this?? xbest lgsg.. cpt r abes.. xmsuk2.. next!
lgu alya - xmgkin kerna syg - msuk final.. sore power! i like~
lgu hujan - aku skandal - suka hujan.. msuk kot..
noraniza idris ft cat farish - enjut-enjut - msuk kot.. xkn la x msuk.. ok. kompem msuk. haha..
mila- gila - wow.. glittering! apsal sengau lak sore die.. ntah.. x msuk kot.. hakhak..
yuna - dan sebenarnya - leh la kot.. aku xde r suka pon yuna.. tp aku mmg suka this kind of music.. so, leh la.. msuk r final.. aku x kutuk dh..
one nation mc!!! - raja gelek - aku suka group ni dr gangtarz lg.. urm.. msuk kot.. i like! power gak performance.. haha.. bias aku ni.. sukati r! blog aku.. haha
jac - bertamu di kalbu - lgu ni sore power ni.. kompem msuk!
special appearance- yasin- nur kasih
hmm.. 5 kumpulan yg mpunyai markah ttinggi buat masa ini..
-1 nation mc
npe jac x dpt markah tggi pon?
Thursday, November 5, 2009

cun x sony viao ni? aiyo.. aku trus ttarik nk bli.. mcm best jek.. kecik.. 10inci.. hmm.. 1700++.. kne kumpul duit ni.. thn dpn r bli.. thn ni xleh r.. x mmpu.. hukhuk..
laptop presario aku lak mcm dh start slow je.. aku rse sb kne spyware.. d tmbh ngn lifespan laptop mmg 4 thn kn, jd aku rse, dh hampir mse nyer utk laptop aku bsara.. x bsara pon, wt keje ringan2 je dh.. huhu..
ok.. itu aja.. till then,
Friday, October 23, 2009
declaration of independence
i nvr really did say gudbye to him..
but today, insyaAllah.. after about 9 months.. i'm serious in letting him go..
y now?
its not that i've met sum1.. but i juz cant let it b this way until forever..
its juz aint rite.. i've been thinking about this since i started my master..
he need to move on.. and i will certainly feel happy with him moving on..
n i need to move on.. worrying abt him no more than a fren..
sumthg i did learn from my past relationshipS.. with the s, people!
but i cant actually tell u.. haha.. let me keep it myself.. (sbnrnya mls nk tulis pnjg2.. haha.. klo nk, dtg mnuntut ngn aku.. bru aku bgtau)
biar lah lps ni, aku hidup dgn bpaksikn experinces..
after all they r the best teacher in the world..
what i can say is.. when it comes about relationship, feel confidence with it, its all or nothing.. when u got all, nothing can stop u from loving sum1.. not even urself.. coz u will got the gut to face the world.. togather with the money in ur pocket n brain in ur skull in the rite place of coz.. haha..
i officially announce meself---> single
me.. with no string or feeling or anythg attached to any1..
this is my declaration of independence..
i wish he feels happy with me announcing this..
i wish he read this..
i wish he knows that he's free..
hope our frenship will never end..
i hate 2 b fren with guys!
i mean.. a really gud frenship/whatever-ship u called..
we alwiz end up like hell.. duh..
we really close at 1 time..
but in the end, we alwiz act like 'close' never appear in our memory lane..
its all or nothing after this..
(like i care to b fren with any guy.. translation.. mcm la aku kesah kwn ngn llk.. haha.. ) <--- mumbling sorg2.. wat2 x nmpk ye ayt ini, kwn2 llk ku yg mbace ini.. haha.. aku mmg kesah gle kwn ngn korg.. sb korg slalu jht ngn aku.. perangai mcm devil.. haha.. :P
special announcement dedicated to my guyfren.. u r the best.. klo x, xkn aku kwn ngn korg (sje nk amik ati blk.. haha)
i got to have my beauty sleep.. esok kne handle kelas.. kelas yg memeningkn kpl aku yg dh bkarat.. hmm..
oh oh.. aku lupa sumthg.. a few days back i wrote sumthg like 'mau mencari kisah cinta yg hebat.. tp..'
and the sentence stop there..
this is the smbungannya..
'tp.. aku prefer kisah cinta yg biasa.. sb kisah cinta yg hebat adalah kisah cinta yg luar biasa'
n i realize, i'm not that strong..
tgk cite sumpah bunian? apa yg hawa rse pd adam, itulah contoh kisah cinta hebat yg aku cari.. tp.. mmg aku x kuat sb aku blum jumpa adam utk dr aku.. huhu..
ada spe2 nk jd adam utk sayer x? kne la sweet, kaya, encem mcm dlm cite sumpah bunian tu.. hahahahaha..
until then,
but today, insyaAllah.. after about 9 months.. i'm serious in letting him go..
y now?
its not that i've met sum1.. but i juz cant let it b this way until forever..
its juz aint rite.. i've been thinking about this since i started my master..
he need to move on.. and i will certainly feel happy with him moving on..
n i need to move on.. worrying abt him no more than a fren..
sumthg i did learn from my past relationshipS.. with the s, people!
but i cant actually tell u.. haha.. let me keep it myself.. (sbnrnya mls nk tulis pnjg2.. haha.. klo nk, dtg mnuntut ngn aku.. bru aku bgtau)
biar lah lps ni, aku hidup dgn bpaksikn experinces..
after all they r the best teacher in the world..
what i can say is.. when it comes about relationship, feel confidence with it, its all or nothing.. when u got all, nothing can stop u from loving sum1.. not even urself.. coz u will got the gut to face the world.. togather with the money in ur pocket n brain in ur skull in the rite place of coz.. haha..
i officially announce meself---> single
me.. with no string or feeling or anythg attached to any1..
this is my declaration of independence..
i wish he feels happy with me announcing this..
i wish he read this..
i wish he knows that he's free..
hope our frenship will never end..
i hate 2 b fren with guys!
i mean.. a really gud frenship/whatever-ship u called..
we alwiz end up like hell.. duh..
we really close at 1 time..
but in the end, we alwiz act like 'close' never appear in our memory lane..
its all or nothing after this..
(like i care to b fren with any guy.. translation.. mcm la aku kesah kwn ngn llk.. haha.. ) <--- mumbling sorg2.. wat2 x nmpk ye ayt ini, kwn2 llk ku yg mbace ini.. haha.. aku mmg kesah gle kwn ngn korg.. sb korg slalu jht ngn aku.. perangai mcm devil.. haha.. :P
special announcement dedicated to my guyfren.. u r the best.. klo x, xkn aku kwn ngn korg (sje nk amik ati blk.. haha)
i got to have my beauty sleep.. esok kne handle kelas.. kelas yg memeningkn kpl aku yg dh bkarat.. hmm..
oh oh.. aku lupa sumthg.. a few days back i wrote sumthg like 'mau mencari kisah cinta yg hebat.. tp..'
and the sentence stop there..
this is the smbungannya..
'tp.. aku prefer kisah cinta yg biasa.. sb kisah cinta yg hebat adalah kisah cinta yg luar biasa'
n i realize, i'm not that strong..
tgk cite sumpah bunian? apa yg hawa rse pd adam, itulah contoh kisah cinta hebat yg aku cari.. tp.. mmg aku x kuat sb aku blum jumpa adam utk dr aku.. huhu..
ada spe2 nk jd adam utk sayer x? kne la sweet, kaya, encem mcm dlm cite sumpah bunian tu.. hahahahaha..
until then,
Monday, October 5, 2009
raya lg..
aritu emi n wani dtg beraya umah.. mrh alip bl die dpt tau aku pesan kt bdk2 ni jgn mkn byk2 kt umah die sb umah aku pon hidang mknn utk mreka.. mntk maap la ye.. tp ok ape.. kt umh au pon mreka x mkn byk.. huhu..
pas mreka beraya kt umah alip, bru dtg umah aku..
pastu kami g msjid tnh.. huhu.. aku yg drive.. agak cuak gak sbnrnya bwk rmai2 ni.. nk2 lg bl memikirkn slh 1 umh yg kitorg nk g agk curam.. bkn agk.. mmg curam pon.. smpai kn mak aku pon x bg aku bwk nek keta sb x yakin aku leh bwk.. soh parking kt bwh je.. klo nk parking kt bwh lak, kne parking agk jauh sb umah die kt corner.. dr aku parking kt bwh, baik aku tggl je wani, soh die je wakilkn kitorg.. haha..
tp bl smpai kt kaki bukit 2, aku tekad, tukar je gear, naek!
alhamdulillah smpai.. hehe.. steady x..
time blk, pakcik din reverse kn keta.. makcik yg soh.. bkn aku ek.. tp myb sb makcik nmpk aku dok cuak tkut x lps bl nk reverse.. haha..
blk umh aku dh nk abeh maghrib dh time tu..
pastu adik wani dok syok tgk disney chanel lak.. tggu r smpai kul 9, bru mreka pulang..
p/s: best nyer klo mira ada skali.. leh tnjuk skill memandu aku yg bkn2 2.. haha..
pas mreka beraya kt umah alip, bru dtg umah aku..
pastu kami g msjid tnh.. huhu.. aku yg drive.. agak cuak gak sbnrnya bwk rmai2 ni.. nk2 lg bl memikirkn slh 1 umh yg kitorg nk g agk curam.. bkn agk.. mmg curam pon.. smpai kn mak aku pon x bg aku bwk nek keta sb x yakin aku leh bwk.. soh parking kt bwh je.. klo nk parking kt bwh lak, kne parking agk jauh sb umah die kt corner.. dr aku parking kt bwh, baik aku tggl je wani, soh die je wakilkn kitorg.. haha..
tp bl smpai kt kaki bukit 2, aku tekad, tukar je gear, naek!
alhamdulillah smpai.. hehe.. steady x..
time blk, pakcik din reverse kn keta.. makcik yg soh.. bkn aku ek.. tp myb sb makcik nmpk aku dok cuak tkut x lps bl nk reverse.. haha..
blk umh aku dh nk abeh maghrib dh time tu..
pastu adik wani dok syok tgk disney chanel lak.. tggu r smpai kul 9, bru mreka pulang..
p/s: best nyer klo mira ada skali.. leh tnjuk skill memandu aku yg bkn2 2.. haha..
Saturday, September 26, 2009
slmt ari raya sume.. aku dh pulang ke serdang dh n aku kebosanan.. klo x, xmne nyer aku nk singgah update blog.. waa.. skrg ni makin slow aku update blog.. klo dlu, kt wordpress, ada je bnda nk tuleh.. hmm..
raya thn ni sgt simple gle n x pnt.. nk tau npe aku ckp mcm tu?
1. kebiasaan kami sekeluarga mngadakn kenduri lps smyg raya dh jd luar biasa dh sb thn ni masjid kbetulan wt kenduri gak.. maka kami, hanya sedekahkn air kotak utk para jemaah.. pg raya tu mmg agak boring gak sb x tau nk wt apa.. slalunya org g smyg raya, aku sebok kt dapur sediakn hidangan utk kenduri.. maka, pg raya tu, aku x pnt.. seyes! tp aku rndu r ngn knduri2 ni.. harap2 thn dpn msjid x wt knduri.. hehe.. jht ke niat aku ni? :P
2. nenek sblh ayh aku dh xde dh.. maka thn ni, sedara2 sblh ayh yg aku lawat hanya dua umah je.. umah nenek dlm hutan (jgn tnye npe nama gni.. ayh aku r sesuka ati bg nama tu kt mak sedara die pastu jd ikutan) n mak ani.. dlu, byk umah ktorg g pas knduri.. dlm 5 6 umah gak.. skrg makin lama makin kurg.. bl org nyer dh xde, tggl umah yg kosong aja..
alhamdulillah nenek sblh mak aku yg tggl ngn kami ni still ada.. pg2 pas smyg raya, mmg rmai la yg dtg utk salam nenek aku.. klo dh xde umo die, lg sunyi la gamaknye umah aku.. xde org nk dtg pg2 raya dh.. huhu.. harap2 pnjg umo mak laen (again jgn tnye nape nama nyer gni.. haha)..
3. mak aku nyer lauk simple gle thn ni sb x nk mbazir sb die tau x rmai org yg dtg pon.. especially bl mak aku announce kt sedara2 aku, adik aku kne chicken pox, jd jgn blk! sian abg aku x blk.. ye r.. akk ipar aku tgh ngndung, lg r mak aku x bg.. tkut jgkit.. igt lg time aku dlm perut mak aku, mak aku kne chicken pox.. doktor siap ckp ngn mak aku lg 'slalunyer org akn gugurkn kndungan sb tkut kndungan tu cacat..' tp mak n ayh aku redha klo dpt ank cacat.. tup2 kuar, sehat kau.. ni la hasil nye! aku yg tembam! hakhak.. tp kulit aku bmasalah ckit la.. klo ade scar, lmbt nk elok..
4. aku asik kuar raya jek.. haha.. 2nd day aku lepak lg.. 3rd day, 4th, 5th aku dh dgn kwn2 aku.. hehe.. jd, aku x byk tolong mak kt umah.. msk pon x.. xpe.. adik2 aku la plak nyer turn utk pnt.. lolx..
5. famly pak itam je blk.. famly mak ngah x blk pon.. jd, seyes sgt sunyi raya thn ni.. klo x, famly mreka la yg memeriahkn umah kami.. skali blk, pnuh lmn umah ngn kreta2 mreka..
p/s: tp terisi r raya aku bbnding klo aku raya kt bintulu.. 1st day raya jek terisi.. pastu dh x dh.. pnt naek public transport jek.. maklumlah.. keta xde.. ni nsb dh de keta.. hehe..
raya thn ni sgt simple gle n x pnt.. nk tau npe aku ckp mcm tu?
1. kebiasaan kami sekeluarga mngadakn kenduri lps smyg raya dh jd luar biasa dh sb thn ni masjid kbetulan wt kenduri gak.. maka kami, hanya sedekahkn air kotak utk para jemaah.. pg raya tu mmg agak boring gak sb x tau nk wt apa.. slalunya org g smyg raya, aku sebok kt dapur sediakn hidangan utk kenduri.. maka, pg raya tu, aku x pnt.. seyes! tp aku rndu r ngn knduri2 ni.. harap2 thn dpn msjid x wt knduri.. hehe.. jht ke niat aku ni? :P
2. nenek sblh ayh aku dh xde dh.. maka thn ni, sedara2 sblh ayh yg aku lawat hanya dua umah je.. umah nenek dlm hutan (jgn tnye npe nama gni.. ayh aku r sesuka ati bg nama tu kt mak sedara die pastu jd ikutan) n mak ani.. dlu, byk umah ktorg g pas knduri.. dlm 5 6 umah gak.. skrg makin lama makin kurg.. bl org nyer dh xde, tggl umah yg kosong aja..
alhamdulillah nenek sblh mak aku yg tggl ngn kami ni still ada.. pg2 pas smyg raya, mmg rmai la yg dtg utk salam nenek aku.. klo dh xde umo die, lg sunyi la gamaknye umah aku.. xde org nk dtg pg2 raya dh.. huhu.. harap2 pnjg umo mak laen (again jgn tnye nape nama nyer gni.. haha)..
3. mak aku nyer lauk simple gle thn ni sb x nk mbazir sb die tau x rmai org yg dtg pon.. especially bl mak aku announce kt sedara2 aku, adik aku kne chicken pox, jd jgn blk! sian abg aku x blk.. ye r.. akk ipar aku tgh ngndung, lg r mak aku x bg.. tkut jgkit.. igt lg time aku dlm perut mak aku, mak aku kne chicken pox.. doktor siap ckp ngn mak aku lg 'slalunyer org akn gugurkn kndungan sb tkut kndungan tu cacat..' tp mak n ayh aku redha klo dpt ank cacat.. tup2 kuar, sehat kau.. ni la hasil nye! aku yg tembam! hakhak.. tp kulit aku bmasalah ckit la.. klo ade scar, lmbt nk elok..
4. aku asik kuar raya jek.. haha.. 2nd day aku lepak lg.. 3rd day, 4th, 5th aku dh dgn kwn2 aku.. hehe.. jd, aku x byk tolong mak kt umah.. msk pon x.. xpe.. adik2 aku la plak nyer turn utk pnt.. lolx..
5. famly pak itam je blk.. famly mak ngah x blk pon.. jd, seyes sgt sunyi raya thn ni.. klo x, famly mreka la yg memeriahkn umah kami.. skali blk, pnuh lmn umah ngn kreta2 mreka..
p/s: tp terisi r raya aku bbnding klo aku raya kt bintulu.. 1st day raya jek terisi.. pastu dh x dh.. pnt naek public transport jek.. maklumlah.. keta xde.. ni nsb dh de keta.. hehe..
Song of the month
1st time aku dgr lgu ni, terus ttarik.. hoho.. sgt best klo dgr dlm keta ni..
Takin' Back My Love - Enrique Iglesias & Ciara
Go ahead just leave, can't hold you, you're free
You take all these things, if they mean so much to you
I gave you your dreams, 'cause you meant the world
So did I deserve to be left here hurt?
You think I don't know you're out of control
I ended up finding all of this from my boys
Girl, you're stone cold, you say it ain't so
You already know I'm not attached to material
I'd give it all up but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, I'm takin' back my love
I've given you too much but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, my love, my love, my love
My love
Yeah, what did I do but give love to you?
I'm just confused as I stand here and look at you
From head to feet, all that's not me
Go 'head, keep the keys, that's not what I need from you
You think that you know
(I do)
You've made yourself cold
(Oh yeah)
How could you believe them over me, I'm your girl
You're out of control
(So what?)
How could you let go?
(Oh yeah)
Don't you know I'm not attached to material?
I'd give it all up but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, I'm takin' back my love
I've given you too much but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, my love, my love, my love
I'd give it all up but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, I'm takin' back my love
I've given you too much but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, my love, my love, my love
So all this love I give you, take it away
(Uh, uh huh)
You think material's the reason I came
(Uh, uh huh)
If I had nothing would you want me to stay
(Uh, uh huh)
You keep your money, take it all away
I'd give it all up but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, I'm takin' back my love
I've given you too much but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, my love, my love
I'd give it all up but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, I'm takin' back my love
I've given you too much but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, my love, my love
I'd give it all up but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, I'm takin' back my love
I've given you too much but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, my love, my love, my love
Ooh, my love
(I'm taking back my love)
Ooh, my love
Takin' Back My Love - Enrique Iglesias & Ciara
Go ahead just leave, can't hold you, you're free
You take all these things, if they mean so much to you
I gave you your dreams, 'cause you meant the world
So did I deserve to be left here hurt?
You think I don't know you're out of control
I ended up finding all of this from my boys
Girl, you're stone cold, you say it ain't so
You already know I'm not attached to material
I'd give it all up but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, I'm takin' back my love
I've given you too much but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, my love, my love, my love
My love
Yeah, what did I do but give love to you?
I'm just confused as I stand here and look at you
From head to feet, all that's not me
Go 'head, keep the keys, that's not what I need from you
You think that you know
(I do)
You've made yourself cold
(Oh yeah)
How could you believe them over me, I'm your girl
You're out of control
(So what?)
How could you let go?
(Oh yeah)
Don't you know I'm not attached to material?
I'd give it all up but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, I'm takin' back my love
I've given you too much but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, my love, my love, my love
I'd give it all up but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, I'm takin' back my love
I've given you too much but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, my love, my love, my love
So all this love I give you, take it away
(Uh, uh huh)
You think material's the reason I came
(Uh, uh huh)
If I had nothing would you want me to stay
(Uh, uh huh)
You keep your money, take it all away
I'd give it all up but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, I'm takin' back my love
I've given you too much but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, my love, my love
I'd give it all up but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, I'm takin' back my love
I've given you too much but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, my love, my love
I'd give it all up but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, I'm takin' back my love
I've given you too much but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, my love, my love, my love
Ooh, my love
(I'm taking back my love)
Ooh, my love
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Kelemahan @ Balasan?
sy dh tau kelemahan sy semasa bpuasa!
kawan: khai.. sori ek aku mkn dpn ko..
aku: xpe2.. mkn je.. aku bkn bdk kecik lg.. xkesah pon..
luar biasa
kawan: khai.. sori ek aku mkn dpn ko..
aku: pergh mak aih.. teliur aku siot..
tau x sb apa aku leh tliur? sb die sdg mkn spegeti! aku pon x sgka aku akn tliur sebegitu rupa.. dasat tol..
atau.. adakah d sbb kn aku prnh mjamah mknn dgn lazat nye d hadapan org yg bpuasa, maka sy tlh d bls? wuaaa~~ sy mntk maap.. sy igt kn kamu2 x kesah spt sy! sy tlh insap.. len kali x wt lg.. huhu..
kawan: khai.. sori ek aku mkn dpn ko..
aku: xpe2.. mkn je.. aku bkn bdk kecik lg.. xkesah pon..
luar biasa
kawan: khai.. sori ek aku mkn dpn ko..
aku: pergh mak aih.. teliur aku siot..
tau x sb apa aku leh tliur? sb die sdg mkn spegeti! aku pon x sgka aku akn tliur sebegitu rupa.. dasat tol..
atau.. adakah d sbb kn aku prnh mjamah mknn dgn lazat nye d hadapan org yg bpuasa, maka sy tlh d bls? wuaaa~~ sy mntk maap.. sy igt kn kamu2 x kesah spt sy! sy tlh insap.. len kali x wt lg.. huhu..
saje cite2
urm.. arini genap 5 ari aku dok kt opis ni bl terikat ngn grf.. ekceli aku xtau nk cite apa sb aku rse my life is not so interesting lately ni.. huhu..
hurm.. nk cite apa ya..
taw x aku rse 2009 ni adalah tahun yg x brapa nk best utk aku.. or might say utk semua yg lahir tahun harimau.. shud i believe on chinese zodiac? no coz i'm a muslim! tp.. leh d katakn rata2 tiger mengalami kesukaran thn ni..
dr segi logik akal, myb d sebabkn awl tahun ini adalah final sem utk most of student yg 4 thn pengajian.. so.. dgn fyp n viva, sgt2 la ttekan.. dgn segala mslh n dugaan yg melanda, mjadikn most of my fellow tiger mengeluh n lelah dgn tahun ni..
bl sume dh grad pulak, timbul pkara baru.. sume2 pon trying to survive dlm dunia yg fanaa ini.. huhu.. ssh tu.. everybody is trying to breath.. klo mne yg bnasib baik, ade je org yg mbantu utk menarik die ke ats.. utk yg tidak bnasib baik, tpaksa mcari jln sndri..
lps tu.. utk aku lak.. d tambah dgn aku break ngn si dia, lg la tense.. pelbagai bnda aku pk.. the wrongs n the donts yg tlh mnyebabkn hub jd begitu.. huu.. nk nyesal pon x gune.. bnda dh blaku.. pasni x tau nk cr mcmane pesen dh.. dh r aku agk cerewet.. adoi.. xpe.. aku pcaya dgn jodoh.. aku bserah je la pd Allah swt.. lgpon that is not my priority rite now..
segala dugaan n cabaran yg d lalui akhirnya d bayar dgn kesenangan.. slps grad, aku trus smbg master.. n alhamdulillah aku dpt scholarship.. dpt la ringan kn ckit beban mak ayah aku.. wpon x byk tp at least, mreka x perlu dh ssh2 bg duit kt aku.. huhu..
mntk d permudahkn segala urusan harian.. amin..
hurm.. nk cite apa ya..
taw x aku rse 2009 ni adalah tahun yg x brapa nk best utk aku.. or might say utk semua yg lahir tahun harimau.. shud i believe on chinese zodiac? no coz i'm a muslim! tp.. leh d katakn rata2 tiger mengalami kesukaran thn ni..
dr segi logik akal, myb d sebabkn awl tahun ini adalah final sem utk most of student yg 4 thn pengajian.. so.. dgn fyp n viva, sgt2 la ttekan.. dgn segala mslh n dugaan yg melanda, mjadikn most of my fellow tiger mengeluh n lelah dgn tahun ni..
bl sume dh grad pulak, timbul pkara baru.. sume2 pon trying to survive dlm dunia yg fanaa ini.. huhu.. ssh tu.. everybody is trying to breath.. klo mne yg bnasib baik, ade je org yg mbantu utk menarik die ke ats.. utk yg tidak bnasib baik, tpaksa mcari jln sndri..
lps tu.. utk aku lak.. d tambah dgn aku break ngn si dia, lg la tense.. pelbagai bnda aku pk.. the wrongs n the donts yg tlh mnyebabkn hub jd begitu.. huu.. nk nyesal pon x gune.. bnda dh blaku.. pasni x tau nk cr mcmane pesen dh.. dh r aku agk cerewet.. adoi.. xpe.. aku pcaya dgn jodoh.. aku bserah je la pd Allah swt.. lgpon that is not my priority rite now..
segala dugaan n cabaran yg d lalui akhirnya d bayar dgn kesenangan.. slps grad, aku trus smbg master.. n alhamdulillah aku dpt scholarship.. dpt la ringan kn ckit beban mak ayah aku.. wpon x byk tp at least, mreka x perlu dh ssh2 bg duit kt aku.. huhu..
mntk d permudahkn segala urusan harian.. amin..
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
bl kebusanan.. mmg xde keje aku ni..
8. Have you ever dated someone twice?
urm.. ntoh.. what do u mean by dated sum1 twice..
7. Have you ever been cheated on?
prnh.. dgn 1 of my so-call-besfren..
6. Have you ever bought condoms?
erk.. wtpe?
5. Have you ever kissed someone and regreted it?
i kissed my pillow n nvr regretted it.. haha..
4. Have you ever fallen in love?
3. Have you ever lost someone?
my grandad..
2. Have you ever been depressed?
yeah! damn depressed! xsuka2..
1. Have you ever been drunk and thrown up?
1. Went to school?
sekolah pengajian siswazah? urm.. jumaat lps ade r..
2. Saw your bf/gf?
xde bf.. gf rmai la.. ari2 ade je jumpa..
3. Colored?
no coloring..
5. Got drunk?
6. Slept:
luv it! haha..
1. pink
2. green
3. red/purple..
SO FAR IN '09:
Made a new friend- yeah sure..
Fallen out of love- nope.. xmo dh.. huhu..
something you swore never to do- burukkn nama mak ayh..
Laughed until you cried- ntoh r ek.. ade kot..
Went behind your parents back- nope..
Met someone who changed your life- hmm.. supervisor? aaaaarghhh~~
Gotten close to someone- ade la.. x kn la xde lak..
Found out who your true friends were- yup..
1. The night sky: bru lps ujan..
2. Disneyland: nk pkai pnutup tlinga yg comel.. yg bbulu2 tu.. haha..
3. Right now: buang mse.. jwb survey.. siap cr survey yg xleh blah tu.. haha
1. Straight, Gay, Bi: str8 la.. gle apa gay or bi.. adoiyaii..
2. Do you have a crush?: yup.. alwiz..
3. Who is the best hugger that you know?: my dad! i feel so secure~
4. Do you believe in Love at first sight: yup.. been there..
5. Is there something you want to tell someone? nope.. let me keep it from now on..
1. What brand of shirt are you wearing?
blue toms kot.. tp x blue pon.. maroon.. haha..
2. How many kids do you want to have?
3. Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
4. What you get for your last birthday?
huh? last besday? dpt wishes n my bespal bwk g tgk transformer II.. haha..
5. What time did you wake up today?
7.30.. ati x tnteram.. huu..
6. Would you go to the mountains with your dream lover?
nk2.. tp ngn safety kit sume la.. haha..
7. What were you doing at midnight last night?
tgk gmbo.. haha..
8.thing you CANNOT wait to do:
hmm.. ntoh.. sabo2..
9. Last time you saw your dad?
b4 blk ke srdg..
10. Which hand do you like better?
xtau.. nsb baik ade tgn..
11. What are you listening to right now?
Siti Nurhaliza-Kembalikan Indah
12. Have you ever talked to Tom?
Who? 10-second Tom dlm 50 1st date ke? xnah.. haha..
13. Have you ever donated money to a good cause?
14. Least favorite month?
urm.. xtau r.. sume bln pon sme je..
15. What's the last piece of clothing you borrowed from anyone?
xde kot.. huhu..
16. Who's getting on your nerves right now?
no one..
p/s: busan gle survey ni.. xmo post leh x.. haha..
8. Have you ever dated someone twice?
urm.. ntoh.. what do u mean by dated sum1 twice..
7. Have you ever been cheated on?
prnh.. dgn 1 of my so-call-besfren..
6. Have you ever bought condoms?
erk.. wtpe?
5. Have you ever kissed someone and regreted it?
i kissed my pillow n nvr regretted it.. haha..
4. Have you ever fallen in love?
3. Have you ever lost someone?
my grandad..
2. Have you ever been depressed?
yeah! damn depressed! xsuka2..
1. Have you ever been drunk and thrown up?
1. Went to school?
sekolah pengajian siswazah? urm.. jumaat lps ade r..
2. Saw your bf/gf?
xde bf.. gf rmai la.. ari2 ade je jumpa..
3. Colored?
no coloring..
5. Got drunk?
6. Slept:
luv it! haha..
1. pink
2. green
3. red/purple..
SO FAR IN '09:
Made a new friend- yeah sure..
Fallen out of love- nope.. xmo dh.. huhu..
something you swore never to do- burukkn nama mak ayh..
Laughed until you cried- ntoh r ek.. ade kot..
Went behind your parents back- nope..
Met someone who changed your life- hmm.. supervisor? aaaaarghhh~~
Gotten close to someone- ade la.. x kn la xde lak..
Found out who your true friends were- yup..
1. The night sky: bru lps ujan..
2. Disneyland: nk pkai pnutup tlinga yg comel.. yg bbulu2 tu.. haha..
3. Right now: buang mse.. jwb survey.. siap cr survey yg xleh blah tu.. haha
1. Straight, Gay, Bi: str8 la.. gle apa gay or bi.. adoiyaii..
2. Do you have a crush?: yup.. alwiz..
3. Who is the best hugger that you know?: my dad! i feel so secure~
4. Do you believe in Love at first sight: yup.. been there..
5. Is there something you want to tell someone? nope.. let me keep it from now on..
1. What brand of shirt are you wearing?
blue toms kot.. tp x blue pon.. maroon.. haha..
2. How many kids do you want to have?
3. Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
4. What you get for your last birthday?
huh? last besday? dpt wishes n my bespal bwk g tgk transformer II.. haha..
5. What time did you wake up today?
7.30.. ati x tnteram.. huu..
6. Would you go to the mountains with your dream lover?
nk2.. tp ngn safety kit sume la.. haha..
7. What were you doing at midnight last night?
tgk gmbo.. haha..
8.thing you CANNOT wait to do:
hmm.. ntoh.. sabo2..
9. Last time you saw your dad?
b4 blk ke srdg..
10. Which hand do you like better?
xtau.. nsb baik ade tgn..
11. What are you listening to right now?
Siti Nurhaliza-Kembalikan Indah
12. Have you ever talked to Tom?
Who? 10-second Tom dlm 50 1st date ke? xnah.. haha..
13. Have you ever donated money to a good cause?
14. Least favorite month?
urm.. xtau r.. sume bln pon sme je..
15. What's the last piece of clothing you borrowed from anyone?
xde kot.. huhu..
16. Who's getting on your nerves right now?
no one..
p/s: busan gle survey ni.. xmo post leh x.. haha..
Monday, August 17, 2009
weekend aritu mmg terisi btul mse aku.. sgt pnt~
blk dr klas dr.pauzi, aku trus blk umah.. smyg.. msuk2kn kain bju dlm beg.. borak2 ckit ngn housemate, pastu, jln, tggu bas.. bpeluh2 gak r bjalan.. pns gle time tu.. huhu..
tggu bas lak 1 hal.. huu.. dh la aku sesorg je kt ctu.. lps 15 minit mnunggu, rapid pon smpai.. bas rapid je ler yg aku brani nek.. haha.. 1st time dpt seat dlm rapid tu.. kagum aku.. sblum ni mcm rmai gle org..
smpai komuter.. msj shima..
smpai kl central, kul 4.. tggu shima.. jumpa gak akhirnya..
tp die ngn pakwe die.. hukhuk.. x dpt aku nk bmesra2 ngn dia..
nek lrt lak smpai stesen universiti.. pastu nek bas rapid 632 yg msuk UM..
pergh.. lme gle x bpenat lelah g satu2 tmpt mcm ni..
bdk2 yg konvo still dlm dewan lg.. maka aku pon bjalan2.. smntara tu, msj2 ngn lav.. bl btembung ngn die, ujn selebat2nyer..
g minum air jap.. walhal perut lapo gle.. dr pg x mkn.. ye r.. kot2 kang prut pnuh, xde smgt lak nk bjalan.. haha..
pastu.. tnmpak hafiz.. pastu adik die amik bunga cenonet yg aku bli n bg kt abg die..
amik gmbo.. pastu cr faisal lak..
bzaman tol cr die..
amik2 gmbo, pastu die bwk g jumpa mak ayh die lak..
aku ni asik b'gmbo je kn.. tp sume gune camera org.. haha.. aku x bwk camera aku sndri..
sb aku gune broadband.. nk upload gmbo payah gle! supe xyah amik2 gmbo.. nti wt aku keciwa jek.. biau la org len yg ade gmbo aku.. huhu..
pastu, blk.. umah shima dkt je rupanya.. kt vista angkasa..
umah apartment.. aku suka gle view dr tgkt 13 tu..
mlm tu borak2 ngn shima.. pastu berebut bntl.. mslh nyer, berebutkn bntl kecik.. aku, segan la nk gune bntl besar.. yg shima nyer, segan nk bg aku bntl kecik.. puas aku ngelak.. nsb shima tu kecik.. sng gak aku nk jauhkn bntl tu dr die.. last2, smpai tkoyak bntl tu.. haha.. sorry shima..
cweet kn aku ngn shima? haha..
kami borak2, dan tdo.. kami kongsi bntl mlm tu.. lme btul x mcm tu.. rndu nyer zmn matrik.. rndu ngn diah.. rndu ngn najah gak..
xpe2.. ak akn jumpa diah mggu dpn! yosh!
ahad, konon nk g mid valley awl.. tp, lepak ngn kwn2 shima, amik2 gmbo, dh kul 1 lbh.. haus gle aku.. tp seronok la tgk org bkonvo.. aku lak, aritu konvo, xde nyer nk amik2 gmbo.. haha.. ntah mne2 jek kwn2 aku dh g.. pastu aku blk kg lak.. mmg x smpt nk b'gmbo2..
aku tau fac shima punya la tpencil.. haha..
i make new frens..
kul 2 lbh smpai d mid.. smyg.. mkn.. kul 4, shima anto aku kt komuter..
kul 6 smpai umah, tumbang.. haha..
blk dr klas dr.pauzi, aku trus blk umah.. smyg.. msuk2kn kain bju dlm beg.. borak2 ckit ngn housemate, pastu, jln, tggu bas.. bpeluh2 gak r bjalan.. pns gle time tu.. huhu..
tggu bas lak 1 hal.. huu.. dh la aku sesorg je kt ctu.. lps 15 minit mnunggu, rapid pon smpai.. bas rapid je ler yg aku brani nek.. haha.. 1st time dpt seat dlm rapid tu.. kagum aku.. sblum ni mcm rmai gle org..
smpai komuter.. msj shima..
smpai kl central, kul 4.. tggu shima.. jumpa gak akhirnya..
tp die ngn pakwe die.. hukhuk.. x dpt aku nk bmesra2 ngn dia..
nek lrt lak smpai stesen universiti.. pastu nek bas rapid 632 yg msuk UM..
pergh.. lme gle x bpenat lelah g satu2 tmpt mcm ni..
bdk2 yg konvo still dlm dewan lg.. maka aku pon bjalan2.. smntara tu, msj2 ngn lav.. bl btembung ngn die, ujn selebat2nyer..
g minum air jap.. walhal perut lapo gle.. dr pg x mkn.. ye r.. kot2 kang prut pnuh, xde smgt lak nk bjalan.. haha..
pastu.. tnmpak hafiz.. pastu adik die amik bunga cenonet yg aku bli n bg kt abg die..
amik gmbo.. pastu cr faisal lak..
bzaman tol cr die..
amik2 gmbo, pastu die bwk g jumpa mak ayh die lak..
aku ni asik b'gmbo je kn.. tp sume gune camera org.. haha.. aku x bwk camera aku sndri..
sb aku gune broadband.. nk upload gmbo payah gle! supe xyah amik2 gmbo.. nti wt aku keciwa jek.. biau la org len yg ade gmbo aku.. huhu..
pastu, blk.. umah shima dkt je rupanya.. kt vista angkasa..
umah apartment.. aku suka gle view dr tgkt 13 tu..
mlm tu borak2 ngn shima.. pastu berebut bntl.. mslh nyer, berebutkn bntl kecik.. aku, segan la nk gune bntl besar.. yg shima nyer, segan nk bg aku bntl kecik.. puas aku ngelak.. nsb shima tu kecik.. sng gak aku nk jauhkn bntl tu dr die.. last2, smpai tkoyak bntl tu.. haha.. sorry shima..
cweet kn aku ngn shima? haha..
kami borak2, dan tdo.. kami kongsi bntl mlm tu.. lme btul x mcm tu.. rndu nyer zmn matrik.. rndu ngn diah.. rndu ngn najah gak..
xpe2.. ak akn jumpa diah mggu dpn! yosh!
ahad, konon nk g mid valley awl.. tp, lepak ngn kwn2 shima, amik2 gmbo, dh kul 1 lbh.. haus gle aku.. tp seronok la tgk org bkonvo.. aku lak, aritu konvo, xde nyer nk amik2 gmbo.. haha.. ntah mne2 jek kwn2 aku dh g.. pastu aku blk kg lak.. mmg x smpt nk b'gmbo2..
aku tau fac shima punya la tpencil.. haha..
i make new frens..
kul 2 lbh smpai d mid.. smyg.. mkn.. kul 4, shima anto aku kt komuter..
kul 6 smpai umah, tumbang.. haha..
Sunday, August 9, 2009
arini aku konvo.. sesi ptg.. phew.. pnt~
x smpt nk amik gmbo byk2.. klo ade pon, ngn mira je kot.. plus, aku kurg ckit bgambo2 ni..
almaklumlah.. x comei.. haha.. muka pon ade kesan chicken pox lg.. tggu die recover completely je..
mak ayh aku nk blk cpt.. nk g shah alam.. dh r xtau jln sgt..
mse dlm dewan, bdebar nyer, bkn main lg.. Alhamdulillah bl kt ats pentas, aku pndg kat dekan fac aku.. Dr.Japar.. Satu senyuman mekar d bibir die.. pergh.. time tu, ttb rse lega gle.. n aku tsenyum lebar.. bl ngadap pro-chanselor, die pon senyum melebar kt aku bl tgk aku tsenyum.. senyum seindah suria.. hehe..
mak aku pon ckp, bkn men senyum lg aku ats pentas.. org len x pon.. haha.. apa2 pon, bdebar yg ntah bpe jam td, jap je benti bl 1minit berada d pentas.. haha..
bsurai dlm jam 6 ptg..
mak ayh aku kuar je dwn, trus g tmpt parking.. haha.. sb diorg prening dgn lautan manusia.. ala.. aku punya la bpusing2 cr diorg.. last2 instinct aku btul.. diorg menuju ke parking dh pon.. lg pon mak ayh aku je pon yg dtg.. klo ade adek2 aku, best gak.. tp aku pon xkesah.. in 2 to 3 years to come, aku bkl dpt master.. insyaAllah.. jd aku xkesah la klo mreka x ada utk kali ni..
aku x dpt bunga pon.. ayh aku siap tnye lg.. tnye mcm perli..
"ko nk ayh bli kn bunga, k.long?" bl nmpk cina jual bunga..
aku pon geleng2 pale.. aku mls r.. keta dh r bsepah kt blkg.. ngn segala mcm khazanah aku cmpk.. lg pon aku pon rse bunga tu mbazir.. baik blnja aku kfc.. haha..
"ha.. bagus.. bkn ayh x nk bg.. terasa mcm bkn budaya kita pulak bg2 bunga ni.. yg penting, ko dh dpt pon degree ko.. lgpon nti, cina tu yg kaya.. what for u pay 60-70 dollars just for the flowers or bears?"
blk umah sewa aku, kms2 ckit.. tggu wani.. pastu blah..
ke shah alam, kami sesat! siap masuk pkampungan yg pnuh ngn indon n bangla lg.. adoiyaii..
dh r dh mlm..
kul 9 tb d puncak perdana..
kul 1 tb d umah..
ni gmbo posing kt umah.. d ats couch yg sgt selesa utk tgk astro.. haha..
x smpt nk amik gmbo byk2.. klo ade pon, ngn mira je kot.. plus, aku kurg ckit bgambo2 ni..
almaklumlah.. x comei.. haha.. muka pon ade kesan chicken pox lg.. tggu die recover completely je..
mak ayh aku nk blk cpt.. nk g shah alam.. dh r xtau jln sgt..
mse dlm dewan, bdebar nyer, bkn main lg.. Alhamdulillah bl kt ats pentas, aku pndg kat dekan fac aku.. Dr.Japar.. Satu senyuman mekar d bibir die.. pergh.. time tu, ttb rse lega gle.. n aku tsenyum lebar.. bl ngadap pro-chanselor, die pon senyum melebar kt aku bl tgk aku tsenyum.. senyum seindah suria.. hehe..
mak aku pon ckp, bkn men senyum lg aku ats pentas.. org len x pon.. haha.. apa2 pon, bdebar yg ntah bpe jam td, jap je benti bl 1minit berada d pentas.. haha..
bsurai dlm jam 6 ptg..
mak ayh aku kuar je dwn, trus g tmpt parking.. haha.. sb diorg prening dgn lautan manusia.. ala.. aku punya la bpusing2 cr diorg.. last2 instinct aku btul.. diorg menuju ke parking dh pon.. lg pon mak ayh aku je pon yg dtg.. klo ade adek2 aku, best gak.. tp aku pon xkesah.. in 2 to 3 years to come, aku bkl dpt master.. insyaAllah.. jd aku xkesah la klo mreka x ada utk kali ni..
aku x dpt bunga pon.. ayh aku siap tnye lg.. tnye mcm perli..
"ko nk ayh bli kn bunga, k.long?" bl nmpk cina jual bunga..
aku pon geleng2 pale.. aku mls r.. keta dh r bsepah kt blkg.. ngn segala mcm khazanah aku cmpk.. lg pon aku pon rse bunga tu mbazir.. baik blnja aku kfc.. haha..
"ha.. bagus.. bkn ayh x nk bg.. terasa mcm bkn budaya kita pulak bg2 bunga ni.. yg penting, ko dh dpt pon degree ko.. lgpon nti, cina tu yg kaya.. what for u pay 60-70 dollars just for the flowers or bears?"
blk umah sewa aku, kms2 ckit.. tggu wani.. pastu blah..
ke shah alam, kami sesat! siap masuk pkampungan yg pnuh ngn indon n bangla lg.. adoiyaii..
dh r dh mlm..
kul 9 tb d puncak perdana..
kul 1 tb d umah..
ni gmbo posing kt umah.. d ats couch yg sgt selesa utk tgk astro.. haha..
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Cerita 2: Info Astro
Situasi: pada pkul 2 pg.. Adik sedang menekan butang info dan melihat2 cerita2 yg sedang di tayangkn..
Adik: Boring r.. xde cite pon.. (menekan.. dan menekan lg.. smbil d perhatikan oleh abg)
Abg: Eh.. tengok jap yang 'Transmission Ends' tu.. lame nyer.. (kelihatan sedikit excited melihat info utk 8TV)
Adik: Huh?
Adik: Boring r.. xde cite pon.. (menekan.. dan menekan lg.. smbil d perhatikan oleh abg)
Abg: Eh.. tengok jap yang 'Transmission Ends' tu.. lame nyer.. (kelihatan sedikit excited melihat info utk 8TV)
Adik: Huh?
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus
Remember my previous post abt guy that i like? i wud like him to pour all his feeling out?
hmm.. i think none of guy wud do that huh? Its not ur nature rite..
i've read 'Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus' by John Gray..
I think boys n girl out there.. u shud read it.. its really good..
Sumtimes when we r in a relationship, we thought everythg wud go smoothly..
But we forget that we r from different planet..
We even speak differently..
In the end, our memory lose will make us ruin our relationship..
When i read the book, i juz like 'ooh.. is this the way guys think?'
Hmm.. we r indeed different..
hmm.. i think none of guy wud do that huh? Its not ur nature rite..
i've read 'Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus' by John Gray..
I think boys n girl out there.. u shud read it.. its really good..
Sumtimes when we r in a relationship, we thought everythg wud go smoothly..
But we forget that we r from different planet..
We even speak differently..
In the end, our memory lose will make us ruin our relationship..
When i read the book, i juz like 'ooh.. is this the way guys think?'
Hmm.. we r indeed different..
Cerita 1: Selama ni org jln pkai apa?
Situasi: Ketika seorg perempuan sedang komplen tentang tangannya yg tidak lawo sb chicken pox
Gadis: Mak.. tgn sy x lawo dah.. wuwu..
mak: Nsb baik ada tgn.. ade org tu jalan pkai kaki..
Gadis: Huh?
Gadis: Mak.. tgn sy x lawo dah.. wuwu..
mak: Nsb baik ada tgn.. ade org tu jalan pkai kaki..
Gadis: Huh?
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Things that make ME stay away from GUYS
Hot looking guy.. a lil buffy.. but not so buffy.. juz nice for me to hug him.. taller than me.. i feel secure.. Like Dean Winchester.. oh I luv him! Naughty, rock-headed but soft from the inside..
I'm attracted to single eyelid guy.. which is to say, chinese look.. with a great smile.. innocent look.. Good at making expression.. Well.. klo x good at making expression pon xpe.. bl kwn dgn i, he will for sure b good at making expression.. haha..
I dont expect him to share evrythg with me..
But he have to get excited when he sees food.. it will make me wanna eat too.. i like to eat.. what do u expect? anorexic bf?
He can give a good comment n b a good advisor..
He can turn to b a gossip girl.. haha.. but urm.. no extrem kutuk2 ok? its enuff if the gossip can make me say.. 'eh biar betik???'.. klo lbh2 kang jd mami jarum lak.. haha..
I like it if he pour all his feelings especially the bad 1, verbally.. not by action.. i ni lemah smgt ckit klo org marah2 ni.. if u say it in a rational way, we can sort it out.. we'll discuss it n find a way..
Can convince me in anythg i do..
The most important things..
He loves me for who i am..
He loves everythg about me..
He can lead me to b a better human..
Loyal and baik ati.. ^^
The donts
Too gedik especially in front of others.. save it ok..
Mengongkong.. pushy..
p/s: no wonder i dont have any bf.. haha..
Hot looking guy.. a lil buffy.. but not so buffy.. juz nice for me to hug him.. taller than me.. i feel secure.. Like Dean Winchester.. oh I luv him! Naughty, rock-headed but soft from the inside..
I'm attracted to single eyelid guy.. which is to say, chinese look.. with a great smile.. innocent look.. Good at making expression.. Well.. klo x good at making expression pon xpe.. bl kwn dgn i, he will for sure b good at making expression.. haha..
I dont expect him to share evrythg with me..
But he have to get excited when he sees food.. it will make me wanna eat too.. i like to eat.. what do u expect? anorexic bf?
He can give a good comment n b a good advisor..
He can turn to b a gossip girl.. haha.. but urm.. no extrem kutuk2 ok? its enuff if the gossip can make me say.. 'eh biar betik???'.. klo lbh2 kang jd mami jarum lak.. haha..
I like it if he pour all his feelings especially the bad 1, verbally.. not by action.. i ni lemah smgt ckit klo org marah2 ni.. if u say it in a rational way, we can sort it out.. we'll discuss it n find a way..
Can convince me in anythg i do..
The most important things..
He loves me for who i am..
He loves everythg about me..
He can lead me to b a better human..
Loyal and baik ati.. ^^
The donts
Too gedik especially in front of others.. save it ok..
Mengongkong.. pushy..
p/s: no wonder i dont have any bf.. haha..

Class 1
well.. yesterday (saturday) was my 1st class that i attend s a master student.. i was so anxious.. actually this wud b the 3rd lecture.. the 1st lecture i dont attend coz i didnt register for that course s i got prob with my username n password at student portal.. 2nd class, i've got pox..
with pox on my face, i attend the 3rd class s my sick leave only valid until Friday.. lg pon aku x mau la ponteng2 class byk sgt.. aku yg rugi kang.. huhu.. lucky me, lecture tu x lah jauh sgt dh.. n i can still catch up with what he was discussing with class.. nsb baik thats the only class yg aku amik sem ni.. xlah semput..
the lecture is about EIA (i know abt it when i do my fyp).. heat island effect (urban forestry class).. estuaries (Dr.M class).. water quality (my fyp).. sediment quality (my labmates' fyp).. organic pollutant.. soil (Dr.Osu's).. damn.. he said right now, its better to check the sediment rather than to check water.. it worries me a bit.. s my research will basically on parameters of water.. i dont know.. his research is more on organic pollutant.. of coz it is better to check the sidement.. hmm.. think think think.. with seminar coming up.. i dont want to screw up the colloquium..
I really enjoy the class much.. tp, leh lak aku kata ngn Dr.Pauzi tu kelas die 'boleh la'.. adoiyaii.. 2 la g gatal tnye psl abundance of phytoplankton.. dh die dok tnye psl klas die ok ke x.. aku lak nebes x btempat.. huhu.. but i've email him.. haha.. m'capub nyer aku.. well.. he seems ok..
i feel a lil' bit of lonely when the class take 5.. but i can survive, insyaAllah.. i make a few of new fren but most of them already have their own clique.. i dont mind.. no cliques.. lone ranger with a few of fren here n there.. its better..
but i do feel extremely lonely when i'v got no fren to eat with me.. God i need a bf! coz 90% of my bff hv bf already.. they r leaving me! waaa~~
with pox on my face, i attend the 3rd class s my sick leave only valid until Friday.. lg pon aku x mau la ponteng2 class byk sgt.. aku yg rugi kang.. huhu.. lucky me, lecture tu x lah jauh sgt dh.. n i can still catch up with what he was discussing with class.. nsb baik thats the only class yg aku amik sem ni.. xlah semput..
the lecture is about EIA (i know abt it when i do my fyp).. heat island effect (urban forestry class).. estuaries (Dr.M class).. water quality (my fyp).. sediment quality (my labmates' fyp).. organic pollutant.. soil (Dr.Osu's).. damn.. he said right now, its better to check the sediment rather than to check water.. it worries me a bit.. s my research will basically on parameters of water.. i dont know.. his research is more on organic pollutant.. of coz it is better to check the sidement.. hmm.. think think think.. with seminar coming up.. i dont want to screw up the colloquium..
I really enjoy the class much.. tp, leh lak aku kata ngn Dr.Pauzi tu kelas die 'boleh la'.. adoiyaii.. 2 la g gatal tnye psl abundance of phytoplankton.. dh die dok tnye psl klas die ok ke x.. aku lak nebes x btempat.. huhu.. but i've email him.. haha.. m'capub nyer aku.. well.. he seems ok..
i feel a lil' bit of lonely when the class take 5.. but i can survive, insyaAllah.. i make a few of new fren but most of them already have their own clique.. i dont mind.. no cliques.. lone ranger with a few of fren here n there.. its better..
but i do feel extremely lonely when i'v got no fren to eat with me.. God i need a bf! coz 90% of my bff hv bf already.. they r leaving me! waaa~~
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Best things to have chicken pox
These are a few thing that make me happy about having chicken pox
1) I can go home EARLIER than i planned.. and L-O-N-G-E-R..
2) I can find kelapa muda in Melaka.. make me realize, my hometown is better.. opps.. jgn marah.. :P
3) I can watch 42inch TV at home with astro.. hoho..
4) I live with the most understanding n caring man n woman on earth which is my MOM n DAD..
5) I hv plenty of water here in Mlk.. heard that Sri Serdang dont.. i hope my frens r ok..
6) I dont feel lonely..
1) I can go home EARLIER than i planned.. and L-O-N-G-E-R..
2) I can find kelapa muda in Melaka.. make me realize, my hometown is better.. opps.. jgn marah.. :P
3) I can watch 42inch TV at home with astro.. hoho..
4) I live with the most understanding n caring man n woman on earth which is my MOM n DAD..
5) I hv plenty of water here in Mlk.. heard that Sri Serdang dont.. i hope my frens r ok..
6) I dont feel lonely..
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Another boring day
akn aku cekalkn ati aku utk duduk kt cni.. huhu.. aku xmamam lg ni sb aku pose.. hehe..
arini aku x wt apa pon slain dr basuh bju, on9 n bce mjlh kesihatan..
aku bru tau psl ank autisme.. korg tau? g google.. huhu..
senaman utk mdapatkn peha yg cntek.. haha.. agk menarik phatian gak..
pastu didik ank secara diplomasi.. hmm.. n its important nowadays kot utk ank g klas mpertahankn diri..
buku 'i'm not afraid' yg aku bce lom khatam lg.. huhu.. dok jln2 virtually cr journal gak..
hmm.. kul 5.30 kang nk trun buang smpah.. pastu nk g bli apa2 yg ptt utk bbuka.. mkn roti je la kot.. huhu..
waa.. aku nk tgk bpe lme aku tahan x mkn nasi.. klo kt bintulu, baru 2 ari dh rse mcm nk mati x dpt nasi.. haha..
p/s: aku dpt bajet mini mohe utk support yuran pngajian aku!! Alhamdulillah..
arini aku x wt apa pon slain dr basuh bju, on9 n bce mjlh kesihatan..
aku bru tau psl ank autisme.. korg tau? g google.. huhu..
senaman utk mdapatkn peha yg cntek.. haha.. agk menarik phatian gak..
pastu didik ank secara diplomasi.. hmm.. n its important nowadays kot utk ank g klas mpertahankn diri..
buku 'i'm not afraid' yg aku bce lom khatam lg.. huhu.. dok jln2 virtually cr journal gak..
hmm.. kul 5.30 kang nk trun buang smpah.. pastu nk g bli apa2 yg ptt utk bbuka.. mkn roti je la kot.. huhu..
waa.. aku nk tgk bpe lme aku tahan x mkn nasi.. klo kt bintulu, baru 2 ari dh rse mcm nk mati x dpt nasi.. haha..
p/s: aku dpt bajet mini mohe utk support yuran pngajian aku!! Alhamdulillah..
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Pujukan Seorg Ayah
smlm aku menangeh je spnjg ari.. nk2 lg time smyg, lg meleleh2 air mata+ingus skali.. wuwu. sebak sgt.. hukhuk..
bl aku x nangeh lg, aku tepon mak aku.. pastu, aku sje gtl bgtau.. arini asik nangeh je mak.. ttb aku nangeh lg.. hukhuk..
aku pon meminta mak aku mbeli kn aku brbd sb kt cni aku sgt lonely.. rumet pon jns senyap je.. respon pon kurang memuaskn.. hukhuk.. tabaek kn ngata rumet.. tp kn.. nsb baik ade akk2 kt kt sblh blk sb mreka ringan mulut gak la.. xde la aku kekok..
4 the 1st time eva, aku tdo nyenyak gle.. mne x.. dh asik nangeh jek kije.. hukhuk..
arini, pg2 mak aku call.. mreka nk dtg cni.. anto kn brg2 aku.. aku hepi sgt.. yg ni pon aku nangeh sb aku xnk nangeh bl jumpa mak aku.. huhu.. nk2 lg kkk ipar aku ade skali.. xmau la die tau.. malu2.. huhu.. i bear that in mind..
mula2 dtg aku hepi gle.. mula la aku bcakap x henti2.. pot pet pot pet.. pastu.. kitorg order mkn kt maulana.. lawak gle mamak tu.. promo abc.. 'satu malaysia punya ada dalam sana' siap ngn gaya skali.. haha..
pastu bl time nk blk.. kt parking kreta.. aku trus nk nangeh.. dpn mak, aku control lg.. bl salam ayh, aku trus peluk ayh.. trus aku nangeh t'esak2.. puas ayh pjuk.. dengar gak sore ayh aku brubah..
'npe ni' ayah tnye.. lembut je.. ayh pupuk lembut ubun2 aku.. slalu klo aku ngadu mslh dlm keadaan yg x syahdu mcm ni, mesti kne sembur.. hukhuk.. 2 aku x suka sgt ngadu kt ayh aku.. aku t'esak2.. lgsg xleh nk bsuara..
'ada mslh ke, nak?' ayh tnye lg.. 'ade mslh?' ayh ulg lg.. aku geleng2 kepala..
'xde' sepatah je aku bls.. aku juz trase nk peluk ayh lme2.. dpt kn kekuatan dr ayh.. biar la org kt kedai mamak tu tgk.. peduli apa aku.. d kala aku ssh, ade org2 tu nk tlg? xde pon.. mak ayh gak yg tlg.. x salah pon klo aku nk nangeh kt ctu..
'xde apa la.. dugaan idup.. igt senang nk bjaya.. kne la ssh ckit.. hmm?'
'ayh pon suka ank2 ayh bjaya dlm idup.. ank2 ayh slalu dpt doa ayh'
'bru ckit dugaan nk nangeh dh.. ayh lg byk dugaan dlu' statement ayh aku mbuatkn aku kuat.. i know what my father hv been thru.. since he was small die dh khilangan ayh.. he grow up with poverty tp lgsg x mhalang die dr bjaya.. he was excellent during high school.. klo x masakan die teror bbahasa inggeris.. dgr la die speaking.. korg pon tkezut.. ayh aku bkn calang2 pak aji je tau.. even mse meminang mak aku pon, ade je kata2 yg x enak d dengar.. tp ayh aku tabah je..
'kt bintulu ko x nangeh, kt cni ko nangeh pulak..' tketawa ckit aku.. bru ade kelegaan..
'ha dh2.. jgn nangeh dh.. kuat kn smgt.. apa2 kitorg dekat kt cni'..'
'smyg byk2.. doa byk2' ayh masih urut blkg aku.. aku pon rse kuat gle aku peluk ayh td.. huhu..
pastu bru aku reda ckit.. walaupon ade sedu lg, aku mdapat kekuatan dr ayh..
'yaAllah.. ko pnjg kn la umur mak ayh aku.. berikan la mereka kesihata..' ni la doa pertama tpancul tiap2 kali aku lps abeh smyg.. lps tu, bru la kebahagiaan akhirat pd family n guru2 ku.. pastu bru doa jodoh yg baik n ank2 yg soleh..
huhu.. aku tulis ni pon dok nangeh2 gak.. abeh housemat aku ke hulu ke hilir tgk aku dok gonyoh2 mata yg x gatal sb nk seka air mata.. huhu..
bl aku x nangeh lg, aku tepon mak aku.. pastu, aku sje gtl bgtau.. arini asik nangeh je mak.. ttb aku nangeh lg.. hukhuk..
aku pon meminta mak aku mbeli kn aku brbd sb kt cni aku sgt lonely.. rumet pon jns senyap je.. respon pon kurang memuaskn.. hukhuk.. tabaek kn ngata rumet.. tp kn.. nsb baik ade akk2 kt kt sblh blk sb mreka ringan mulut gak la.. xde la aku kekok..
4 the 1st time eva, aku tdo nyenyak gle.. mne x.. dh asik nangeh jek kije.. hukhuk..
arini, pg2 mak aku call.. mreka nk dtg cni.. anto kn brg2 aku.. aku hepi sgt.. yg ni pon aku nangeh sb aku xnk nangeh bl jumpa mak aku.. huhu.. nk2 lg kkk ipar aku ade skali.. xmau la die tau.. malu2.. huhu.. i bear that in mind..
mula2 dtg aku hepi gle.. mula la aku bcakap x henti2.. pot pet pot pet.. pastu.. kitorg order mkn kt maulana.. lawak gle mamak tu.. promo abc.. 'satu malaysia punya ada dalam sana' siap ngn gaya skali.. haha..
pastu bl time nk blk.. kt parking kreta.. aku trus nk nangeh.. dpn mak, aku control lg.. bl salam ayh, aku trus peluk ayh.. trus aku nangeh t'esak2.. puas ayh pjuk.. dengar gak sore ayh aku brubah..
'npe ni' ayah tnye.. lembut je.. ayh pupuk lembut ubun2 aku.. slalu klo aku ngadu mslh dlm keadaan yg x syahdu mcm ni, mesti kne sembur.. hukhuk.. 2 aku x suka sgt ngadu kt ayh aku.. aku t'esak2.. lgsg xleh nk bsuara..
'ada mslh ke, nak?' ayh tnye lg.. 'ade mslh?' ayh ulg lg.. aku geleng2 kepala..
'xde' sepatah je aku bls.. aku juz trase nk peluk ayh lme2.. dpt kn kekuatan dr ayh.. biar la org kt kedai mamak tu tgk.. peduli apa aku.. d kala aku ssh, ade org2 tu nk tlg? xde pon.. mak ayh gak yg tlg.. x salah pon klo aku nk nangeh kt ctu..
'xde apa la.. dugaan idup.. igt senang nk bjaya.. kne la ssh ckit.. hmm?'
'ayh pon suka ank2 ayh bjaya dlm idup.. ank2 ayh slalu dpt doa ayh'
'bru ckit dugaan nk nangeh dh.. ayh lg byk dugaan dlu' statement ayh aku mbuatkn aku kuat.. i know what my father hv been thru.. since he was small die dh khilangan ayh.. he grow up with poverty tp lgsg x mhalang die dr bjaya.. he was excellent during high school.. klo x masakan die teror bbahasa inggeris.. dgr la die speaking.. korg pon tkezut.. ayh aku bkn calang2 pak aji je tau.. even mse meminang mak aku pon, ade je kata2 yg x enak d dengar.. tp ayh aku tabah je..
'kt bintulu ko x nangeh, kt cni ko nangeh pulak..' tketawa ckit aku.. bru ade kelegaan..
'ha dh2.. jgn nangeh dh.. kuat kn smgt.. apa2 kitorg dekat kt cni'..'
'smyg byk2.. doa byk2' ayh masih urut blkg aku.. aku pon rse kuat gle aku peluk ayh td.. huhu..
pastu bru aku reda ckit.. walaupon ade sedu lg, aku mdapat kekuatan dr ayh..
'yaAllah.. ko pnjg kn la umur mak ayh aku.. berikan la mereka kesihata..' ni la doa pertama tpancul tiap2 kali aku lps abeh smyg.. lps tu, bru la kebahagiaan akhirat pd family n guru2 ku.. pastu bru doa jodoh yg baik n ank2 yg soleh..
huhu.. aku tulis ni pon dok nangeh2 gak.. abeh housemat aku ke hulu ke hilir tgk aku dok gonyoh2 mata yg x gatal sb nk seka air mata.. huhu..
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Lapo nyer
arini aku kbusanan lg.. aku tgh mnunggu dik wan m'bls msj aku ni.. huhu.. intenet slow la plak arini.. huhu..
pg td aku dh call KPT n fax aku mgkin dh d proses.. harap2 bgitu la.. huhu..
n pg td gak aku bgayut ngn megat.. smpai abeh kdt aku.. huhu.. byk tol cite.. especially cite bab kwn ni la..
bl kt sorg2 mcm ni, bru kt tau spe kwn spe x..
hmm.. aku doa kn pakcik megat survive kt USM nti.. die lg pulak.. cha sorg je ade kt sne.. huhu..
pd aku, xde apa pon nk d bgga kn ngn master ni.. tp ujian n apa yg kt blaja dr kesusahan utk survive yg pntg..
aku b'syukur gak sbnrnya.. aku idup merantau lps matrik.. n aku survive d sane.. aku masih mjadi org.. harap2 kt cni pon aku leh survive..
adeh.. pedih dh perut aku.. wuwu.. bl la dik wan nk bls msj aku ni.. ade klas kot bdk tu..
till then.. salam..
pg td aku dh call KPT n fax aku mgkin dh d proses.. harap2 bgitu la.. huhu..
n pg td gak aku bgayut ngn megat.. smpai abeh kdt aku.. huhu.. byk tol cite.. especially cite bab kwn ni la..
bl kt sorg2 mcm ni, bru kt tau spe kwn spe x..
hmm.. aku doa kn pakcik megat survive kt USM nti.. die lg pulak.. cha sorg je ade kt sne.. huhu..
pd aku, xde apa pon nk d bgga kn ngn master ni.. tp ujian n apa yg kt blaja dr kesusahan utk survive yg pntg..
aku b'syukur gak sbnrnya.. aku idup merantau lps matrik.. n aku survive d sane.. aku masih mjadi org.. harap2 kt cni pon aku leh survive..
adeh.. pedih dh perut aku.. wuwu.. bl la dik wan nk bls msj aku ni.. ade klas kot bdk tu..
till then.. salam..
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
A Friend
arini, aku bgn pg with blurness in my head..
n KPT scholarship really make my morning very gloomy.. not because i lost the possibilities to earn that scholarship but because i'm 1 of the slowest creature on this planet that get info..
but then, fendi said i still got the chance if i fax my last result by this instant.. he offered me to fax it even when i said its ok myb its not my rezeki.. he insist that i can still have the chance.. he help me to fax it.. he dont even take a single cent for helping me out.. i really dont know how to thank him for that.. huhu.. Alhamdulillah.. i thank Allah swt to help me too..
For this moment, i juz need strength from sum1 that i call friend..
n KPT scholarship really make my morning very gloomy.. not because i lost the possibilities to earn that scholarship but because i'm 1 of the slowest creature on this planet that get info..
but then, fendi said i still got the chance if i fax my last result by this instant.. he offered me to fax it even when i said its ok myb its not my rezeki.. he insist that i can still have the chance.. he help me to fax it.. he dont even take a single cent for helping me out.. i really dont know how to thank him for that.. huhu.. Alhamdulillah.. i thank Allah swt to help me too..
For this moment, i juz need strength from sum1 that i call friend..
Monday, July 6, 2009
huhu.. arini 4 the 1st time aku g fac.. b4 this kn aku kne g bahagian antarabangsa utk jumpa advisor.. so.. it a bit weird.. it more weird when i see so many people here and there which is totally diff from bintulu campus.. hmm.. well.. nothing much to write..
its juz that i'm totally homesick.. 1month at home is enuff to make me want to go back this instant..
the loneliness is killing me!!
i wake up early this morning.. wondering what to do.. n then my mom call me n give opinion on how i shud solve my blurness.. then, i call for dr.zelina s/u juz to ask her help to remind dr.zelina to call me asap s i need to register my courses..
n then, i take a nap while waiting 11.30 s i want to follow nabil n fendi to see their supervisor.. hmm.. saje nk menempel.. n its pressurize me when i learn that they have start looking for journal n so on..
n then we wondered around looking for room that they will place all postgrad student there..
n i learn that all of postgrad classes will b held on saturday n sunday, which means.. i have to take a long path juz to get to the fac! whats worst is, i cant go back on weekends! it make me worried.. wuwu..
i tapau a lil bit of food n go back..
the clock is ticking n it shows 1pm.. gosh.. i need to do sumthg else.. i dont want to eat my food early coz i'll get hungry at the end of the day.. so i decided to call n sms a few of my fren..
at 3pm.. i'm dead..
at 4pm i ate my food..
at 5pm i look at the clock.. tick tick tick.. damn.. the needles dont seem to move a bit!
i look at outside countless time.. i HAVE to take a walk.. but its hot.. jog is not an option..
i pray.. this time, i'm cried.. i dont want my mom to worry about me.. i dont want her to know that i cried.. i got no 1 else to talk too.. my housemate? we juz know each other for 1 day.. i cant cry to them.. my fren? they got their own matters.. my ex? he is an ex.. what do u expect? but i know i can alwiz rely on sum1.. Allah swt is alwiz there for His servant.. i cried to Him.. people alwiz say, after we cried, we gain a strength.. n its true.. Alhamdulillah..
i wish sum1 is here to take me out for a ride.. juz to ease my homesick.. but.. of course.. i'm away from my family n there's no 1 here..
my rumet offer to accompany her to maybank.. but i dont want to trouble her.. she ride a motorcycle, but then, i'm heavy! tho aina once said to me 'bknnye kne pikul, motor yg bwk' but i hv to turn her down.. sorry.. huhu..
i decided to lepak-ing here.. yes CC! its been ages since i last go to cc.. huhu..
hmm.. i juz hv to make my day brighter..
its juz that i'm totally homesick.. 1month at home is enuff to make me want to go back this instant..
the loneliness is killing me!!
i wake up early this morning.. wondering what to do.. n then my mom call me n give opinion on how i shud solve my blurness.. then, i call for dr.zelina s/u juz to ask her help to remind dr.zelina to call me asap s i need to register my courses..
n then, i take a nap while waiting 11.30 s i want to follow nabil n fendi to see their supervisor.. hmm.. saje nk menempel.. n its pressurize me when i learn that they have start looking for journal n so on..
n then we wondered around looking for room that they will place all postgrad student there..
n i learn that all of postgrad classes will b held on saturday n sunday, which means.. i have to take a long path juz to get to the fac! whats worst is, i cant go back on weekends! it make me worried.. wuwu..
i tapau a lil bit of food n go back..
the clock is ticking n it shows 1pm.. gosh.. i need to do sumthg else.. i dont want to eat my food early coz i'll get hungry at the end of the day.. so i decided to call n sms a few of my fren..
at 3pm.. i'm dead..
at 4pm i ate my food..
at 5pm i look at the clock.. tick tick tick.. damn.. the needles dont seem to move a bit!
i look at outside countless time.. i HAVE to take a walk.. but its hot.. jog is not an option..
i pray.. this time, i'm cried.. i dont want my mom to worry about me.. i dont want her to know that i cried.. i got no 1 else to talk too.. my housemate? we juz know each other for 1 day.. i cant cry to them.. my fren? they got their own matters.. my ex? he is an ex.. what do u expect? but i know i can alwiz rely on sum1.. Allah swt is alwiz there for His servant.. i cried to Him.. people alwiz say, after we cried, we gain a strength.. n its true.. Alhamdulillah..
i wish sum1 is here to take me out for a ride.. juz to ease my homesick.. but.. of course.. i'm away from my family n there's no 1 here..
my rumet offer to accompany her to maybank.. but i dont want to trouble her.. she ride a motorcycle, but then, i'm heavy! tho aina once said to me 'bknnye kne pikul, motor yg bwk' but i hv to turn her down.. sorry.. huhu..
i decided to lepak-ing here.. yes CC! its been ages since i last go to cc.. huhu..
hmm.. i juz hv to make my day brighter..
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Ice ice bebeh
aku bru pas bfoya2 utk kali terakhir sblum trikat ngn master.. huhu..
aku tgk ice age 3.. best gle! rugi spe xtgk.. i'll do my review kt fs.. aku nk bg 4.75 bintang hingga 5 r.. serius ckp, cite ni lg best dr transformers 2.. hoho..
b4 tgk wyg, 4 d 1st time eva, aku try main deytona.. haha.. after years.. dak aliya n cha ade je ajk aku maen.. tp aku slalu xmo.. akhirnya aku try gak bendalah ni.. ssh woo.. nk kwl stereng.. sb aku xphm how it works mula2.. aku dpt no 40.. haha.. corot gle..
2nd time try, ok la.. dpt no 32.. hebat x.. leh thn r.. haha.. stereng aku kwl baik punya.. haha..
pas tgk wyg, kitorg g karok kt dlm karaOK box.. best r gak.. dpt melalak.. haha..
aku tgk ice age 3.. best gle! rugi spe xtgk.. i'll do my review kt fs.. aku nk bg 4.75 bintang hingga 5 r.. serius ckp, cite ni lg best dr transformers 2.. hoho..
b4 tgk wyg, 4 d 1st time eva, aku try main deytona.. haha.. after years.. dak aliya n cha ade je ajk aku maen.. tp aku slalu xmo.. akhirnya aku try gak bendalah ni.. ssh woo.. nk kwl stereng.. sb aku xphm how it works mula2.. aku dpt no 40.. haha.. corot gle..
2nd time try, ok la.. dpt no 32.. hebat x.. leh thn r.. haha.. stereng aku kwl baik punya.. haha..
pas tgk wyg, kitorg g karok kt dlm karaOK box.. best r gak.. dpt melalak.. haha..

Sunday, June 28, 2009
Breaking news 1: Bakal berpindah?
waaa... tidak!! td mse ayh aku bjumpa dgn pengerusi jkkk, ttb die ckp yg umah aku, mgkin akn d ambik utk pbinaan masjid dan parking utk org yg dtg masjid..
aku xmo pndh! this is the house that i grew up smpai la sihat mcm ni.. hukhuk..
lgpon umah ni sgt strategik.. it's suburb..
hopefully they can figure out other place..
aku xmo pndh! this is the house that i grew up smpai la sihat mcm ni.. hukhuk..
lgpon umah ni sgt strategik.. it's suburb..
hopefully they can figure out other place..
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
23rd Birthday
kali ni birthday aku x smbut pon.. no cakes.. only wishes.. but that's stil ok s long s they remember.. hehe.. thx u guys..
org yg plg awl wish birthday aku wud b jusco.. sebulan sbelum dh anto surat.. hoho..
pastu wani.. wani.. still sweet mcm dlu, wish semggu sebelum besday aku.. siap wish happy birthweek lg.. haha..
pastu sharp jam 12, mira.. mmg punctual.. nk mntk wish awl pon die xmo bg.. haha.. tq bebeh..
pastu a few of my fren in facebook and frenster.. tq..
i end my 22th of my life with watching transformers 2.. hoho... nk tgk review? g tgk frenster..
arini.. 24th.. umah aku ade kenduri.. n everybody is asking 'ank btunang ke?' which of course they r referring to me.. isk3.. kenduri kesyukuran la..
apa2 pon, best ade knduri arini.. pnt, mmg pnt.. hehe.. ok la.. chow.. mau tido sudah..
p/s: tgn pijau gle.. potong lada td la ni.. waa...
org yg plg awl wish birthday aku wud b jusco.. sebulan sbelum dh anto surat.. hoho..
pastu wani.. wani.. still sweet mcm dlu, wish semggu sebelum besday aku.. siap wish happy birthweek lg.. haha..
pastu sharp jam 12, mira.. mmg punctual.. nk mntk wish awl pon die xmo bg.. haha.. tq bebeh..
pastu a few of my fren in facebook and frenster.. tq..
i end my 22th of my life with watching transformers 2.. hoho... nk tgk review? g tgk frenster..
arini.. 24th.. umah aku ade kenduri.. n everybody is asking 'ank btunang ke?' which of course they r referring to me.. isk3.. kenduri kesyukuran la..
apa2 pon, best ade knduri arini.. pnt, mmg pnt.. hehe.. ok la.. chow.. mau tido sudah..
p/s: tgn pijau gle.. potong lada td la ni.. waa...
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Movie3.. hoho
huhu.. smlm aku marathon movie.. again.. haha.. smlm gak aku bli kn adik aku ipod nano 2gig. yeah3.. its not s good s ipod video, but i think its still ok.. altho skrin die lbh kurg mcm mp4 yg aku bli.. function pon lbh kurg jek tp sb die support avi n mwv, so i guess its better..
oo.. correction2.. aku tmn adik aku bli utk adik aku lg sorg.. hakhak..
so.. smlm aku tgk DRAG ME TO HELL
cite ni, aku xtau r bpe kali tkeluar bodoh dr mulut aku ni.. haha.. asik tkezut jek..
aku bg 3 bntg jek.. sb ending die x best.. haha.. lg 1 sb cite ni mcm selekeh.. rse mcm nk muntah jek tgk.. huhu.. pastu kn, aku xtau spe watak utama sbnrnya.. sb aku rse nenek gipsi yg menyumpah watak utama tu lg mnyerlah dr watak utama.. haha.. watak kambing putih pon mnyerlah gak dlm cite ni.. people dlm wyg tu sume suka ngn kambing tu.. aku pon suka.. comel..
pastu aku tgk cite TERMINATOR lak.. 4 bintang r aku bg.. best gak sbnrnya.. john connor yg lbh macho dr john connor yg ke-3.. aku suka watak marcus.. a robot yg xtau die robot smpai la die kne landmines yg meletup bl ade robot lalu.. huhu.. aku suka motominator.. macho sey.. hoho..
pastu tgk cite BLOOD: THE LAST VAMPIRE.. pergh.. mnyesal siot aku tgk. dh r dlm sume2, tiket die plg mhl.. 2 bintang je r aku bg.. or x yah bg bintang lgsg.. CGI yg mmg plg teruk aku prnh tgk, utk filem mat salih.. vampire yg x best.. x phm pon.. set yg x best.. sume2 la.. jgn tgk!
yg plg aku suka spnjg tgk movie adalah iklan2 n trailer2 yg d tygkn.. aku suke iklan Clear anti dandruff.. oh.. i get excited when i saw harry potter's and transformers'.. aaaa!! cant wait to watch them!
oo.. correction2.. aku tmn adik aku bli utk adik aku lg sorg.. hakhak..
so.. smlm aku tgk DRAG ME TO HELL
cite ni, aku xtau r bpe kali tkeluar bodoh dr mulut aku ni.. haha.. asik tkezut jek..
aku bg 3 bntg jek.. sb ending die x best.. haha.. lg 1 sb cite ni mcm selekeh.. rse mcm nk muntah jek tgk.. huhu.. pastu kn, aku xtau spe watak utama sbnrnya.. sb aku rse nenek gipsi yg menyumpah watak utama tu lg mnyerlah dr watak utama.. haha.. watak kambing putih pon mnyerlah gak dlm cite ni.. people dlm wyg tu sume suka ngn kambing tu.. aku pon suka.. comel..
pastu aku tgk cite TERMINATOR lak.. 4 bintang r aku bg.. best gak sbnrnya.. john connor yg lbh macho dr john connor yg ke-3.. aku suka watak marcus.. a robot yg xtau die robot smpai la die kne landmines yg meletup bl ade robot lalu.. huhu.. aku suka motominator.. macho sey.. hoho..
pastu tgk cite BLOOD: THE LAST VAMPIRE.. pergh.. mnyesal siot aku tgk. dh r dlm sume2, tiket die plg mhl.. 2 bintang je r aku bg.. or x yah bg bintang lgsg.. CGI yg mmg plg teruk aku prnh tgk, utk filem mat salih.. vampire yg x best.. x phm pon.. set yg x best.. sume2 la.. jgn tgk!
yg plg aku suka spnjg tgk movie adalah iklan2 n trailer2 yg d tygkn.. aku suke iklan Clear anti dandruff.. oh.. i get excited when i saw harry potter's and transformers'.. aaaa!! cant wait to watch them!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Worry x10000000000000
Monday, June 15, 2009
Tagged 4: Megat yg tag
1. Khai
2. Khai Yoo Rim
3. Usagi
1. partime housewife
2. cabot misai kucing
3. tnm anggur
1. padang temu (and still)
2. tangkak
3. bintulu
2. AXN
3. HMK
1. Southern Thai
2. Sarawak
3. Above the cloud.. hehe..
1. Far East.. watch the human civilization
2. China.. a place suggest by Prophet Muhammad (saw) to seek for knowledge..
3. Venice..
1. my mom's
2. chicken chop
3. choc
1. Survive at Serdang
2. Get a good job
3. Adalah.. hehe..
1. Arnab
2. Merlin (hamster gue)
3. Si senget n family (aym serama kt umah)..
1. dunno
2. dunno
3. dunno.. haha..
1. Faizal Tahir
2. Wonder Girls
3. Nicole-Kara (sb die comel sgt dlm stargolden bell)
1. none
2. none
3. xde la! isk..
1. teh-o-ais-limau
2. Pepsi
3. Sky juice
P/S: not tagging anyone.. sb ni dr facebook.. haha..
1. Khai
2. Khai Yoo Rim
3. Usagi
1. partime housewife
2. cabot misai kucing
3. tnm anggur
1. padang temu (and still)
2. tangkak
3. bintulu
2. AXN
3. HMK
1. Southern Thai
2. Sarawak
3. Above the cloud.. hehe..
1. Far East.. watch the human civilization
2. China.. a place suggest by Prophet Muhammad (saw) to seek for knowledge..
3. Venice..
1. my mom's
2. chicken chop
3. choc
1. Survive at Serdang
2. Get a good job
3. Adalah.. hehe..
1. Arnab
2. Merlin (hamster gue)
3. Si senget n family (aym serama kt umah)..
1. dunno
2. dunno
3. dunno.. haha..
1. Faizal Tahir
2. Wonder Girls
3. Nicole-Kara (sb die comel sgt dlm stargolden bell)
1. none
2. none
3. xde la! isk..
1. teh-o-ais-limau
2. Pepsi
3. Sky juice
P/S: not tagging anyone.. sb ni dr facebook.. haha..
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Hot-Spring Late at Nite
smlm, at 2.20 a.m, my family n i went to Kolam Air Panas Gadek.. its about 30-45minutes driving to go there.. actually my mom ade rashes about a month ago.. pnt dh die g doktor but its not getting any better.. myb its because of the hot wave.. so many disease occured worldwide.. so.. my mom decide to go to the hot-spring.. pnt gak aku n dak echa pjuk ayh aku g.. haha.. yela.. nk g lewat2 mlm.. nk g siang, mcm pelik la plak.. skrg ni kn freaking hot..
b4 that, back at home, i felt excited to go swimming pool coz i'v been longing to swim.. so, i've bring along my goggle.. but my sis who had go there before laugh at me and say its hot! ko xkn nk swim nyer lah.. she said.. tp aku x pcaya, so aku bwk gak.. huhu..
bila tiba kt sane, rmai gak manusia altho its late.. dr jalan aku dh nmpk kwsan tu steamy.. and from inside, it really is! we chose a small pool as it is the only one that not occupied by anyone..
when i put my legs in it, its so damn hot! ok2.. imagine u put more than 3/4 boiling water in a cup or any bekas, n u fill it with normal water until full.. this is the temperature of the hot-spring water in the small pool..
my mom pon x brani nk msuk.. so.. ktorg main2 kt gg air jek.. tp.. at the same time, ktorg rse sgt pelik, y other people at other bigger pool mcm steady jek.. siap rendam2 lg.. pastu ttb ade 1 kolam yg slightly bigger than ours kosong.. so, ktorg pon pindah.. well.. its not as hot as the small pool.. its still hot.. but, well, we hv taste a hotter pool.. so, ktorg pon berendam la.. ayh aku jek xmo rendam.. die x thn pns.. haha..
tapi ktorg x brendam lme pon.. kul 4.15 dh blk.. xthn.. mak aku dh mcm mual smacam.. na'ah.. bkn morning sickness ye.. haha.. its 1 of the healing effect of bathing in hot-spring..
so, dlm kul 5 ktorg smpai umah.. pheww.. ngntok gle.. pas subuh, trus tdoq..
this is the picture of the place.. i just google it coz i really forgot to bring along my camera.. well.. lg pon, klo aku amik gmbo, nmpk sgt ktorg jakun.. haha.. org len xde pon amik2 gmbo..
kolam empat segi kecik tu yg 1st2 ktorg msuk.. n then ktorg g yg kolam bulat tu.. pastu aku g test air dlm kolam yg lg besar kat ujung tu.. dlm pix ni x nmpk.. huhu.. utk spe2 yg nk g, jgn amik kolam empat segi kecik tu.. its hot!
b4 that, back at home, i felt excited to go swimming pool coz i'v been longing to swim.. so, i've bring along my goggle.. but my sis who had go there before laugh at me and say its hot! ko xkn nk swim nyer lah.. she said.. tp aku x pcaya, so aku bwk gak.. huhu..
bila tiba kt sane, rmai gak manusia altho its late.. dr jalan aku dh nmpk kwsan tu steamy.. and from inside, it really is! we chose a small pool as it is the only one that not occupied by anyone..
when i put my legs in it, its so damn hot! ok2.. imagine u put more than 3/4 boiling water in a cup or any bekas, n u fill it with normal water until full.. this is the temperature of the hot-spring water in the small pool..
my mom pon x brani nk msuk.. so.. ktorg main2 kt gg air jek.. tp.. at the same time, ktorg rse sgt pelik, y other people at other bigger pool mcm steady jek.. siap rendam2 lg.. pastu ttb ade 1 kolam yg slightly bigger than ours kosong.. so, ktorg pon pindah.. well.. its not as hot as the small pool.. its still hot.. but, well, we hv taste a hotter pool.. so, ktorg pon berendam la.. ayh aku jek xmo rendam.. die x thn pns.. haha..
tapi ktorg x brendam lme pon.. kul 4.15 dh blk.. xthn.. mak aku dh mcm mual smacam.. na'ah.. bkn morning sickness ye.. haha.. its 1 of the healing effect of bathing in hot-spring..
so, dlm kul 5 ktorg smpai umah.. pheww.. ngntok gle.. pas subuh, trus tdoq..

kolam empat segi kecik tu yg 1st2 ktorg msuk.. n then ktorg g yg kolam bulat tu.. pastu aku g test air dlm kolam yg lg besar kat ujung tu.. dlm pix ni x nmpk.. huhu.. utk spe2 yg nk g, jgn amik kolam empat segi kecik tu.. its hot!
Friday, June 12, 2009
SHITtake mushroom
I felt like i was betrayed..
From now n then, i believe him.. i fight with my own self to believe him.. to give him my trust..
I believe i was a failure, turning this relationship to nothing-ship..
And now, i'm like a dumb to believe in this shit..
I was stabbed today.. my heart was slashed.. torn.. broken.. into thousands of pieces..
I've been there before.. but its much more deeper.. i dont know how to mend it.. n i think, better if i leave it like that.. it will b a lesson.. a memory.. a scar..
Less hope n i'l survive in this game..
This is what we feel everytime our heart was hurt because of luv..
And always, we tend to believe that there was little hope as we r not s evil s the wicked witch.. that we r good, things gonna b fine.. myb its not now.. myb its later.. this is what we believe..
but now..
I dont know what to believe.. 'bout luv..
I dont know whom to believe.. 'bout him..
I dont have faith anymore.. 'bout this relationship..
I juz have Allah s.w.t to give me strength.. to help me believe that he's not for me..
yaAllah, plz help me to forget him.. plz tell him to stop hurting me..
I only believe in You.. In how You make thing turn out to be.. I stil have faith in Ur fate..
From now n then, i believe him.. i fight with my own self to believe him.. to give him my trust..
I believe i was a failure, turning this relationship to nothing-ship..
And now, i'm like a dumb to believe in this shit..
I was stabbed today.. my heart was slashed.. torn.. broken.. into thousands of pieces..
I've been there before.. but its much more deeper.. i dont know how to mend it.. n i think, better if i leave it like that.. it will b a lesson.. a memory.. a scar..
Less hope n i'l survive in this game..
This is what we feel everytime our heart was hurt because of luv..
And always, we tend to believe that there was little hope as we r not s evil s the wicked witch.. that we r good, things gonna b fine.. myb its not now.. myb its later.. this is what we believe..
but now..
I dont know what to believe.. 'bout luv..
I dont know whom to believe.. 'bout him..
I dont have faith anymore.. 'bout this relationship..
I juz have Allah s.w.t to give me strength.. to help me believe that he's not for me..
yaAllah, plz help me to forget him.. plz tell him to stop hurting me..
I only believe in You.. In how You make thing turn out to be.. I stil have faith in Ur fate..
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
arini aku ke serdang.. utk bjumpa dgn supervisor aku.. huhu.. mcacau gak r mcari..
supervisor aku xdak kt fac env.. sebaliknye die ade d bahagian antarabangsa..
jd, sane cni aku btnye.. mula2 igt kt bgnn admin tp bl tnye kt pak guard, die bg direction yg totally lari dr bgnn ptadbiran.. pastu aku g kat kaunter visa n pasport.. yg mnunggu kt ctu bdk2 yg kbnyakannye dr arab.. aku n adik aku jek idung penyek kt ctu.. haha.. last2, jumpa gak ofis die.. tp org nye stil xdak..
smntara mnunggu tu, aku dpt tau temperature kreta ayh aku naik.. huhu..
kul 6.00 bru dpt jumpa dr.zelina..
1st die tnye degree aku amik apa.. pastu pointer.. pastu die siap check kn syarat2 utk GRF tu, kot2 aku t'miss pndg.. baik la org nyer.. hehe..
bl dh settle sume, mse nk msuk blk hi-way tu, ayh aku tsalah amik lane daa.. jd, nk x nk kne la kuar tol sg.besi, pastu patah blk.. ayh aku xmo g KL dgn kreta yg sebegitu.. huhu.. naik gak temperature ayh aku.. haha..
Alhamdulillah slmt gak smpai mlk.. elok jek smpai pntu gate umah, keta ayh aku dh bbunyi mcm teksi buruk dh.. haha.. bl bukak hud dpn, bearing die lak rosak.. aiyo.. nsb baik udah smpai umah.. huhu..
n skrg ati aku dh separuh lega utk amik master.. lg separuh tggl utk cr kolej yg kosong n settle kn segala mcm bnda utk pdaftaran nti..
kerisauan akn makin btambah bl aku dh start sem.. smntara ni dr.zelina soh aku blajau blk gune access utk ajau klas sistem maklumat alam sekitar.. err.. aku pon x igt ade blajo ke x du.. hukhuk..
supervisor aku xdak kt fac env.. sebaliknye die ade d bahagian antarabangsa..
jd, sane cni aku btnye.. mula2 igt kt bgnn admin tp bl tnye kt pak guard, die bg direction yg totally lari dr bgnn ptadbiran.. pastu aku g kat kaunter visa n pasport.. yg mnunggu kt ctu bdk2 yg kbnyakannye dr arab.. aku n adik aku jek idung penyek kt ctu.. haha.. last2, jumpa gak ofis die.. tp org nye stil xdak..
smntara mnunggu tu, aku dpt tau temperature kreta ayh aku naik.. huhu..
kul 6.00 bru dpt jumpa dr.zelina..
1st die tnye degree aku amik apa.. pastu pointer.. pastu die siap check kn syarat2 utk GRF tu, kot2 aku t'miss pndg.. baik la org nyer.. hehe..
bl dh settle sume, mse nk msuk blk hi-way tu, ayh aku tsalah amik lane daa.. jd, nk x nk kne la kuar tol sg.besi, pastu patah blk.. ayh aku xmo g KL dgn kreta yg sebegitu.. huhu.. naik gak temperature ayh aku.. haha..
Alhamdulillah slmt gak smpai mlk.. elok jek smpai pntu gate umah, keta ayh aku dh bbunyi mcm teksi buruk dh.. haha.. bl bukak hud dpn, bearing die lak rosak.. aiyo.. nsb baik udah smpai umah.. huhu..
n skrg ati aku dh separuh lega utk amik master.. lg separuh tggl utk cr kolej yg kosong n settle kn segala mcm bnda utk pdaftaran nti..
kerisauan akn makin btambah bl aku dh start sem.. smntara ni dr.zelina soh aku blajau blk gune access utk ajau klas sistem maklumat alam sekitar.. err.. aku pon x igt ade blajo ke x du.. hukhuk..
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Korum full
best sgt this week.. my bro n sis-in-law blk.. my sis yg dr matrik perak pon blk gak.. so, cukup la korum nyer.. plus, ade 3 org ank buah aku.. dak uda r plg aku x larat nk layan.. kerenah die, mak aih.. nk itu nk ini.. ank ke-3 mmg bgitu kot.. ops.. sorry kpd semua ank no3.. :P n pastu cousin aku, abg yan, blk ngn k.mona and ank2 mreka.. i dont get his children's name accept for ank die yg 1st, nureen (klo x silap r nama die) sb ank2 die yg kemudian ni, aku dh merantau mcari ilmu.. huhu..
n aku mkn sgt byk gak.. mne x.. k.ina wt mee kari for dinner on saturday.. n i cooked sup tulang for sunday lunch.. gle best dua2.. hakhak.. puji mskn sndri.. :p
beverage official this week is air sirap bndung.. aku la yg wat.. hakhak.. sedap~ sehingga mjilat jari kaki.. haha..
ni mreka sume dh blk.. sunyi r gak.. tv tu pon dh tutup.. klo x, bukak smpai 4 pg.. huhu..
ok la.. aku pon dh pnt.. chow..
n aku mkn sgt byk gak.. mne x.. k.ina wt mee kari for dinner on saturday.. n i cooked sup tulang for sunday lunch.. gle best dua2.. hakhak.. puji mskn sndri.. :p
beverage official this week is air sirap bndung.. aku la yg wat.. hakhak.. sedap~ sehingga mjilat jari kaki.. haha..
ni mreka sume dh blk.. sunyi r gak.. tv tu pon dh tutup.. klo x, bukak smpai 4 pg.. huhu..
ok la.. aku pon dh pnt.. chow..
Friday, June 5, 2009
A Beginning
phew.. what a week.. a week yg boley mbuatkn jntung aku bhenti bdegup buat seketika.. mggu dpn will b the same s this week.. n myb until the end of the year.. or myb.. until 2 years later my heart will need extra excersize.. huhu..
i've contact with my supervisor for my master.. n its so hard to get thru her! Thank God i'll b meeting her next week..
this is juz a beginning..
p/s: to those yg anto msj.. sorry.. cant reply.. kredit abeh dh.. hukhuk.. miahn..
see you in cbox..
i've contact with my supervisor for my master.. n its so hard to get thru her! Thank God i'll b meeting her next week..
this is juz a beginning..
p/s: to those yg anto msj.. sorry.. cant reply.. kredit abeh dh.. hukhuk.. miahn..
see you in cbox..
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Putera Katak
arini aku jd hero dlm umah.. aku bjaya tgkp seekor katak yg sgt besar! hoho.. ayh aku pon geli mau pgg..
aku tgkp guna net ikn sb katak tu besar sgt n die pegi kt bwh krusi yg ssh utk d capai..
ade la sekali aku sje lps kn sb kaki die mcm tjuluq kuar dr frame besi net tu.. jd, aku angkt r net tu sb kesian, kot2 patah ke kaki die kne serkup bgitu.. maka.. melompat la si katak tsebut..
ayh aku dh bising2.. haha.. apa lg.. kali ni aku tgkp btul2.. hakhak..
dpt.. hodoh r katak tu..
putera katak kot..
aku buang dekat2 parit umah aku.. nk msuk dlm parit kesian.. sb aku tau ade ular or biawak dlm tu.. huhu.. tp bl ayh aku tnye, buang dlm parit ke? aku ye kn jek.. hakhak.. jgn bgtau sesape tau.. bohong sunat.. raya ni, klo pnjg umo, aku mntk maap..
skrg area umah aku ujn.. believe it or not, area after jiran aku, kering jek..
katak tu pggl ujn kot.. haha..
alhamdulillah.. syok aku tduq mlm ni..
aku tgkp guna net ikn sb katak tu besar sgt n die pegi kt bwh krusi yg ssh utk d capai..
ade la sekali aku sje lps kn sb kaki die mcm tjuluq kuar dr frame besi net tu.. jd, aku angkt r net tu sb kesian, kot2 patah ke kaki die kne serkup bgitu.. maka.. melompat la si katak tsebut..
ayh aku dh bising2.. haha.. apa lg.. kali ni aku tgkp btul2.. hakhak..
dpt.. hodoh r katak tu..
putera katak kot..
aku buang dekat2 parit umah aku.. nk msuk dlm parit kesian.. sb aku tau ade ular or biawak dlm tu.. huhu.. tp bl ayh aku tnye, buang dlm parit ke? aku ye kn jek.. hakhak.. jgn bgtau sesape tau.. bohong sunat.. raya ni, klo pnjg umo, aku mntk maap..
skrg area umah aku ujn.. believe it or not, area after jiran aku, kering jek..
katak tu pggl ujn kot.. haha..
alhamdulillah.. syok aku tduq mlm ni..

Thursday, May 28, 2009
Twilight zone?
urm.. aku bce twilight.. serius shit i don know why ppl luv this book..
hehe.. mula la ni nk mberi komen2.. lolx..
ekceli aku bru bce 3/4 buku tu.. arini insyaAllah abeh kot..
1st of all.. aku bce ats dua sbb.. 1st sb mne2 pegi, org ckp psl die.. its a trend.. juz like harry potter yg glamer buku n muvi.. so.. aku sje nk test buku die dlu.. sb slalu nyer buku akn lbh best dr muvi..
2nd sb hafiz prnh ckp bl die bce buku tu, he said, myb mcm tu la pmikiran aku (s a girl thadap llk yg die suke).. err.. ok.. so.. i wonder abt that.. tp d sbb kn bz.. n buku tu lak asik abeh stok jek kt kdai buku popular kt bntulu, so, i wait until i kt mlk.. voila.. buku dh de dpn mata.. aku bce r..
bl aku bce.. bpe byk kali aku nk tlelap.. busan bah.. ok2.. aku bce buku sblum tdo.. myb i'm too tired sb siang2 byk bnda aku wt.. tp.. dlu aku bce harry potter ke da vinci code ke, xde lak gtu.. smpai nk tsepuk buku tu kt muka aku.. mcm bce nota kuliah jek.. haha.. busan2..
ade word yg repetitive n redundance dlm cite ni.. duh.. xbest2.. especially dialogs..
ade word yg die gune kn yg bl aku nmpk, i said in my heart 'mcmane la bdk kecik or bdk yg x phm sgt BI bce?'.. the word is too complicated.. ekceli boleh klo die nk gune bombastic word but, olahan sentence slps tu harus la baik so that readers understand what the author tried to convey..
half of the book, plot x bkembang dgn baik.. borink.. its all abt home with charlie.. how bella was totally a babe around many guys kt tmpt bru (mcm x perlu pon watak2 tu sbnrnya..).. actually byk jek bnda leh crita tp die waste time cite psl unimportant things..
since when she knows that edward is truely a vampire?? i mean b4 edward bgtau die sndri.. none.. its juz an assumption kn? assumption yg d buat lps being told by one of the guy yg die jumpa yg crita psl myth village tu.. (again.. llk.. kt village tu byk llk ke.. xphm btul aku..).. plus, aku rse bella x ptt menerima je myth tu.. ptt die ade conflict ngn dr die sndri.. nk2 lg llk yg encem, mnarik phatian die d katakn is a vampire?? buat la observation, find the truth.. the story will b more exciting.. hey.. u r a town girl.. ptt nyer crita psl myth2 ni msuk tlinga kiri, kuar tlinga kanan je.. aiyoyo..
aku lak over.. haha.. apa2 pon lps bce half, bru la ade pkembangan plot.. sb edward dh bwk die jumpa family die.. bru smgt ckit aku nk bce.. klo x, watak bella tu is too shallow for me.. edward kn slalu ckp yg die xleh nk bce minda bella.. duh.. x complicated pon watak bella.. huhu..
biau r aku jd author die.. meh aku draft out what shud be happening dkt 1st half of the book.. :p
bella dtg ke village tu..
she made new frens (which most of it was girl.. guy fren shud b 1 or 2.. not more, cukup dh tu.. n they shudnt have feelings towards her.. yg ade feeling, sorg je, dh cukup utk m'jeleskn edward)
she met with edward.. a guy yg slalu pndg die dgn pndgn yg mnakotkn.. (coz edward kt bella taste good kn.. of coz la he feel like eating her..)
she tried her best to fit in.. including with edward.. but edward always turn he down.. n she thinks more abt edward than anybody else.. thats what make her interested in edward more..
she will do observation but not so obsess coz she gotta do sumthg else.. juz a bit of observation.. on way he talks (of coz she will notice abt his smile).. way he interact with ppl (she will notice abt his coldness n what make he behave like that).. n the place that she always notice he's there.. i know.. dlm buku, die slalu kt klas or kt kafe kn.. but klo aku, aku x wt la kt tmpt2 tu.. coz x de kekuatan r jumpa kt tmpt2 tu.. cliche sgt utk bdk sekolah yg biasa.. the prob is, mreka adalah luar biasa, so, kne la tmpt2 yg luar biasa.. cth nye, tepi utan ke.. or any other place yg ckup utk bella wonder npe die ke ctu..
n then, evrytime kt umah, bella akn memikir kn a bit about edward b4 nk tdo.. that will mengukuhkn npe she was alwiz sleep talking.. mcm aku r.. adik aku ckp aku slalu gak merapu dlm tdo.. saying name.. huhu.. ok.. but not words like 'i luv u' coz its too early utk bella fall in luv with edward..
n then sum1 told her abt the myth.. this sum1 shud be the elder of the village (x kire la jiran ke.. makcik yg mcm witch2 ckit ke..) or her closest fren.. not sum kind of guy yg ttb showed up juz like in the book.. (too many character will make the story look messy.. unless evry character is strongly potrayed..) this will make bella want to find out more abt edward..
then 1 day, d sbb kn myth n observation yg die wt, die nk find out the truth.. n then, kantoi.. alaleng.. haha.. n then, edward will explain to her.. show her things that she doesnt even know that it existed during this chpter of kebenaran.. n he will say abt his feelings towards bella too.. n bella shud know abt his seriousness.. there's no need for edward utk keep on saying abt the seriousness or that he doesnt get mad with bella on any occasion juz like in the book.. huhu. oo.. lupa la plak.. bella shud at least show that she's shocked bl edward show his true form.. at that time, edward shud hold her hands and convince her that she will b alrite.. dont be scare..
n then, klo nk start mushy2, bru la boley sb dh start bcinta kn.. b4 that, he has to show his sweetness 1st la.. cth nye bl dh anto bella blk umah, he was hanging upside down at a tree sblh blk bella ke (utk tgk bella tdo).. ha.. seram ckit.. haha.. ha.. klo nk interprame kn pokok tu, kne la cite ckit psl pokok tu mse pmulaan cite.. bru nmpk kpentingan pokok tu..
the end..
itu shj olahan sy utk 1st half buku tu.. oleh kerana buku tu dh start bkembang, sy m'respect crita seterusnya.. huhu.. adik aku kata buku 1 n 3 x best.. 2 n 4 yg best.. or is it 1 n 4, 2 n 3? haha.. ntah r.. tp yg 2nd book adek aku kt best.. nti nk bce r klo ade mse.. hehe..
ok la.. itu shj.. punya la pnjg komen.. isk2..
hehe.. mula la ni nk mberi komen2.. lolx..
ekceli aku bru bce 3/4 buku tu.. arini insyaAllah abeh kot..
1st of all.. aku bce ats dua sbb.. 1st sb mne2 pegi, org ckp psl die.. its a trend.. juz like harry potter yg glamer buku n muvi.. so.. aku sje nk test buku die dlu.. sb slalu nyer buku akn lbh best dr muvi..
2nd sb hafiz prnh ckp bl die bce buku tu, he said, myb mcm tu la pmikiran aku (s a girl thadap llk yg die suke).. err.. ok.. so.. i wonder abt that.. tp d sbb kn bz.. n buku tu lak asik abeh stok jek kt kdai buku popular kt bntulu, so, i wait until i kt mlk.. voila.. buku dh de dpn mata.. aku bce r..
bl aku bce.. bpe byk kali aku nk tlelap.. busan bah.. ok2.. aku bce buku sblum tdo.. myb i'm too tired sb siang2 byk bnda aku wt.. tp.. dlu aku bce harry potter ke da vinci code ke, xde lak gtu.. smpai nk tsepuk buku tu kt muka aku.. mcm bce nota kuliah jek.. haha.. busan2..
ade word yg repetitive n redundance dlm cite ni.. duh.. xbest2.. especially dialogs..
ade word yg die gune kn yg bl aku nmpk, i said in my heart 'mcmane la bdk kecik or bdk yg x phm sgt BI bce?'.. the word is too complicated.. ekceli boleh klo die nk gune bombastic word but, olahan sentence slps tu harus la baik so that readers understand what the author tried to convey..
half of the book, plot x bkembang dgn baik.. borink.. its all abt home with charlie.. how bella was totally a babe around many guys kt tmpt bru (mcm x perlu pon watak2 tu sbnrnya..).. actually byk jek bnda leh crita tp die waste time cite psl unimportant things..
since when she knows that edward is truely a vampire?? i mean b4 edward bgtau die sndri.. none.. its juz an assumption kn? assumption yg d buat lps being told by one of the guy yg die jumpa yg crita psl myth village tu.. (again.. llk.. kt village tu byk llk ke.. xphm btul aku..).. plus, aku rse bella x ptt menerima je myth tu.. ptt die ade conflict ngn dr die sndri.. nk2 lg llk yg encem, mnarik phatian die d katakn is a vampire?? buat la observation, find the truth.. the story will b more exciting.. hey.. u r a town girl.. ptt nyer crita psl myth2 ni msuk tlinga kiri, kuar tlinga kanan je.. aiyoyo..
aku lak over.. haha.. apa2 pon lps bce half, bru la ade pkembangan plot.. sb edward dh bwk die jumpa family die.. bru smgt ckit aku nk bce.. klo x, watak bella tu is too shallow for me.. edward kn slalu ckp yg die xleh nk bce minda bella.. duh.. x complicated pon watak bella.. huhu..
biau r aku jd author die.. meh aku draft out what shud be happening dkt 1st half of the book.. :p
bella dtg ke village tu..
she made new frens (which most of it was girl.. guy fren shud b 1 or 2.. not more, cukup dh tu.. n they shudnt have feelings towards her.. yg ade feeling, sorg je, dh cukup utk m'jeleskn edward)
she met with edward.. a guy yg slalu pndg die dgn pndgn yg mnakotkn.. (coz edward kt bella taste good kn.. of coz la he feel like eating her..)
she tried her best to fit in.. including with edward.. but edward always turn he down.. n she thinks more abt edward than anybody else.. thats what make her interested in edward more..
she will do observation but not so obsess coz she gotta do sumthg else.. juz a bit of observation.. on way he talks (of coz she will notice abt his smile).. way he interact with ppl (she will notice abt his coldness n what make he behave like that).. n the place that she always notice he's there.. i know.. dlm buku, die slalu kt klas or kt kafe kn.. but klo aku, aku x wt la kt tmpt2 tu.. coz x de kekuatan r jumpa kt tmpt2 tu.. cliche sgt utk bdk sekolah yg biasa.. the prob is, mreka adalah luar biasa, so, kne la tmpt2 yg luar biasa.. cth nye, tepi utan ke.. or any other place yg ckup utk bella wonder npe die ke ctu..
n then, evrytime kt umah, bella akn memikir kn a bit about edward b4 nk tdo.. that will mengukuhkn npe she was alwiz sleep talking.. mcm aku r.. adik aku ckp aku slalu gak merapu dlm tdo.. saying name.. huhu.. ok.. but not words like 'i luv u' coz its too early utk bella fall in luv with edward..
n then sum1 told her abt the myth.. this sum1 shud be the elder of the village (x kire la jiran ke.. makcik yg mcm witch2 ckit ke..) or her closest fren.. not sum kind of guy yg ttb showed up juz like in the book.. (too many character will make the story look messy.. unless evry character is strongly potrayed..) this will make bella want to find out more abt edward..
then 1 day, d sbb kn myth n observation yg die wt, die nk find out the truth.. n then, kantoi.. alaleng.. haha.. n then, edward will explain to her.. show her things that she doesnt even know that it existed during this chpter of kebenaran.. n he will say abt his feelings towards bella too.. n bella shud know abt his seriousness.. there's no need for edward utk keep on saying abt the seriousness or that he doesnt get mad with bella on any occasion juz like in the book.. huhu. oo.. lupa la plak.. bella shud at least show that she's shocked bl edward show his true form.. at that time, edward shud hold her hands and convince her that she will b alrite.. dont be scare..
n then, klo nk start mushy2, bru la boley sb dh start bcinta kn.. b4 that, he has to show his sweetness 1st la.. cth nye bl dh anto bella blk umah, he was hanging upside down at a tree sblh blk bella ke (utk tgk bella tdo).. ha.. seram ckit.. haha.. ha.. klo nk interprame kn pokok tu, kne la cite ckit psl pokok tu mse pmulaan cite.. bru nmpk kpentingan pokok tu..
the end..
itu shj olahan sy utk 1st half buku tu.. oleh kerana buku tu dh start bkembang, sy m'respect crita seterusnya.. huhu.. adik aku kata buku 1 n 3 x best.. 2 n 4 yg best.. or is it 1 n 4, 2 n 3? haha.. ntah r.. tp yg 2nd book adek aku kt best.. nti nk bce r klo ade mse.. hehe..
ok la.. itu shj.. punya la pnjg komen.. isk2..
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
two movie, shopping complexes and bulgogi
arini aku g lepak2 kt carrefour ngn mahkota parade..
stlh hampir dua mggu dok umah, 2 la 1st time aku kuar g jln2 kt shopping complex.. hoho..
aku amat excited ketika melangkah naik ats escalator carrefour yg slalu aku nmpk dr jln raya shj.. hoho.. jakun2.. lme btul x nmpk manusia yg rmai.. kt bntulu xde r rmai bgitu.. huhu..
pastu aku marathon dua cite arini... apa ada hal.. adik aku blnja.. haha..
mula2 tgk film bohsia.. leh thn r.. aku bg rate 4 bntang utk pelakon2 die.. kcuali diana danielle yg mcm x seswai lak mbawa watak tsebut.. coz diana danielle is too 'mat salih' la utk watak seorg gadis yg mcari rezeki yg halal dgn usaha die sndri (aka.. die bkn dr ank org senang.. her appearance juz dont fit her role ok.. plus.. die mmg kaku daa.. huhu.. ) utk jln cerita, ok la.. xde part yg boring.. so i guess this film worth mdapat pujian..
myb ade org x suke kot dgn cite ni.. for sum1 yg x open minded, myb akn rse mjengkelkn la film ni.. but this is the reality of life.. n aku sdh r tgk ank bangsa aku jd bgitu.. most of it psl kesempitan idup.. life is too cruel to those teenagers..
aku suke lakonan Shaheizy Sam (Acai-mat rempit yg agak 3 suku prangai nyer) n watak Amy (aku ksian r ngn amy ni.. die jd bohsia sb idup die.. leh thn r lakonan Salina Saibi ni).. watak hero aku x bpe nk suke sb aku mmg x minat mamat ni.. pastu watak nabila, err.. agk bising r minah ni.. agk x bkenan lak aku.. but i like her 'Lah!' mmg mjadi r die bwk watak bohsia..
Nite at the muzeum-2
pastu aku tgk cite nite at the muzium-2.. hmm.. a bit boring kot.. aku enjoy lg tgk bohsia.. waa.. kagum x??? 1st time aku suke cite melayu over cite mat salih.. huhu.. wpon mse tgk cite bohsia tu 4 org je dlm wyg tu, but i enjoy it.. hehe.. urm..
ok2.. nite at the muzium-2.. jln crita die, agk messy kot pd aku.. nk cite sume ke? xyah la.. korg bce je la apa yg aku x pueh ati ni ek.. klo the biggest muzium in the world huru hara, dgn glass btaburan d ats lntai, bkn ke alarm kselamatn akn bbunyi.. n bkn ke klo the tablet yg mhidupkn patung2 tu sume xde bdekatan ngn mreka, mreka akn jd patung blk? but the girl yg bwk watak Amylia Earhart yg pndu kapal terbang tu, stedy jek bwk kapal terbang pas anto mreka pulang ke New York.. ptt die jd patung la kn, x smpt smpai dh thempas dh kpl terbang tu.. huhu.. tipoo2.. they forget small things like that which i think, they shudnt..
altho this film is for funny genre.. but i still think they shud emphasize on that kind of thing.. n how the world leader shud behave.. no matter he's a dictator or democratic.. then, i'll enjoy more.. ni x.. nmpk la propaganda mreka mpersenda kn world leader yg len.. yg d agung2 kn adalah Abraham Lincoln n Theodore Roosevelt.. well mybe they were good us presidents.. but they shud also make other historic figure ade character yg kukuh.. bru la ade umphh.. apa raa.. spoil tol..
xpe2.. aku dpt gak tgk rexy mgoyang2 kn ekor die yg tggl tulang tu.. hehe.. comei~
Jln2 n mamam
pas tgk wyg, perut trase lapo.. apa lg.. aku n adik aku g ke Zhingdo utk mkn Bulgogi Chicken Bibim Bap.. best siot.. hoho..
oo.. b4 that.. aku ikut adik aku singgah kt tmpt kije die.. kwn die ckp aku nmpk muda dr adik aku.. mreka igt adik aku bwk adik.. haha.. trimas utk pminat2 skalian.. sy sungguh tharu! sy tau sy nmpk muda.. haha.. geli jek.. well.. myb sb adik aku bgaya.. tp aku slekeh.. spt biasa.. bl tgk wyg d musim2 bdk sekolah (which x rmai org n aku sje2 je nk buang mse) aku pkai t shirt biasa + SELIPAR! haha.. adik aku, ngn heel die, ayoyo, ssh la mau lintas jln. aku blari dh.. die ttinggal kt blkg.. haha.. miahn2..
ok.. itu shj.. pnjang btul.. lorat jek nk cite sume.. hakhak.. ok la.. till then.. salam..
stlh hampir dua mggu dok umah, 2 la 1st time aku kuar g jln2 kt shopping complex.. hoho..
aku amat excited ketika melangkah naik ats escalator carrefour yg slalu aku nmpk dr jln raya shj.. hoho.. jakun2.. lme btul x nmpk manusia yg rmai.. kt bntulu xde r rmai bgitu.. huhu..
pastu aku marathon dua cite arini... apa ada hal.. adik aku blnja.. haha..
mula2 tgk film bohsia.. leh thn r.. aku bg rate 4 bntang utk pelakon2 die.. kcuali diana danielle yg mcm x seswai lak mbawa watak tsebut.. coz diana danielle is too 'mat salih' la utk watak seorg gadis yg mcari rezeki yg halal dgn usaha die sndri (aka.. die bkn dr ank org senang.. her appearance juz dont fit her role ok.. plus.. die mmg kaku daa.. huhu.. ) utk jln cerita, ok la.. xde part yg boring.. so i guess this film worth mdapat pujian..
myb ade org x suke kot dgn cite ni.. for sum1 yg x open minded, myb akn rse mjengkelkn la film ni.. but this is the reality of life.. n aku sdh r tgk ank bangsa aku jd bgitu.. most of it psl kesempitan idup.. life is too cruel to those teenagers..
aku suke lakonan Shaheizy Sam (Acai-mat rempit yg agak 3 suku prangai nyer) n watak Amy (aku ksian r ngn amy ni.. die jd bohsia sb idup die.. leh thn r lakonan Salina Saibi ni).. watak hero aku x bpe nk suke sb aku mmg x minat mamat ni.. pastu watak nabila, err.. agk bising r minah ni.. agk x bkenan lak aku.. but i like her 'Lah!' mmg mjadi r die bwk watak bohsia..
Nite at the muzeum-2
pastu aku tgk cite nite at the muzium-2.. hmm.. a bit boring kot.. aku enjoy lg tgk bohsia.. waa.. kagum x??? 1st time aku suke cite melayu over cite mat salih.. huhu.. wpon mse tgk cite bohsia tu 4 org je dlm wyg tu, but i enjoy it.. hehe.. urm..
ok2.. nite at the muzium-2.. jln crita die, agk messy kot pd aku.. nk cite sume ke? xyah la.. korg bce je la apa yg aku x pueh ati ni ek.. klo the biggest muzium in the world huru hara, dgn glass btaburan d ats lntai, bkn ke alarm kselamatn akn bbunyi.. n bkn ke klo the tablet yg mhidupkn patung2 tu sume xde bdekatan ngn mreka, mreka akn jd patung blk? but the girl yg bwk watak Amylia Earhart yg pndu kapal terbang tu, stedy jek bwk kapal terbang pas anto mreka pulang ke New York.. ptt die jd patung la kn, x smpt smpai dh thempas dh kpl terbang tu.. huhu.. tipoo2.. they forget small things like that which i think, they shudnt..
altho this film is for funny genre.. but i still think they shud emphasize on that kind of thing.. n how the world leader shud behave.. no matter he's a dictator or democratic.. then, i'll enjoy more.. ni x.. nmpk la propaganda mreka mpersenda kn world leader yg len.. yg d agung2 kn adalah Abraham Lincoln n Theodore Roosevelt.. well mybe they were good us presidents.. but they shud also make other historic figure ade character yg kukuh.. bru la ade umphh.. apa raa.. spoil tol..
xpe2.. aku dpt gak tgk rexy mgoyang2 kn ekor die yg tggl tulang tu.. hehe.. comei~
Jln2 n mamam
pas tgk wyg, perut trase lapo.. apa lg.. aku n adik aku g ke Zhingdo utk mkn Bulgogi Chicken Bibim Bap.. best siot.. hoho..
oo.. b4 that.. aku ikut adik aku singgah kt tmpt kije die.. kwn die ckp aku nmpk muda dr adik aku.. mreka igt adik aku bwk adik.. haha.. trimas utk pminat2 skalian.. sy sungguh tharu! sy tau sy nmpk muda.. haha.. geli jek.. well.. myb sb adik aku bgaya.. tp aku slekeh.. spt biasa.. bl tgk wyg d musim2 bdk sekolah (which x rmai org n aku sje2 je nk buang mse) aku pkai t shirt biasa + SELIPAR! haha.. adik aku, ngn heel die, ayoyo, ssh la mau lintas jln. aku blari dh.. die ttinggal kt blkg.. haha.. miahn2..
ok.. itu shj.. pnjang btul.. lorat jek nk cite sume.. hakhak.. ok la.. till then.. salam..
Sunday, May 17, 2009
i'm home!!!!
this time, i wont b coming back to bintulu again.. hukhuk..
agak sdh gak mse mninggalkn upmkb.. wuwu..
tp, aku bjaya utk tidak menangis mcurah2.. malu gak.. org len stedy jek..
yg naik bas 9 org, tp yg mhantar, punya lah rmai.. haha..
brg kitorg sgt byk! brg aku sje dh 5..
beg bagasi - 22kg
beg pack - unknown.. but i think abt 6 kilos.. gle berat aku bwk kt blkg.. hukhuk..
beg laptop - 3 kilo kot..
printer - 5 kilo..
beg kertas (ada APHA dlm die) - 2 kilo..
kira r sndri bpe.. haha..
wpon extra lugage n we have to pay for it, tp i dont mind la coz we negotiated.. puas ati naik MAS sb the service is good! MH - malaysian hospitality kn..
thx to emi sb offer utk bwkkn APHA aku..
thx to fndi gak sb kasi aku tumpang printer..
thx to mira, suree, adah sb agkt kn beg2 yg berat.. isk2.. u roxx girl! superwoman btul korg..
the food is awesome!
but when we touched down at klia, err.. not so smooth landing la.. ops.. hakhak..
its great to see my mummy, ayh n k.ngah waiting 4 me!
otw blk, bli durian n manggis.. best btul!
kitorg lalu sungai tuang sb nk g pgkalan balak, mkn2.. hakhak.. rndu r kt tmpt tu..
ayh aku bilang aku sudah kurus! haha.. gemok blk la gamaknye klo dh dok umah ni.. haha..
btw, aku leh lupa ek kt blk aku dh ade toilet.. aku mmg suka g toilet kt dapur.. sb leh singgah mkn2.. haha..
ooh.. did i mention we met shiela majid at klia? we r in the same lift.. comei n kecik gle.. baik gak la.. sb die tolong jaga butang open kt lift tu sb nk bg org kuar msuk.. n keep on mention 'its ok, i jaga pntu lift'.. haha.. i was like 'pelik nyer this woman.. jaga pntu lift pon nk ckp byk2 kali..' (at that time i x prasan pon die shiela majid sb i blkg kn die.. haha.. rupa2 nya public figure..well.. die kne la show good attitude) yg mummy i lak dok wt mimik muka.. try to say that its shiela majid.. haha.. sori ye mummy.. xtau pulak u nk maen regu dlm lift tu.. bl dh kuar, bru la i toleh, n phm la apa yg mummy i try smpai kn.. hakhak..
skrg i mau g cr bntl busuk.. eh apsal aku ber'i-i' lak ni.. gedik tol.. haha.. aku mmg gedik pon.. aku suka wonder girls! :P
p/s: lega gle tesis dh settle utk d jilid kn.. n lucky me xde bnda yg perlu d btul kn.. format dh cntik dh.. haha..
p/s 2: pnjg gle post ni.. haha..
i'm home!!!!
this time, i wont b coming back to bintulu again.. hukhuk..
agak sdh gak mse mninggalkn upmkb.. wuwu..
tp, aku bjaya utk tidak menangis mcurah2.. malu gak.. org len stedy jek..
yg naik bas 9 org, tp yg mhantar, punya lah rmai.. haha..
brg kitorg sgt byk! brg aku sje dh 5..
beg bagasi - 22kg
beg pack - unknown.. but i think abt 6 kilos.. gle berat aku bwk kt blkg.. hukhuk..
beg laptop - 3 kilo kot..
printer - 5 kilo..
beg kertas (ada APHA dlm die) - 2 kilo..
kira r sndri bpe.. haha..
wpon extra lugage n we have to pay for it, tp i dont mind la coz we negotiated.. puas ati naik MAS sb the service is good! MH - malaysian hospitality kn..
thx to emi sb offer utk bwkkn APHA aku..
thx to fndi gak sb kasi aku tumpang printer..
thx to mira, suree, adah sb agkt kn beg2 yg berat.. isk2.. u roxx girl! superwoman btul korg..
the food is awesome!
but when we touched down at klia, err.. not so smooth landing la.. ops.. hakhak..
its great to see my mummy, ayh n k.ngah waiting 4 me!
otw blk, bli durian n manggis.. best btul!
kitorg lalu sungai tuang sb nk g pgkalan balak, mkn2.. hakhak.. rndu r kt tmpt tu..
ayh aku bilang aku sudah kurus! haha.. gemok blk la gamaknye klo dh dok umah ni.. haha..
btw, aku leh lupa ek kt blk aku dh ade toilet.. aku mmg suka g toilet kt dapur.. sb leh singgah mkn2.. haha..
ooh.. did i mention we met shiela majid at klia? we r in the same lift.. comei n kecik gle.. baik gak la.. sb die tolong jaga butang open kt lift tu sb nk bg org kuar msuk.. n keep on mention 'its ok, i jaga pntu lift'.. haha.. i was like 'pelik nyer this woman.. jaga pntu lift pon nk ckp byk2 kali..' (at that time i x prasan pon die shiela majid sb i blkg kn die.. haha.. rupa2 nya public figure..well.. die kne la show good attitude) yg mummy i lak dok wt mimik muka.. try to say that its shiela majid.. haha.. sori ye mummy.. xtau pulak u nk maen regu dlm lift tu.. bl dh kuar, bru la i toleh, n phm la apa yg mummy i try smpai kn.. hakhak..
skrg i mau g cr bntl busuk.. eh apsal aku ber'i-i' lak ni.. gedik tol.. haha.. aku mmg gedik pon.. aku suka wonder girls! :P
p/s: lega gle tesis dh settle utk d jilid kn.. n lucky me xde bnda yg perlu d btul kn.. format dh cntik dh.. haha..
p/s 2: pnjg gle post ni.. haha..
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Time is ticking
sbtu ni dh nk pulang..
so, arini i dh wt final touch agr thesis gue dpt d jilidkn..
tp, xtau la kn.. print kt ict, abeh sume margin lari..
jd esok, pg2 buta aku n mira akn g ict.. wish us luck..
semoga Allah s.w.t mpermudahkn segala urusanku esok..
aku dh trase sayu dh ni.. especially rabbit n merlin yg akn d beri/djual dlm mse tdekat ni..
nk bwk blk smnjg, byk lak songeh procedurnye..
kne amik permit import export n health cert.. permit kne soh org dr smnjg fax kn.. permit export kne bli kt jbtn ptanian bhgian haiwan.. bl dh de permit diorg akn issue health cert gak.. leceh kn?
syg sgt dua2 ekor ni.. hukhuk..
so, arini i dh wt final touch agr thesis gue dpt d jilidkn..
tp, xtau la kn.. print kt ict, abeh sume margin lari..
jd esok, pg2 buta aku n mira akn g ict.. wish us luck..
semoga Allah s.w.t mpermudahkn segala urusanku esok..
aku dh trase sayu dh ni.. especially rabbit n merlin yg akn d beri/djual dlm mse tdekat ni..
nk bwk blk smnjg, byk lak songeh procedurnye..
kne amik permit import export n health cert.. permit kne soh org dr smnjg fax kn.. permit export kne bli kt jbtn ptanian bhgian haiwan.. bl dh de permit diorg akn issue health cert gak.. leceh kn?
syg sgt dua2 ekor ni.. hukhuk..
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
today is monday (late post)
isnin (11/05)
mcm2 gak jd pd tarikh ni..
besday kwn baik aku kt upmkb ni.. cha.. hepi besday cha.. sian die tpaksa mdengar sore sumbang kami.. hehe
kwn baik aku lg sorg dh present.. lega2.. hehe.. aku lak yg lega.. :P die blnja aku mkn nasi arini! ade smbl sotong feveret aku, ade aym kari (pds gle lauk2 ni) pahtu sayur togey.. best! oishii! arigato mirae-kun..
adik aku msuk matrik arini.. huhu.. pg2 aku dh call.. kul 10.. hehe.. pg la sgt.. eh pg la utk aku.. mak aku pon tkezut.. 'awal ko bgn?' hehe.. mesti die igt ank die buang tebiat.. :p
sian adik aku.. dh biasa spoon-feed.. pg2 nk kjut pon ssh.. mak aku pon riso.. tkut die xdpt nk adapt kt matrik.. xpe r.. biau die bdikari..
syahdu gak dgr cite dr mak aku.. dua mggu sblum nk chow, ari2 die dok meleseh2 dkt ngn mak aku.. huhu..
td aku call, senyap jek.. bl tnye, diam jek.. tau2 dh nangeh.. xde sedu sedan.. haha..
mak aku cite, sblum blah, ayh aku dok ngusik die, nti die kne naik ketapi klo nk blk.. smpai tampin nti abg aku leh amik.. t'makan gak usikan ayh aku tu.. kompem die riso.. dh r x nah nek ketapi.. haha.. aku dgr die nk naik ketapi, aku yg smgt! nk naik ketapi gak! jakun aku ni.. haha..
k r.. smpai cni sje coretan kali ini..
p/s: tringat mse 1st day dtg bintulu.. nangeh gak.. nsb bk ade bntl busuk! hehe..
mcm2 gak jd pd tarikh ni..
besday kwn baik aku kt upmkb ni.. cha.. hepi besday cha.. sian die tpaksa mdengar sore sumbang kami.. hehe
kwn baik aku lg sorg dh present.. lega2.. hehe.. aku lak yg lega.. :P die blnja aku mkn nasi arini! ade smbl sotong feveret aku, ade aym kari (pds gle lauk2 ni) pahtu sayur togey.. best! oishii! arigato mirae-kun..
adik aku msuk matrik arini.. huhu.. pg2 aku dh call.. kul 10.. hehe.. pg la sgt.. eh pg la utk aku.. mak aku pon tkezut.. 'awal ko bgn?' hehe.. mesti die igt ank die buang tebiat.. :p
sian adik aku.. dh biasa spoon-feed.. pg2 nk kjut pon ssh.. mak aku pon riso.. tkut die xdpt nk adapt kt matrik.. xpe r.. biau die bdikari..
syahdu gak dgr cite dr mak aku.. dua mggu sblum nk chow, ari2 die dok meleseh2 dkt ngn mak aku.. huhu..
td aku call, senyap jek.. bl tnye, diam jek.. tau2 dh nangeh.. xde sedu sedan.. haha..
mak aku cite, sblum blah, ayh aku dok ngusik die, nti die kne naik ketapi klo nk blk.. smpai tampin nti abg aku leh amik.. t'makan gak usikan ayh aku tu.. kompem die riso.. dh r x nah nek ketapi.. haha.. aku dgr die nk naik ketapi, aku yg smgt! nk naik ketapi gak! jakun aku ni.. haha..
k r.. smpai cni sje coretan kali ini..
p/s: tringat mse 1st day dtg bintulu.. nangeh gak.. nsb bk ade bntl busuk! hehe..
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Matrik? U?
pg2 lg nset aku dh bbunyi..
inbox 1/18..
aku pon bukak msj..
'along.. time daftar nk kne pkai kasut pnuh ke?'
huhu.. adik aku g KL dh arini.. esok bru g Perak utk dftr msuk matrik..
lately ni asik tringat matrik jek..
ni beberapa bnda yg ade kt matrik tp xde kt U
1) Baju
Matrik: sume org sgt smart n mcm innocent jek sb llk bkemeja & btali leher, girl lak kne pkai bju kurung.. oo.. sume kne pkai kasut tutup..
U: sume selekeh jek.. ari korporat pon lom tentu nk pkai bju kurung/kemeja.. isk2.. g kuliah pkai selipar..
2) Blok
Matrik: kul 8 blok kediaman dh kosong sb sume org g kuliah..
U: Ada org stil tdo lg wpon dh tghari sb xde kuliah pg..
3) Toilet
Matrik: kul 7, tpaksa Q dh.. toilet full!
U: Mandi la bl2.. toilet kosong jek..
4) Kasut
Matrik: mlm2 fellow dtg check kasut bsusun ke x.. haha..
U: Lantak kome la.. kasut kome.. kdg sepak jek.. spe soh ltk tgh2 alam..
5) TV
Matrik: ade limit tgk tv.. smpai kul 11.. tp slalu je over the limit especially bl tgk charmed.. kdg aku n rumet aku trun tgk tv kul 1pg.. kuikuikui..
U: unlimited edition.. smpai tcabut dh butang2 kt tv tu.. isk2..
6) Lecturer
Matrik: pggl cikgu
U: pggl title or status..
7) Jadual
Matrik: pack gle! 8-5.. break 1 or 2 jam je.. blk kuliah, terus flat.. x smpt nk blajo.. pahtu bl exam, haram jadah.. xtau nk jwb pe..
U: Masih boleh d terima akal n badan.. x pack sgt..
urm.. apa lg ek.. cant think.. haha.. nti klo ade tmbhn, leh r bg cdgn ye, wahai bdk2 matrik yg mbace entry aku ni.. till then, chow dlu r.. nk msk daa..
inbox 1/18..
aku pon bukak msj..
'along.. time daftar nk kne pkai kasut pnuh ke?'
huhu.. adik aku g KL dh arini.. esok bru g Perak utk dftr msuk matrik..
lately ni asik tringat matrik jek..
ni beberapa bnda yg ade kt matrik tp xde kt U
1) Baju
Matrik: sume org sgt smart n mcm innocent jek sb llk bkemeja & btali leher, girl lak kne pkai bju kurung.. oo.. sume kne pkai kasut tutup..
U: sume selekeh jek.. ari korporat pon lom tentu nk pkai bju kurung/kemeja.. isk2.. g kuliah pkai selipar..
2) Blok
Matrik: kul 8 blok kediaman dh kosong sb sume org g kuliah..
U: Ada org stil tdo lg wpon dh tghari sb xde kuliah pg..
3) Toilet
Matrik: kul 7, tpaksa Q dh.. toilet full!
U: Mandi la bl2.. toilet kosong jek..
4) Kasut
Matrik: mlm2 fellow dtg check kasut bsusun ke x.. haha..
U: Lantak kome la.. kasut kome.. kdg sepak jek.. spe soh ltk tgh2 alam..
5) TV
Matrik: ade limit tgk tv.. smpai kul 11.. tp slalu je over the limit especially bl tgk charmed.. kdg aku n rumet aku trun tgk tv kul 1pg.. kuikuikui..
U: unlimited edition.. smpai tcabut dh butang2 kt tv tu.. isk2..
6) Lecturer
Matrik: pggl cikgu
U: pggl title or status..
7) Jadual
Matrik: pack gle! 8-5.. break 1 or 2 jam je.. blk kuliah, terus flat.. x smpt nk blajo.. pahtu bl exam, haram jadah.. xtau nk jwb pe..
U: Masih boleh d terima akal n badan.. x pack sgt..
urm.. apa lg ek.. cant think.. haha.. nti klo ade tmbhn, leh r bg cdgn ye, wahai bdk2 matrik yg mbace entry aku ni.. till then, chow dlu r.. nk msk daa..
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